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Corpus sur le droit à l’education 2

Resources - Author: Alfred Fernandez, Diletta Tandoi, Laetitia Faure-Desmoulins, Marika Ison, Pierre Derivaz / Year: 2016

Ce recueil de normes internationales regroupe les dispositions figurant dans les normes sur le droit à l’éducation sous des concepts pris des instruments internationaux des Nations Unies, de l’UNESCO et de l’OIT. Cette étude concerne donc exclusivement le système universel. Il a pour finalité de donner une vision exhaustive...

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Universal Social Protection Floors: costing estimates and affordability in 57 lower income countries (ESS Working Paper No. 58)

Resources - Author: Andrés Acuña-Ulate, Christina Behrendt, Fabio Durán-Valverde, Isabel Ortiz, Karuna Pal / Year: 2017

This paper presents the results of costing universal social protection floors in 34 lower middle-income, and 23 low-income countries, consisting of: (i) allowances for all children and all orphans; (ii) maternity benefits for all women with newborns; (iii) benefits for all persons with severe disabilities, and (iv) universal old-age...

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Case Studies and Exercises on Unemployment Protection Based on the Fictional Country of Coresia

Resources - Author: Céline Peyron Bista, Cheng Boon Ong / Year: 2017

The case studies and exercises on unemployment protection based on the fictional country of Coresia is part of the training material of the Unemployment protection: A good practices guide and training package, Experiences from ASEAN. The training material was produced under ILO/Japan Project, Promoting and Building Social Protection in...

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Unemployment protection: A good practices guide and training package — Experiences from ASEAN

Resources - Author: Céline Peyron Bista, John Carter / Year: 2017

This unemployment protection guide covers knowledge, expertise and instruments that were developed through technical assistance to ASEAN countries provided by the ILO/Japan Project, Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia. It can be used also as a toolkit by policy-makers to conduct feasibility studies for the design of unemployment...

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Shame, Poverty and Social Protection

Resources - Author: Keetie Roelen / Year: 2017

Despite long-standing conceptual considerations of shame in understanding poverty and debates about its moral, social and emotional qualities, the role of shame in poverty reduction policies remains largely unexplored. Notions of shame or mechanisms leading to shame – such as stigma or lack of dignity or respect – feature...

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Understanding Multiple Trajectories of Extending Social Protection to the Poor: An analysis of institutional change in Kenya

Resources - Author: Barbara Rohregger, Bethuel Kinuthia, Esther Schüring, Grace Ikua, Katja Bender, Nicky Pouw / Year: 2017

Political economic analyses of recent social protection reforms in Asian, African or Latin American countries have increased throughout the last few years. Yet, most contributions focus on one social protection mechanism only and do not provide a comparative approach across policy areas. In addition, most studies are empirical studies,...

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How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: linking cash transfers to services and sectors

Resources - Author: Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Bruno Martorano, Keetie Roelen, Luigi Peter Ragno, Stephen Devereux, Tia Palermo / Year: 2017

The broad-ranging benefits of cash transfers are now widely recognized. However, the evidence base highlights that they often fall short in achieving longer-term and second-order impacts related to nutrition, learning outcomes and morbidity. In recognition of these limitations, several ‘cash plus’ initiatives have been introduced, whereby cash transfers are...

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Social Protection and Resilience: supporting livelihoods in protracted crises and in fragile and humanitarian contexts

Resources - Author: Federico Spano, Natalia Winder Rossi, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Sarah Kohnstamm / Year: 2017

The paper discusses the role social protection can play in saving livelihoods while also enhancing the capacity of households to respond, cope and withstand threats and crises. It focuses on social protection’s role in protracted crises and fragile and humanitarian contexts, as well as discusses the importance of shock-response...

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Protected Against Climate Damage? The opportunities and limitations of climate risk insurance for the protection of vulnerable populations

Resources - Author: Nicola Wiebe, Sabine Minninger, Thomas Hirsch / Year: 2017

Climate change is not a problem of a distant future; it is already a bitter reality for millions of people around the world today. Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt) and ACT Alliance’s partner organisations report that the regions in which they operate are increasingly experiencing the...

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World Social Protection Report 2017-2019 Executive Summary

Resources - Year: 2017

Universal social protection is essential for realizing the human right to social security for all, advancing social justice and promoting inclusive growth, and accelerating progress towards achieving the globally agreed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This ILO flagship report provides a global overview...

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World Social Protection Report 2017–19: Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Resources - Year: 2017

Universal social protection is essential for realizing the human right to social security for all, advancing social justice and promoting inclusive growth, and accelerating progress towards achieving the globally agreed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This ILO flagship report provides a global overview...

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Defending Dignity: A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions on Monitoring Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Resources - Author: Allison Corkery, Ignacio Saiz, Kate Donald, Kieren Fitzpatrick, Nicholas Lusiani, Thuy Doan-Smith / Year: 2015

The Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) and the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) are pleased to present Defending Dignity: A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions on Monitoring Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Despite significant economic growth in recent decades, poverty levels in...

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Rethinking Transitions: economic and social justice in societies emerging from conflict

Resources - Author: Felipe Gómez Isa, Gaby Oré Aguilar / Year: 2011

Transitions bring the opportunity to rewrite the social contract between state and society, to restructure institutional architecture and tackle the political, social and economic deficits that contribute to social exclusion and deprivation. In transitions, economic and social rights have the potential to translate people’s social justice claims into normative...

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From Disparity to Dignity: tackling economic inequality through the Sustainable Development Goals

Resources - Author: Kate Donald, Lena Kahler, Nicholas Lusiani / Year: 2016

The briefing explores a critical set of redistributive policies – in the areas of social protection, health, education and taxation – that are key to tackling economic inequality from a human rights perspective. It also explains the equally crucial ‘pre-distributive’ policies – actions governments should take to ensure the...

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Social Protection and Human Rights