National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Policy
The Policy provides the framework for addressing the HIV/AIDS/STI/TB situation in Zambia, outlines the causes and factors that perpetuate transmissions, including the debilitating effect on the Zambian population. It also outlines the response and impact mitigation interventions that are already in place, while also stating the vision, measures, institutional...
Read MoreLey 20.047 por la que se establece un permiso paternal en el Código del Trabajo.
Adolescent Sexual Rights in Peru
Nature of the Case In views adopted under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the UN Human Rights Committee held the Peruvian government accountable for failing to ensure access to legal abortion services essential to the health of the petitioner, thus violating her...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Portugal
Relevant articles: Article 8 – International Law 1. The rules and principles of general or common international law shall form an integral part of Portuguese law. 2. The rules set out in duly ratified or passed international agreements shall come into force in Portuguese internal law once they have...
Read MoreSocial Security Governance: A Practical Guide for Board Members of Social Security Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe
This guide aims to promote social dialogue on social security reform and to encourage reforms that are well matched to national conditions while consistent with the standards for minimum adequacy, inclusiveness, and democratic governance embodied in the ILO social security conventions. Link to this...
Read MoreJudicial protection of of pensioners’ rights in Peru
Summary: The complaint was filed at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) by a group of retired public servants against the State of Peru alleging violation of the right to property and the right to judicial protection relating to non-compliance with court decisions. Concerning the reduction of retiree...
Read MoreSocial security for asylum seekers in the United Kingdom
Summary: In this case, the House of Lords listened to appeals by the Secretary of State for Home Department, who denied state support to destitute asylum applicants (“applicants”) on the grounds of not having applied for asylum “as soon as reasonably practicable”. The applicants cited a violation of Article...
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