HIV/AIDS Policy of the Public Sector of Belize
The overall purpose of this policy is to promote the health, well-being and productivity of Public Officers by developing and implementing effective HIV/AIDS sustainable prevention, care and control programs; and eliminating stigma and discrimination on the basis of real and perceived HIV status.
This Policy establishes a set of guidelines to protect the health and welfare of Public Officers in the face of the challenge presented by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Specifically, the objectives of this policy are:
a) To provide guidelines on employer (Government) and employee (Public Officer) rights and responsibilities in the context of HIV/AIDS
b) To develop concrete responses within the Belize Public Service to deal with issues of HIV/AIDS prevention, stigma and discrimination, the productivity of Public Officers, and the care and support of Officers infected or affected by HIV/AIDS
c) To promote processes of cooperation between government, Public Officers, HIV/AIDS experts and all relevant stakeholders such as community-based and non-governmental organizations