Ley Orgánica para la Justicia Laboral y Reconocimiento del Trabajo en el Hogar, que reforma el Código del Trabajo, la Ley Orgánica del Servicio Público y la Ley de Seguridad Social
Reconoce el trabajo no remunerado en los hogares: incorpora a las amas de casa al sistema de seguridad social, garantiza a las mujeres su derecho a jubilación, viudez, indemnización por discapacidad. Contempla también cambios al tipo de contratación, bonificaciones, estabilidad laboral, utilidades, da garantías en caso de despido de...
Read MoreLey 8.726
Reforma del capítulo octavo del título segundo del Código del Trabajo, Ley 2. Ley del trabajo doméstico remunerado. Define a las trabajadoras domésticas como aquellas que brindan asistencia y bienestar a una familia o persona, en forma remunerada, y que se dedican a las labores de limpieza, cocina, lavado,...
Read MoreLey n° 9.220
De acuerdo al artículo 1, se crea la Red Nacional de Cuido y Desarrollo Infantil (Redcudi), con la finalidad de establecer un sistema de cuido y desarrollo infantil de acceso público, universal y de financiamiento solidario que articule las diferentes modalidades de prestación pública y privada de servicios en...
Read MoreLey 82, por la cual se expiden normas para apoyar de manera especial a la mujer cabeza de familia.
Es mujer cabeza de familia, quien siendo soltera o casada, ejerce la jefatura femenina de hogar y tiene bajo su cargo, afectiva, económica o socialmente, en forma permanente, hijos menores propios u otras personas incapaces o incapacitadas para trabajar, ya sea por ausencia permanente o incapacidad física, sensorial, síquica...
Read MoreLey 1.413
La ley tiene por objeto incluir la economía del cuidado conformada por el trabajo de hogar no remunerado en el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales, con el objeto de medir la contribución de la mujer al desarrollo económico y social del país (Art.1), y como herramienta fundamental para la definición...
Read MoreLey 20.255
Para las mujeres la reforma significa un avance respecto de las injusticias establecidas por el sistema anterior. La creación del bono por hijo, la separación por género del seguro de invalidez y sobrevivencia y la división del saldo acumulado en la cuenta individual en caso de divorcio o nulidad...
Read MoreLey 20.535
Extiende el permiso a los padres contemplado en el artículo 199 bis, la persona que tenga a su cuidado personal, o sea cuidador de un menor con discapacidad debidamente inscrito en el Registro Nacional de la Discapacidad, o menor de 6 años, con el diagnóstico del médico tratante. También...
Read MoreDecreto Supremo N° 1455
Se otorga el beneficio de “licencia especial” a todas las madres, padres, tutores y responsables que trabajen en el sector público y privado que tengan hijos menores de doce (12) años que requieran atención personal con motivo de un accidente grave o enfermedad...
Read MoreChild Care Board Act
Ley 24.716 Licencia para trabajadoras madres de hijos con síndrome de down
En el artículo 1 se establece que el nacimiento de un hijo con Síndrome de Down otorgará a la madre trabajadora en relación de dependencia el derecho a seis meses de licencia sin goce de sueldo desde la fecha del vencimiento del período de prohibición de trabajo por maternidad....
Read MoreECLAC’s New Care Law Database
ECLAC’s Gender Affairs Division recently compiled a database of all of the existing care laws in the constitutional and other domestic legislation in Latin American and Caribbean countries. The database contains information on more than 200 legislative bodies. These laws concern various care issues such as parental leave, extra-home...
Read MoreGeneral Orders (Anguilla)
General Orders, Chapter 7: Paragraph 7.24 states that “Women officers will be eligible for the grant of thirteen weeks maternity leave with full salary of which not fewer than four (if officer is physically on the job) and not more than six weeks may be taken before the...
Read MoreCare-Related Policies and Laws in Latin America and the Caribbean
This database set up and maintained by the Gender Affairs Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) comprises the existing care legislation contained in the constitutional charters and other legislative instruments of the countries Latin America and the Caribbean. Public care policies are designed...
Read MoreInvesting in the Care Economy: Simulating employment effects by gender in countries in emerging economies
Increasing public investment in emerging economies would boost employment and contribute to economic growth and, depending on the form and location of the investment, contribute to enhancing human development and realizing some of the Sustainable Development Goals. This report makes a case for public investment in social as well...
Read MoreInvesting in the Care Economy: A gender analysis of employment stimulus in seven OECD countries
Increasing public investment would stimulate employment and economic growth and provide a more effective means of moving out of recession than current austerity policies. This report makes such a case for public investment that is in social as well as physical infrastructure. By social infrastructure we mean education, care...
Read MoreSocial Protection: towards gender equality
Social protection has become prominent in the global development agenda over recent decades, with social protection systems now being included as a target under Sustainable Development Goal 1: “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”. In developing countries, these policies have played an important role in alleviating extreme poverty,...
Read MoreChallenges in Long-Term Care of the Elderly in Central and Eastern Europe
Long-term care of the elderly is an imminent policy issue for countries facing profound demographic transformations due to ageing. Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries face complex challenges in securing accessible, adequate and sustainable long-term care. While CEE countries anticipate a growing number of elderly persons in need of...
Read MorePanorama Laboral de América Latina y el Caribe 2015
El Panorama Laboral 2015 de América Latina y el Caribe advierte que se registra un “cambio de tendencia” en los indicadores de empleo, con un deterioro en la situación laboral de las mujeres y los jóvenes e indicios de que podría estar subiendo la informalidad a través de “una...
Read MoreLong-Term Care of Older Persons in India
Older persons, particularly the oldest-old, are the fastest growing population segment in India and many of them require or will require long-term care in the future. The paper discusses policies on population ageing in India, such as the National Policy on Older Persons and the National Programme for Health...
Read MoreHealth workforce: A global supply chain approach (ESS Working Paper No. 55)
Moving towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a sufficient number of workers producing and delivering health care such as doctors and nurses but also workers in other occupations, e.g. those concerned with administration or maintaining health facilities. However, currently there...
Read MoreWWDA Human Rights Toolkit for Women and Girls with Disability
Over two million women and girls with disability live in Australia – that’s approximately 20 percent of all women and girls. Like everyone else, we all have different lives and experiences. We also have different personal experiences of disability. As a group, however, women and girls with disability experience...
Read MorePolicy Innovations for Transformative Change: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
World leaders have committed to transform our world and to leave no one behind in the quest for sustainable development. What needs to happen now to enable the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to deliver on its transformative promise? Which policies and practices will lead to social, economic and...
Read MoreFinancial Support for Single Parents in Caring for their Children: Private child support and social assistance
Public assistance in the Caribbean generally does not include special provisions for sole parents. Instead, such families—if they are fortunate—receive support through the limited general public assistance schemes. The amount of benefits in Caribbean countries is likely to be lower than in developed countries in both absolute and relative...
Read MoreWomen at Work: Trends 2016
This report provides the latest ILO data on women’s position in labour markets, examines the factors behind these trends and explores the policy drivers for transformative change. The report provides a picture of where women stand today in the world of work and how they have progressed over the...
Read MoreCivil Society and Women’s Right to Social Protection
How do conflict, disaster and employment all tie into social protection for women? In this video, Priti Darooka from the Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights discusses the need for intersectional analysis when talking about universal, rights-based social...
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