Perspectives on tax reform in Brazil
There is no question that the salience of tax reform in Brazil is high. It has become common to point out the country’s low quality of public services and high level of taxes, at least from the view of the country’s “middle class” and poorer income groups. In this...
Read MoreSocial Panorama of Latin America 2018
El Panorama Social 2018 analiza temas cruciales para entender y actuar ante los desafíos estructurales que enfrentan los países de América Latina y el Caribe en la actual coyuntura económica y social, especialmente en el marco de las transformaciones en curso en los mercados de trabajo. Incluye nuevas revisiones...
Read MoreThe Reversal of Pension Privatization in Venezuela (ESS Working Paper No. 71)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Venezuela. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, governance and social security administration, social dialogue,...
Read MoreRepeal of the Privatization of the Pension System in Nicaragua (ESS Working Paper No. 70)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Nicaragua. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, governance and social security administration, social dialogue,...
Read MoreThe Reversal of Pension Privatization in Ecuador (ESS Working Paper No. 69)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Ecuador. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, coverage, benefit adequacy, financing and contribution rates,...
Read MoreReversing Pension Privatization in Bolivia (ESS Working Paper No. 65)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Bolivia. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, coverage, benefit adequacy, financing and contribution rates,...
Read MorePension Privatization and Reversal of Pension Reforms in Argentina (ESS Working Paper No. 64)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Argentina. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, coverage, benefit adequacy, financing and contribution rates,...
Read MoreReversing Pension Privatization: Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern European and Latin American countries 2000-18 (ESS Working Paper No. 63)
From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions; as of 2018, eighteen countries have reversed the privatization. This report: (i) analyses the failure of mandatory private pensions to improve old-age income security and their underperformance in terms of coverage, benefits, administrative costs, transition...
Read MoreReversing Pension Privatizations: Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America
From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions. Fourteen countries were in Latin America (by chronological order, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Panama), another fourteen countries in Eastern Europe and the...
Read MoreThe Gendered Effects of Air Pollution on Labour Supply
Air pollution affects workers’ ability to work by damaging their own health, but also by damaging the health of their dependents. This paper draws on 20 years of air pollution and employment data from Santiago, Chile, a highly polluted metropolis, particularly in fall and winter months. The paper finds...
Read MoreThe Inefficiency of Inequality
Consistently with the emphasis that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has placed on equality since 2010, and in keeping with the purpose of leaving no one behind enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this document examines the mechanisms by which inequality erodes...
Read MoreThe Inefficiency of Inequality (Summary)
Consistently with the emphasis that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has placed on equality since 2010, and in keeping with the purpose of leaving no one behind enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this document examines the mechanisms by which inequality erodes...
Read MorePension and Income Transfers for Old Age: Inter- and intra-generational distribution in comparative perspective
This document provides a world comparative analysis regarding the design and reform of pension systems in order to improve coverage, equality and sustainability. It looks at how pension systems, rules and financing affect coverage, sufficiency, and distribution as well as fiscal and intergenerational sustainability and...
Read MoreConfronting Inequality: Social protection for families and early childhood through monetary transfers and care worldwide
This paper analyzes social protection policies for families and early childhood focusing on three main policies: family allowances and other types of monetary transfers for families with children, work leaves and early childhood education and care (ECEC) policies worldwide. It analyzes the design and reform of policies which protect...
Read MoreHIV/AIDS Policy of the Public Sector of Belize
The overall purpose of this policy is to promote the health, well-being and productivity of Public Officers by developing and implementing effective HIV/AIDS sustainable prevention, care and control programs; and eliminating stigma and discrimination on the basis of real and perceived HIV status. This Policy establishes a set of...
Read MoreBuilding Trade Union Power with Gender Equality: The Case of the Unified Workers’ Central of Brazil
The Unified Workers’ Central (Central Única dos Trabalhadores, CUT) of Brazil, one of the world’s largest trade union federations, the most important in Latin America, and the country’s most representative, in 2015 implemented gender parity in its decision making bodies at national and state level. With this step it...
Read MoreTax on Large Fortunes: the recent international debate and the situation in Brazil
Many discussions have taken place in Brazil about legislation pertaining to the Tax on Large Fortunes (Imposto sobre Grandes Fortunas—IGF). In the current scenario, with the country facing a second consecutive annual decrease in tax revenue, the subject of the implementation of the IGF is gaining some traction, with...
Read MoreThe Rights-Based Approach to Care Policies: Latin American experience
Care policies are high on the public policy agenda in Latin America. This is partly explained by the region’s structural conditions, typical of middle-income countries, such as increasing life expectancy and women’s relatively high participation in the labour market, but also by the politicization of care, derived from the...
Read MoreRobot-lución: The future of work in Latin American Integration 4.0
This new edition contains the work of over 40 experts from different parts of the world, who analyze the risks that automation may pose to work and how this may affect integration and employment. More than 40 global experts imagine the future of work and integration of Latin America...
Read MoreUniversal Social Protection Floors: costing estimates and affordability in 57 lower income countries (ESS Working Paper No. 58)
This paper presents the results of costing universal social protection floors in 34 lower middle-income, and 23 low-income countries, consisting of: (i) allowances for all children and all orphans; (ii) maternity benefits for all women with newborns; (iii) benefits for all persons with severe disabilities, and (iv) universal old-age...
Read MoreLinkages Between the Social and Production Spheres: gaps, pillars and challenges
Latin American and Caribbean region is facing a complex set of economic and social circumstances that threaten the conditions needed for further progress towards the goal of eradicating all forms of poverty and ensuring that no one is left behind, as required by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development....
Read MoreAssessing Fiscal Policies from a Human Rights Perspective: Methodological case study on the use of available resources to realize economic, social and cultural rights in Guatemala
In 2009 the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) and the Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI) produced a report titled Rights or Privileges? Fiscal commitment to the rights to health, education and food in Guatemala. A collaboration between an international human rights organization and a Central American...
Read MoreInnovations in Care: new concepts, new actors, new policies
The Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality marks an unprecedented advance in the care agenda in terms of the visibility of care as a central dimension of sustainable development. The new international commitment for recognizing, redistributing and reducing unpaid care and domestic work through care policies needs to...
Read MoreActive Labour Market Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence from a meta analysis
We present a systematic collection and assessment of impact evaluations of active labour market programmes (ALMP) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The paper delineates the strategy to compile a novel meta database and provides a narrative review of 51 studies. Based on these studies, the quantitative analysis...
Read MoreFrom Expansion to Austerity: challenges and risks of the radical fiscal policy turn in Brazil (One Pager 360)
Brazil, in the period after the great financial crisis of 2007–2008, presents a compelling case study of the interactions between fiscal policy and business cycles. The country is noteworthy not only for being one of the very few that dealt relatively well with the most acute stage of the...
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