Argentina, Ley 27203, Acitividad Actoral
The Argentinian law No. 27203 defines the scope of actions of an actor-performer and equates them. Further, it introduces a special method to estimate the number of years of service and contributions to the social security scheme (Article 13). Link to Ley...
Read MorePension Privatization and Reversal of Pension Reforms in Argentina (ESS Working Paper No. 64)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Argentina. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, coverage, benefit adequacy, financing and contribution rates,...
Read MoreReversing Pension Privatizations: Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America
From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions. Fourteen countries were in Latin America (by chronological order, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Panama), another fourteen countries in Eastern Europe and the...
Read MoreUniversal Social Protection Country Cases
Countries have used many options to finance universal social protection. Those options include: (i) re-allocating public expenditures (e.g., from financing public subsidies to financing specific programs); (ii) increasing tax revenues, including revenue generated from taxation of natural resources; (iii) using the reductions of debt or debt servicing; (iv) expanding...
Read MoreRecommendation on Social Protection Floors: Basic Principles for Innovative Solutions
This book assesses the catalogue of principles included in the ILO Recommendation on Social Protection Floors from a legal perspective. Despite the international community’s recognition of social protection as a human right, the vast majority of the world’s population still has no access to social protection. In a major effort...
Read MoreIncome Inequality and Labour Income Share in G20 Countries: Trends, impacts and causes
The Government of Turkey has made inclusiveness one of the three priorities of its G20 Presidency. This builds upon the G20 Leaders’ commitment in 2014 to “…support development and inclusive growth, and help to reduce inequality and poverty.” Indeed, the inclusiveness of growth, and the related issues of...
Read MoreConditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Coverage and investment trends
This document analyses the evolution of the population coverage and investment of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes, which are poverty reduction initiatives, in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 20 years. The analysis is based on up-to-date, detailed information from the database on non-contributory...
Read MoreLey 22.431 De Protección Integral para los discapacitados.
Crea un sistema de protección integral de las personas discapacitadas, tendiente a asegurar a éstas su atención médica, su educación y su seguridad social, así como a concederles las franquicias y estímulos que permitan, en lo posible neutralizar la desventaja, que la discapacidad les provoca y les den oportunidad,...
Read MoreLey 24.714 Ley de Asignaciones Familiares.
Se incorpora al régimen de asignaciones familiares la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH) para Protección Social que consiste en una prestación monetaria no retributiva que se abona a uno sólo de los padres/tutor/curador/pariente por consanguinidad hasta el tercer grado....
Read MoreLey 24.716 Licencia para trabajadoras madres de hijos con síndrome de down
En el artículo 1 se establece que el nacimiento de un hijo con Síndrome de Down otorgará a la madre trabajadora en relación de dependencia el derecho a seis meses de licencia sin goce de sueldo desde la fecha del vencimiento del período de prohibición de trabajo por maternidad....
Read MoreLey 25.273 de Creación de un sistema de inasistencias justificadas por razones de gravidez
Crea un régimen especial de inasistencias justificadas por razones de gravidez para alumnas que cursen los ciclos de enseñanza general básica, polimodal y superior no universitaria en establecimientos de jurisdicción nacional, provincial o...
Read MoreLey 25.808 Modificación del articulo 1º de la ley 25.584
Ley 25.994
Crea un sistema de jubilación anticipada. El monto del haber que percibirán los beneficiarios de la Jubilación Anticipada es el equivalente al cincuenta por ciento (50%) del correspondiente al beneficio de jubilación al que tendrá derecho al cumplir la edad requerida de acuerdo a la ley 24.241, no pudiendo...
Read MoreLey I – n° 132 Régimen de licencia con goce íntegro de haberes por hijo con discapacidad.
Ley 26.873
Establece acciones de promoción de la lactancia materna exclusiva y prácticas óptimas de alimentación en niños hasta los seis meses de edad, así como también la promoción de la lactancia materna continuada y alimentación complementaria oportuna para niños de hasta dos años de vida. Dentro de la ley se...
Read MoreDilemas de la protección social frente a la desaceleración económica
La siguiente publicación presenta una reflexión respecto de los desafíos de los sistemas de protección social en el Cono Sur frente a las nuevas condiciones tanto del contexto macroeconómico como del mercado laboral. El análisis incluye la situación en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y...
Read MoreCompendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 1 – Universal schemes
The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 1 showcases universal old-age and disability pensions as well as universal maternity and child protection schemes in developing...
Read MoreMultidimensional progress: well-being beyond income
The report focuses on the increasingly pressing challenges facing the region. In times of global economic fragility, eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities in all their dimensions require a twofold strategy: protecting the achievements of the last decade to prevent millions from falling back into poverty while promoting comprehensive policies...
Read MoreSocial Security Provisions in the Constitution of Argentina
Relevant articles Artículo 14. Bis El trabajo en sus diversas formas gozara de la protección de las leyes, las que aseguraran al trabajador: condiciones dignas y equitativas de labor; jornada limitada; descanso y vacaciones pagados; retribución justa; salario mínimo vital móvil; igual remuneración por igual tarea; participación en las...
Read MoreThe Political Economy of Pension Re-Reform in Chile and Argentina: Toward More Inclusive Protection
This paper argues that reforms implemented in 2008, the re-nationalization of the private pension funds in Argentina and the introduction of a social pension in Chile have moved both countries toward greater social inclusion in old-age protection. In the case of Chile this was achieved in 2008 after extensive...
Read MoreAccess to abortion for poor, disabled woman amid conscientious objection in Argentina
Summary: The communication was filed by the mother of a woman with a mental impairment amounting to a legal age of a child, concerning the response of public health and judicial institutions to her pregnancy resulting from rape. After being refused by one hospital, a second hospital scheduled an...
Read MoreReversing pension privatization. The experience of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Hungary
This paper systematically compares and evaluates the reforms of private pensions systems in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Hungary due to initial failures in design and performance after its implementation. The document presents advantages and flaws of the structural reforms and private pension systems before the re-reform and analyses legal...
Read MoreSemi-conditional cash transfers in the form of family allowances for children and adolescents in the informal economy in Argentina
In 2009, Argentina introduced a new transfer programme for children and adolescents younger than age 18 (Universal Child Allowance) that extended coverage under the contributory programme for family allowances to include families in the informal economy and families of unemployed persons. This article describes this innovative programme, compares it...
Read MoreAccess to information about beneficiaries to ensure social accountability of state decisions
Summary: CIPPEC (Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento ) has been denied access to information concerning the beneficiaries of subsidies and social cash transfer programs in 2006 and 2007. The Supreme Court considered that accessing such data has a clear public interest, since it enables...
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