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Decreto 376 – Reforma el Decreto 332

Legal depository - Country: El Salvador / Year: 2013

Decreto original no especificaba si la licencia debe otorgarse o no con goce del salario. Esta reforma establece que por esta licencia, el patrono estará obligado a reconocer una prestación económica equivalente al salario ordinario de tres días....

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Decreto N° 93, Ley de Maternidad y Paternidad responsable

Legal depository - Country: El Salvador / Year: 2013

Esta ley es especial y tiene por objeto establecer los mecanismos y el procedimiento para garantizar que toda niña y todo niño sean reconocidos legalmente por parte de sus padres y, para que cuando sea necesario, se determine con certeza jurídica la maternidad o paternidad, permitiendo con ello una...

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Ley 20.680

Legal depository - Country: Chile / Year: 2013

Incorpora el cuidado compartido de los hijos, sólo en la medida que los padres estén de acuerdo, modificando las reglas de la relación directa regular y otorgando la posibilidad de que ambos padres en conjunto puedan tener la patria potestad en caso de acuerdo. Además, le otorga criterios objetivos...

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Ley 20.682

Legal depository - Country: Chile / Year: 2013

Excusa de ser vocal de mesa a las mujeres en estado de embarazo dentro de las 6 semanas previas al parto y hasta 24 semanas siguientes a este, circunstancia que deberá acreditarse. Es independiente de si la mujer tiene trabajo remunerado o...

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Ley 12.812

Legal depository - Country: Brazil / Year: 2013

Agrega el artículo 391-A a la Consolidación de las Leyes del Trabajo para disponer sobre la estabilidad provisoria de la embarazada, prevista en el inciso b del número II del artículo 10, del Acto de las Disposiciones Constitucionales...

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Decreto Supremo N° 1455

Legal depository - Country: Bolivia / Year: 2013

Se otorga el beneficio de “licencia especial” a todas las madres, padres, tutores y responsables que trabajen en el sector público y privado que tengan hijos menores de doce (12) años que requieran atención personal con motivo de un accidente grave o enfermedad...

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Ley 26.873

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Year: 2013

Establece acciones de promoción de la lactancia materna exclusiva y prácticas óptimas de alimentación en niños hasta los seis meses de edad, así como también la promoción de la lactancia materna continuada y alimentación complementaria oportuna para niños de hasta dos años de vida. Dentro de la ley se...

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Resources - Author: Karishma Huda, Stephen Kidd / Year: 2013

This short paper aims to answer this question by assessing the evidence on Brazil’s social security system. It will examine the beneficiary numbers, budgets, levels of benefits and, importantly, impacts and coverage of the main social security schemes in Brazil. This paper will reveal that the real hero driving...

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Social security provisions in the Constitution of Slovenia

Legal depository - Country: Slovenia / Year: 2013

Relevant articles: Article 50 – Right to Social Security Citizens have the right to social security, including the right to a pension, under conditions provided by law. The state shall regulate compulsory health, pension, disability and other social insurance, and shall ensure its proper functioning. Special protection in accordance...

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Social security provisions in the Constitution of Montenegro

Legal depository - Country: Montenegro / Year: 2013

Relevant article: Article 67 – Social insurance Social insurance of the employed shall be mandatory. The state shall provide material security to the person that is unable to work and has no funds for life. Article 68 – Protection of the persons with disability Special protection of the persons...

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Social security provisions in the Constitution of Ireland

Legal depository - Country: Ireland / Year: 2013

Relevant articles: The Family – Article 41 … 1(2°) The State, therefore, guarantees to protect the Family in its constitution and authority, as the necessary basis of social order and as indispensable to the welfare of the Nation and the State. … 2(2°) The State shall, therefore, endeavour to...

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Social security provisions in the Constitution of Iceland

Legal depository - Country: Iceland / Year: 2013

Relevant article: Article 76 The law shall guarantee for everyone the necessary assistance in case of sickness, invalidity, infirmity by reason of old age, unemployment and similar circumstances. The law shall guarantee for everyone suitable general education and tuition. For children, the law shall guarantee the protection and care...

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Social security provisions in the Constitution of Hungary

Legal depository - Country: Hungary / Year: 2013

Relevant articles: Article XVI 1. Every child shall have the right to the protection and care required for his or her proper physical, mental and moral development. 2. Parents shall have the right to choose the type of upbringing they deem fit for their children. 3. Parents shall be...

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ITUC Frontlines Report: Collective Bargaining

Resources - Year: 2013

Five years since the “great recession” started, the failed policy of austerity has left a legacy of extreme levels of unemployment, rising inequality, the marginalisation of a generation of young people and the desperation of a growing informal sector where rules simply don’t apply. International institutions did not prevent...

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Social Protection and Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Resources - Year: 2013

Benjamin Davis, team leader of FAO-led From Protection to Production (PtoP) project, explains Social Protection in relation to FAO’s work and mandate. In particular he focuses on impacts of social cash transfers on rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa and how these programmes can contribute to broader economic and agriculture...

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Inter-Regional Report on Labour Migration and Social Protection

Resources - Year: 2013

Since the 1970s in particular, the countries of Western Asia and those of the Asia-Pacific region have been closely linked to each other through highly extensive movements of people. Opportunities created by the rapid development of the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), but also other countries in...

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Provision of Basic Healthcare Services by Non-State Actors in Arab Countries: Benefits and Risks

Resources - Author: Allison Minor, Katherine Brooks / Year: 2013

Basic social services such as education, water and sanitation, healthcare and housing are intended to meet essential human needs. States are given the task of guaranteeing equal access to these services, either through direct provision or through the regulation of services provided by other institutions, such as businesses or...

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Stratégie Nationale de Protection Sociale

Resources - Year: 2013

Par l’adoption de cette Stratégie, le Gouvernement de Côte d’Ivoire s’inscrit dans les grandes orientations adoptées au niveau international par les Nations Unies et au niveau régional par l’Union Africaine. En avril 2009, le Système des Nations Unies a proposé un « socle de protection sociale » comme une...

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Uganda Social Protection Financing Options Programme (Final Report)

Resources - Author: Francis Twinamatsiko, Tim Cammack / Year: 2013

Social protection is globally recognized as a critical component of national development strategies and key to achieving inclusive pro poor, equitable development. To realize Uganda’s social protection goals the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development in partnership with the Department for International Development (DFID), Irish Aid and UNICEF,...

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Social Protection and Human Rights