Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe
Since 2015, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre have released a yearly Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe. These annual reports look at the latest Eurostat data (EU-SILC) and assess EU countries’ capacity to adequately house their populations. The 2017 version reveals alarming evidence of rising homelessness across the majority of...
Read MoreThe Political Economy of Income Distribution: industry level evidence from 14 OECD countries
This article presents an econometric estimation of the determinants of the wage share, using sectoral data for 14 OECD countries for the period 1970- 2014. We present estimations for the wage share of high- and low-skilled workers and within manufacturing and service industries. We augment sectoral data with input-output...
Read MoreBuilding the Future: Children and the Sustainable Development Goals in rich countries
The Sustainable Development Goals have set ambitious targets that apply to rich countries as well as poor. The most telling sign of a nation’s progress towards meeting those goals will be how well it meets the needs of its children. This Report Card offers an assessment of child well-being...
Read MoreThe European Youth Guarantee: A systematic review of its implementation across countries
The European Youth Guarantee (YG) is one of the most innovative labour market policies of recent years. It arrived at a time when an urgent and radical response was needed to address the detrimental long-lasting consequences of long-term unemployment. This article examines empirical evidence on the effectiveness of past...
Read MoreWhat Makes Urban Food Policy Happen? Insights from five case studies
Cities are rising as powerful agents in the world of food, says a new report from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food), and they are finding innovative ways to put in place policies that take on challenges in global food systems. The report shows that...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of the Netherlands
Relevant articles: Article 20 1. It shall be the concern of the authorities to secure the means of subsistence of the population and to achieve the distribution of wealth. 2. Rules concerning entitlement to social security shall be laid down by Act of Parliament. 3. Dutch nationals resident in...
Read MoreApplication of international provisions concerning maternal health in the Netherlands
In force until 1996, Article 3(a) of “Besluit ziekenhuisverpleging ziekenfondsverzekering” (Decree on health insurance and hospital care) required personal contributions from women towards the cost of postnatal care. Moreover, according to the explanatory note (“toelichting”) accompanying this Decree, personal contributions would also include postnatal care in hospitals regardless of...
Read MoreEuropean Code of Social Security
This code provides guidelines the Council of Europe’s member States approach to social security. Link to code...
Read MoreConditions for receipt of unemployment benefits and other forms of insurance in the Netherlands
Summary: The European Committee of Social Rights reviewed the report of the Dutch government on the levels of social security in The Netherlands and noted that the Unemployment Benefit Act (WW) comprises a short-term benefit (conditions for payment 26 weeks of paid employment during the last 39 weeks), and...
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