Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Coverage and investment trends
This document analyses the evolution of the population coverage and investment of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes, which are poverty reduction initiatives, in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 20 years. The analysis is based on up-to-date, detailed information from the database on non-contributory...
Read MorePolítica Fiscal para la Igualdad y los Derechos: Mapeo de debates, iniciativas y actores de la Región Andina
La política fiscal tiene un rol central en la superación de las desigualdades socio-económicas y el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos. Su potencial rol redistributivo convierte a esta política en una herramienta única para lograr un modelo de desarrollo que tenga como ejes centrales la igualdad, los derechos humanos...
Read MoreSentencia de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia C-174
Se modifica el parágrafo del artículo 236 del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo que se modifico originalmente por la Ley 755, considerando que en cualquier caso la licencia de paternidad será de 8...
Read MoreLey 82, por la cual se expiden normas para apoyar de manera especial a la mujer cabeza de familia.
Es mujer cabeza de familia, quien siendo soltera o casada, ejerce la jefatura femenina de hogar y tiene bajo su cargo, afectiva, económica o socialmente, en forma permanente, hijos menores propios u otras personas incapaces o incapacitadas para trabajar, ya sea por ausencia permanente o incapacidad física, sensorial, síquica...
Read MoreLey 755 por la cual se modifica el parágrafo del artículo 236 del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo (Ley María).
La trabajadora que haga uso del descanso remunerado en la época del parto tomará las 12 semanas de licencia a que tiene derecho de acuerdo a la ley. El esposo o compañero permanente tendrá derecho a cuatro días de licencia remunerada de paternidad, en el caso que sólo el...
Read MoreLey 1.145
Ley 1.232
Ley 1.361 por medio del cual se crea la Ley de Protección Integral de la Familia.
Establece que el Estado y la Sociedad deben garantizar a la familia el ejercicio pleno de, entre otros, el derecho a un trabajo digno e ingresos justos, a la salud plena y a la seguridad social, a la igualdad y a recibir protección y asistencia social cuando sus derechos...
Read MoreLey 1.413
La ley tiene por objeto incluir la economía del cuidado conformada por el trabajo de hogar no remunerado en el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales, con el objeto de medir la contribución de la mujer al desarrollo económico y social del país (Art.1), y como herramienta fundamental para la definición...
Read MoreLey 1.468
La Licencia de Maternidad se aumentó de 12 a 14 semanas. La licencia de maternidad para madres de niños prematuros, tendrá en cuenta la diferencia entre la fecha gestacional y el nacimiento a término, las cuales serán sumadas a las 14 semanas. La licencia se ampliará en dos semanas...
Read MoreLey n° 1.822
La licencia de maternidad se aumentó a dieciocho (18) semanas, siendo en condiciones normales una (1) semana antes del parto y diecisiete (17) semanas posteriores a éste. Además el esposo o compañero permanente tendrá derecho a ocho (8) días hábiles de licencia remunerada de paternidad. Por medio de esta...
Read MorePublication – Compendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 3 – Governance and financing
The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 3 describes mechanisms to build social protection floors, such as a national dialogue in Myanmar, reaching rural dwellers...
Read MoreCompendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 1 – Universal schemes
The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 1 showcases universal old-age and disability pensions as well as universal maternity and child protection schemes in developing...
Read MoreTrade unions in the informal sector: Finding their bearings
These nine national studies cover four regions of the world and reveal the stakes and problems which the multifaceted informal sector poses for the trade union movement, irrespective of the level of development in the countries under consideration. The studies are based on the information available and represent testimonies...
Read MoreMultidimensional progress: well-being beyond income
The report focuses on the increasingly pressing challenges facing the region. In times of global economic fragility, eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities in all their dimensions require a twofold strategy: protecting the achievements of the last decade to prevent millions from falling back into poverty while promoting comprehensive policies...
Read MoreLand Rights for People of Indigenous and African Descent in Colombia
Nature of the Case Among other issues, the Constitutional Court revoked licenses for all 347 private mining companies that had previously been granted approval for mining in the páramo (moorland), an ecologically endangered region of the Colombian Andes. Summary Members of the leftist opposition party, the Democratic Pole and...
Read MoreSocial Security Provisions in the Constitution of Colombia
Artículo 1 Colombia es un Estado social de derecho (…) Artículo 43 (…) La mujer no podrá ser sometida a ninguna clase de discriminación. Durante el embarazo y después del parto gozará de especial asistencia y protección del Estado, y recibirá de éste subsidio alimentario si entonces estuviere desempleada...
Read MoreHow Many Stops in a One-Stop Shop? A Review of Recent Developments in Business Registration
Many governments have introduced one-stop shops as part of their reform of the business registration process. But what is a one-stop shop? Is it like any other shop? Can it really involve just one stop? The International Finance Corporation has commissioned this study to provide some background and possibly...
Read MoreRelevance of contractual terms to protections for employed women who are pregnant or breastfeeding in Colombia
This case addressed the circumstances of thirty-three women who had been dismissed from various forms of employment on the basis of being pregnant. Article 53 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombia allows for the direct application of international law by domestic legal bodies. Ratified conventions and...
Read MoreIntegrating informal workers into market reform strategies in Colombia
Summary: Recycling activities in Colombia have traditionally been carried out by extremely poor and marginalized sectors of society. Materials are collected from landfills or the streets, transported and sold as recyclable material to intermediary informal warehouses for modest sums. However, over the course of the last decade, recycling became...
Read MoreEducational opportunities for persons with disabilities in Colombia
Summary: The case was brought before the Constitutional Court of Colombia by the mother of a girl who was diagnosed with cognitive deficit and microcephaly. She contended that the official combined programme of therapy and special education were unaffordable to her. The Court referred to Article 12 of the...
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