Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat...
Read MoreDecreto 32-2010
Esta ley tiene como objetivo la creación de un marco jurídico que permita implementar los mecanismos necesarios para mejorar la salud y calidad de vida de las mujeres y del recién nacido, y promover el desarrollo humano a través de asegurar la maternidad de las mujeres mediante el acceso...
Read MoreLey Reformatoria a la Ley de Seguridad Social
Reforma el Artículo 105 de la Ley de Seguridad Social sobre la Contingencia de Maternidad. En caso de maternidad, la asegurada tendrá derecho a la asistencia médica y obstétrica necesario durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio; un subsidio monetario, durante el periodo de descanso por maternidad, en el caso...
Read MoreLey 1.413
La ley tiene por objeto incluir la economía del cuidado conformada por el trabajo de hogar no remunerado en el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales, con el objeto de medir la contribución de la mujer al desarrollo económico y social del país (Art.1), y como herramienta fundamental para la definición...
Read MoreLey 20.399 que otorga derecho a sala cuna al trabajador.
Ley 20.422 establece normas sobre igualdad de oportunidades e inclusión social de personas con discapacidad.
Garantiza la igualdad de oportunidades de las personas con discapacidad (Título I, pár.1).Promueve la autonomía personal y la atención a las personas en situación de dependencia a través de prestaciones o servicios de apoyo. La atención de las personas con discapacidad en situación de dependencia, deberá facilitar una existencia...
Read MoreLey 20.482
Ley I – n° 132 Régimen de licencia con goce íntegro de haberes por hijo con discapacidad.
General Orders (Anguilla)
General Orders, Chapter 7: Paragraph 7.24 states that “Women officers will be eligible for the grant of thirteen weeks maternity leave with full salary of which not fewer than four (if officer is physically on the job) and not more than six weeks may be taken before the...
Read MoreThe Role of Social Protection Programmes in Supporting Education in Conflict-Affected Situations
This background paper examines the role of social protection programmes in supporting education in conflict-affected contexts. Drawing on existing literature, the paper looks at the impact, design and implementation issues of social protection programme experience in conflict, protracted crisis and post-conflict contexts, including in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Turkey
Relevant articles: Chapter 3 – Social and Economic rights and duties 1. Protection of the Family and Children’s Rights Article 41 The family is the foundation of the Turkish society and based on the equality between the spouses. The state shall take the necessary measures and establish the necessary...
Read MoreUNAIDS Expanded Business Case: Enhancing Social Protection
HIV-Sensitive Social Protection: What does the evidence say?
Social protection increases the resilience of households to shock and reduces barriers to essential services. When done well, it is based on a comprehensive assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, including those related to HIV and AIDS. A social protection strategy and its constituent programmes are designed to reduce, mitigate...
Read MoreRights to Water and Sanitation: A Handbook for Activists
The purpose of this handbook is to help civil society and those working on water and sanitation issues to adopt a human rights-based approach to advocacy, so that they can improve water and sanitation service regulation and provision at international, national and local levels. Directed primarily at community groups,...
Read MorePaid Parental Leave Act 2010 (No. 104)
The objective of this act is to establish regulations for the provision of financial support to primary carers of newborns and newly adopted children. This financial support is intended for primary carers who are in the work force and is intended to complement and/or supplement existing entitlements to paid...
Read MoreConstitution of the Republic of Angola
Relevant articles: Article 77 The state shall promote and guarantee the measures needed to ensure the universal right to medical and health care, as well as the right to child care and maternity care, care in illness, disability, old age and in situations in which they are unable to...
Read MoreBarriers to health care for the poor and ethnic minorities in Northwest Vietnam
The report presents the results of two studies undertaken by Bettina Schwind in Vietnam around barriers to health care services for poor and ethnic minority people inhabiting mountainous Northwest Viet-nam. It shows how issues such as distance to the next health facility or the quality of information campaigns can...
Read MoreCombating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics
This report argues that this is because many current approaches to reducing poverty and inequality fail to consider key institutional, policy and political dimensions that may be both causes of poverty and inequality, and obstacles to their reduction. Moreover, when a substantial proportion of a country’s population is poor,...
Read MoreSocial Protection and Poverty
In the last decade, social protection has emerged as a policy framework employed to address poverty and vulnerability in developing countries. This report has two main aims: to provide an overview of social protection, and to provide an assessment of its potential contribution to addressing poverty and vulnerability in...
Read MoreCombating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics
Chapter 5 of Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics, argues that universal social protection – that which covers the entire population with adequate benefits and is grounded in claimable entitlements, whether derived from rights or payments by institutions and individuals – can contribute to...
Read MoreGovernance of Social Security Systems: A Guide for Board Members in Africa
This handbook is intended as a practical guide for members of governing boards of social security organizations in Africa. While the structure and mandate of social security boards varies from country to country, they all have important responsibilities: ensuring that social security contributions are used judiciously for intended purposes,...
Read MoreHow Many Stops in a One-Stop Shop? A Review of Recent Developments in Business Registration
Many governments have introduced one-stop shops as part of their reform of the business registration process. But what is a one-stop shop? Is it like any other shop? Can it really involve just one stop? The International Finance Corporation has commissioned this study to provide some background and possibly...
Read MoreReport on non-contributory pensions and human rights (A/HRC/14/31), submitted by the independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty
This report provides recommendations on how to ensure that non-contributory pensions comply with core human rights standards. It also addresses the role of international assistance and cooperation in the field of social...
Read MoreReport on the importance of gender sensitive social protection systems in achieving the MDGs (A/65/259) submitted by the independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty
Summary The present report highlights the importance of social protection measures in the Millennium Development Goals agenda. It also stresses that social protection measures designed, implemented and evaluated within the framework of a rights-based approach are more likely to ensure the achievement of the Goals and to result in...
Read MoreJoint report of the Independent Expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty and human rights and the Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation: Mission to Bangladesh (A /HRC/15/55)
In the report, the Independent Expert on water and sanitation highlights the problems relating to sanitation, water quality and availability, and menstrual hygiene. The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty focuses on social protection programmes for education, women, older persons, emergency relief and decent work, and points out the challenges...
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