Termination of Employment and Severance Pay Act (No. 19)
Article 4.2 establishes an employee’s right to continuous employment in the event that the employee is absent from work due to taking annual, maternity or sick leave, or another type of leave. Article 8.1 states that the following reasons do not constitute good or sufficient cause for dismissal or...
Read MoreLey 19.505 que concede permiso especial a trabajadores en caso de enfermedad grave de sus hijos.
Establece que los padres tendrán permiso para ausentarse de su trabajo por el número de horas equivalentes a 10 jornadas ordinarias de trabajo al año, distribuidas a elección de ella en jornadas completas, en el caso de que la salud de un menor de 18 años requiera la atención...
Read MoreChild Care Board Act
Guaranteeing life-saving drugs to patients with HIV/AIDS in Venezuela
Summary: The case was brought before the Supreme Court of Venezuela by a group of persons living with HIV, requesting the Instituto Venezolano de Seguros Sociales (Venezuelan Institute for Social Security, IVSS) to ensure the supply of drugs needed to treat diseases arising from AIDS and cover the expenses...
Read MoreAccess to social welfare benefits for non-citizens in Switzerland
Summary: The case involved three brothers, originally from what was previously Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic), who were denied access to social welfare benefits in Switzerland on account of being illegal residents . The brothers had been living in Switzerland since 1980, but were expelled to Czechoslovakia in 1987...
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