Essential Content on the Right to Education

Author: Alfred Fernandez, Flavio Leoni, Jennifer Lehe, Virginie Pache
Year: 2017
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The right to education appears in more than 40 standards —declarations and conventions— of the international system, under the aegises of the United Nations, UNESCO, and the International Labour Organization. The principle norms on the right to education are set by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) (art. 13 and 14), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) (art. 28, 29 and 30) and the UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination in Education (CADE).

This document compiles language from these instruments and others in order to present concrete guidance regarding the right to education. In other words, the following pages collate content taken verbatim from different international documents in order to clarify 1) what the right to education includes, 2) some circumstances that constitute a violation of the right, and 3) recommendations from international and regional bodies for fulfilling the right to education.

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