Uruguay, Ley 18.384, Artistas y Oficios Conexos
With Law 18.384 Uruguay adapted the labour and social insurance conditions to artistic jobs. The law defines the scope of actions of performance and extents coverage for all activities which are carried out in dependence, e.g. the law recognises rehearsal time as service if a contract has been signed...
Read MoreBekendtgørelse (Nr 1394 af 2008) af lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på arbejdsmarkedet m.v.
Constitución de la República del Ecuador.
En el Artículo 6, inciso 1 y 5 se establece que se promoverá la maternidad y paternidad responsable y la corresponsabilidad materna y paterna en el cuidado de los hijos. Por otra parte, en el artículo 333 se reconoce como labor productiva el trabajo no remunerado de autosustento y...
Read MoreLey 1.232
Ley 20.255
Para las mujeres la reforma significa un avance respecto de las injusticias establecidas por el sistema anterior. La creación del bono por hijo, la separación por género del seguro de invalidez y sobrevivencia y la división del saldo acumulado en la cuenta individual en caso de divorcio o nulidad...
Read MoreDecreto núm. 6.690
Dispone que serán beneficiarias del Programa las servidoras públicas federales de la Administración Pública Federal Directa, Autártica y Fundacional. Establece que dicha prórroga se garantizará hasta el final del primer mes después del parto y tendrá una duración de sesenta...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of the Russian Federation
Relevant articles: Article 7 1. The Russian Federation is a social State whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and the unhindered development of man. 2. In the Russian Federation the labour and health of people shall be protected, guaranteed minimum wages and salaries shall...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of the Netherlands
Relevant articles: Article 20 1. It shall be the concern of the authorities to secure the means of subsistence of the population and to achieve the distribution of wealth. 2. Rules concerning entitlement to social security shall be laid down by Act of Parliament. 3. Dutch nationals resident in...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Kosovo
Relevant articles: Article 50 – Rights of Children 1. Children enjoy the right to protection and care necessary for their wellbeing. … Article 51 – Health and Social Protection 1. Healthcare and social insurance are regulated by law. 2. Basic social insurance related to unemployment, disease, disability and old...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of Greece
Relevant articles: Article 5 … 5. All persons are entitled to the protection of their health and of their genetic identity. … Article 21 1. The family, being the cornerstone of the preservation and the advancement of the Nation, as well as marriage, motherhood and childhood, shall be under...
Read MoreSocial security provisions in the Constitution of France
Relevant articles: Preamble The French people solemnly proclaim their attachment to the Rights of Man and the principles of national sovereignty as defined by the Declaration of 1789, confirmed and complemented by the Preamble to the Constitution of 1946, and to the rights and duties as defined in the...
Read MoreGhana National Pensions Act 766
Undertaking a Human Rights-Based Approach: Lessons for policy, planning and programming
Summary: This report is based on lessons learned from documenting experiences and programmes that incorporated elements of the human right-based approach (HRBA) in several Asia-Pacific countries from 2004-2008. The initial observations of such experiences and programmes resulted in the documentation and publication of fourteen case studies in countries as diverse as...
Read MoreGeneral Comment No. 19 of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The right to social security (Art. 9)
Article 9 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Covenant) provides that, “The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance.” The right to social security is of central importance in guaranteeing human dignity for all...
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