National Policy on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work
This policy, based on principles of human rights, aims to guide the national response to HIV/AIDS in reducing and managing the impact of the epidemic in the world of work. Specifically the policy aims to: Prevent transmission of HIV infection amongst workers and their families; Protect rights of those...
Read MoreDecreto 275 reforma al Código de Trabajo
Prohíbe demandar un examen de embarazo previo a...
Read MoreDecreto 839 – Ley de Protección Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia
Este Decreto establece la protección de la niñez y adolescencia. Es el deber del Estado, como a los padres y madres, adoptar todas las medidas necesarias para proteger a la familia (art. 7). En principio de corresponsabilidad, la garantía de los derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes corresponde...
Read MoreLey Orgánica reformatoria a la Ley Orgánica de servicio civil y carrera administrativa y de unificación y homologación de las remuneraciones del sector público y al Código del Trabajo.
Establece que toda servidora pública tiene derecho a una licencia con remuneración de 12 semanas por el nacimiento de su hija o hijo; en caso de nacimientos múltiples el plazo se extiende por 10 días adicionales. Por otra parte señala que el servidor público tiene derecho a licencia por...
Read MoreLey 8.726
Reforma del capítulo octavo del título segundo del Código del Trabajo, Ley 2. Ley del trabajo doméstico remunerado. Define a las trabajadoras domésticas como aquellas que brindan asistencia y bienestar a una familia o persona, en forma remunerada, y que se dedican a las labores de limpieza, cocina, lavado,...
Read MoreSentencia de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia C-174
Se modifica el parágrafo del artículo 236 del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo que se modifico originalmente por la Ley 755, considerando que en cualquier caso la licencia de paternidad será de 8...
Read MoreLey 1.361 por medio del cual se crea la Ley de Protección Integral de la Familia.
Establece que el Estado y la Sociedad deben garantizar a la familia el ejercicio pleno de, entre otros, el derecho a un trabajo digno e ingresos justos, a la salud plena y a la seguridad social, a la igualdad y a recibir protección y asistencia social cuando sus derechos...
Read MoreLey 20.367 que modifica el Código del Trabajo y hace extensivo permiso a la madre en caso de adopción de un menor.
Iberoamerican Convention on Rights of Youth
Article 28. Right to social protection. Youth have the right to social protection towards situations of illness, accident in the workplace, disability, widowhood or orphanage and any other situation meaning lack or decrease of means of subsistence or capacity to work. The States Parties shall adopt as many measures ...
Read MoreSocial Security Provisions in the Constitution of Bolivia
Artículo 35 I. El Estado, en todos sus niveles, protegerá el derecho a la salud, promoviendo políticas públicas orientadas a mejorar la calidad de vida, el bienestar colectivo y el acceso gratuito de la población a los servicios de salud (…) Artículo 36 I. El Estado garantizará el acceso...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Poland
Relevant articles: Article 18 Marriage, being a union of a man and a woman, as well as the family, motherhood and parenthood, shall be placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland. Article 19 The Republic of Poland shall take special care of veterans of the...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Luxembourg
Relevant articles: Chapter II: Public freedoms and fundamental rights Article 11 … 5) The law regulates as to their principles [:] social security, the protection of health, the rights of workers, [and] the struggle against poverty and social integration of citizens affected by a handicap. … Article 23 –...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Denmark
Relevant article: Section 75 Subsection 1. It should be an aim that every able-bodied citizen has the opportunity to work under conditions that safeguard his or her existence in order to promote the common good. Subsection 2. A person who is unable to support himself or his dependants, and...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Azerbaijan
Relevant articles: Article 16 – Social development and state 1. Azerbaijani state takes care about improvement of prosperity of all people and each citizen, their social protection and proper living conditions. 2. Azerbaijani state participates in development of culture, education, public health, science, arts, protects environment, historical, material and...
Read MoreRepublic of Albania Law on Voluntary Pensions Fund (No. 10 197)
Social Protection to Tackle Child Poverty in Senegal
This briefing paper addresses the state of social protection for children in...
Read MoreSocial Protection in Fragile States: Lessons learned
How can social protection best be achieved in situations of fragility? This paper argues that while the objectives for social protection in fragile states are essentially the same as in development contexts, social protection instruments, financing and delivery need to be adapted. In order to scale up social protection...
Read MoreSocial Security for All. Investing in social justice and economic development
This paper sets out the policy vision of the ILO that underpins its activities in the context of the Global Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All. The objective of this policy briefing is to contribute to the global debate between social security stakeholders, researchers, practitioners and decision-makers...
Read MoreRights-based Approach to Social Security Coverage Expansion
This chapter presents the vision, originating from International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and recommendations, of the universalization of affordable retirement as part of a wider objective of guaranteeing a basic social security package to all. Both the principles that sustain the vision and issues related to design and implementation...
Read MoreFiscal Space: Policy Options for Financing Human Development
With the deadline for achieving the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) less than a decade away, the uneven progress is raising important questions about the ability of the international community to ‘scale up’ its efforts to finance the goals. Securing adequate financing for development has thus become the most...
Read MoreOptimal financing and self-adjusting mechanisms for sustainable retirement systems
This brief paper first recapitulates the main pension financing options and reviews the theoretical pros and cons of pension funding seeking for a logical synthesis. In the second part of the paper, a broad review of the historical experience of pension reforms since the 1980’s is presented as well...
Read MoreAusterity measures that contravene Conventions by reducing social protection and increasing poverty
In its general report of 2009, the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) observed that the global financial crisis was posing a real threat to the financial viability and sustainable development of social security systems and undermining the application of ILO social security standards....
Read MoreUnfair dismissal during protected maternity period in Benin
Consequences of childbirth led to a medical condition that would temporarily prevent rigorous physical activities, and subsequently have implications for the complainant’s work duties upon returning to Plan International Benin after maternity leave, due to the necessity of daily motorcycle travel. During extended maternity leave, she was dismissed on...
Read MoreJoint statement on advancing child-sensitive social protection
The joint statement aims to build greater consensus on the importance of child-sensitive social protection. It lays out the particular vulnerabilities that children and families face, the ways that social protection can impact children even when not focused on them, and outlines principles and approaches for undertaking child-sensitive social...
Read MoreReport on a human rights approach to the global and financial crisis (A/64/279). submitted by the independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty
This report addresses the impact of the current global financial crisis on people living in extreme poverty and the enjoyment of their human rights. It stresses that the crisis offers an opportunity to move beyond the restructuring of the global financial and monetary systems and to place people at the...
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