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Financial Support for Single Parents in Caring for their Children: Private child support and social assistance

Resources - Author: Debbie Budlender / Year: 2015

Public assistance in the Caribbean generally does not include special provisions for sole parents. Instead, such families—if they are fortunate—receive support through the limited general public assistance schemes.  The amount of benefits in Caribbean countries is likely to be lower than in developed countries in both absolute and relative...

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Gender and Labour in Saint Lucia: Brief

Resources - Author: Debbie Budlender / Year: 2016

St Lucia’s Quarterly Labour Force Surveys of 2012 suggest that the educational achievements of women aged 15 years and above are noticeably higher than those of men in the same age group. Thus 12 percent of women record having a diploma, certificate or degree with a further 31 per...

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Case Study On The St. Lucia National Eligibility Test

Resources - Author: Debbie Budlender / Year: 2014

Establishing gender and child responsive social protection schemes that ensure universal access to health care including maternity care, and basic income security, will protect women and their families from the effects of economic shocks and crises that may result in job and wage losses. UN Women and UNICEF through...

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Conditional Cash Transfers: Learning from the literature

Resources - Author: Debbie Budlender / Year: 2014

Eastern Caribbean countries are currently developing and implementing substantial social safety net reforms. Governments of six Eastern Caribbean countries conducted social safety net assessments in 2009 – 2010, with the support of UN Women and UNICEF in partnership with the World Bank. These reforms, which have been ongoing for...

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Conditional Cash Transfer: A policy brief

Resources - Author: Debbie Budlender / Year: 2014

Eastern Caribbean countries are currently developing and implementing substantial social safety net reforms. In 2009 – 2010, UNICEF and UN Women in partnership with the World Bank supported the governments of six countries in the OECS sub-region to conduct national social safety net assessments. A striking feature of the...

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Social Protection and Human Rights