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Access to health care for children of illegal immigrants in France

Legal depository - Country: France / Body: European Committee of Social Rights / Year: 2004

Summary: The International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) claimed that France had violated the right to medical assistance (Article 13 of Revised European Social Charter) by ending the exemption given to illegal immigrants, with very low incomes, from expenses for medical and hospital treatment. The complainant alleged the...

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Judicial protection of of pensioners’ rights in Peru

Legal depository - Country: Peru / Body: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights / Year: 2005

Summary: The complaint was filed at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) by a group of retired public servants against the State of Peru  alleging violation of the right to property and the right to judicial protection relating to non-compliance with court decisions. Concerning the reduction of retiree...

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Conditions for receipt of unemployment benefits and other forms of insurance in the Netherlands

Legal depository - Country: Netherlands / Body: European Committee of Social Rights / Year: 2006

Summary: The European Committee of Social Rights reviewed the report of the Dutch government on the levels of social security in The Netherlands and noted that the Unemployment Benefit Act (WW) comprises a short-term benefit (conditions for payment 26 weeks of paid employment during the last 39 weeks), and...

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Adequate levels of social protection benefits in Bulgaria

Legal depository - Country: Bulgaria / Body: European Committee of Social Rights / Year: 2010

Summary: The European Committee of Social Rights notes that a social security system must guarantee an effective right to social security with respect to the benefits provided under each branch (Conclusions XIII-4, General Introduction on Article 12). Moreover, the Committee recalls that Article 12(1) requires social security benefits to...

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Combining constitutional and international standards for social protection resource mobilization in Latvia

Legal depository - Country: Latvia / Body: Constitutional Courts / Year: 2001

Summary: In 2000, twenty Latvian parliamentarians complained to Latvia’s Constitutional Court that certain employers within Latvia were not paying social insurance premiums into a fund for their employees, and that this was a breach of the human right to social security as per Latvia’s constitution as well as Articles...

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Integrating informal workers into market reform strategies in Colombia

Legal depository - Country: Colombia / Body: Constitutional Courts / Year: 2009

Summary: Recycling activities in Colombia have traditionally been carried out by extremely poor and marginalized sectors of society. Materials are collected from landfills or the streets, transported and sold as recyclable material to intermediary informal warehouses for modest sums. However, over the course of the last decade, recycling became...

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Access to information about beneficiaries to ensure social accountability of state decisions

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Body: Argentina - Supreme Court (Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación), Supreme Courts / Year: 2014

Summary: CIPPEC (Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento ) has been denied access to information concerning the beneficiaries of subsidies and social cash transfer programs in 2006 and 2007. The Supreme Court considered that accessing such data has a clear public interest, since it enables...

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Forced evictions and violations of rights recognized by regional and international instruments in Kenya

Legal depository - Country: Kenya / Body: Other Domestic Courts / Year: 2011

Summary: The case was brought before the High Court of Kenya by Hakijamii, a human rights organisation in Nairobi, based on the request of over 1,000 individuals. They included women, children and older persons who reported having been evicted from their homes in Garissa municipality. The homes were built...

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Social Protection and Human Rights