Uruguay, Ley 18.384, Artistas y Oficios Conexos
With Law 18.384 Uruguay adapted the labour and social insurance conditions to artistic jobs. The law defines the scope of actions of performance and extents coverage for all activities which are carried out in dependence, e.g. the law recognises rehearsal time as service if a contract has been signed...
Read MoreThe Rights-Based Approach to Care Policies: Latin American experience
Care policies are high on the public policy agenda in Latin America. This is partly explained by the region’s structural conditions, typical of middle-income countries, such as increasing life expectancy and women’s relatively high participation in the labour market, but also by the politicization of care, derived from the...
Read MoreConditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Coverage and investment trends
This document analyses the evolution of the population coverage and investment of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes, which are poverty reduction initiatives, in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 20 years. The analysis is based on up-to-date, detailed information from the database on non-contributory...
Read MoreDilemas de la protección social frente a la desaceleración económica
La siguiente publicación presenta una reflexión respecto de los desafíos de los sistemas de protección social en el Cono Sur frente a las nuevas condiciones tanto del contexto macroeconómico como del mercado laboral. El análisis incluye la situación en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y...
Read MorePublication – Compendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 2 – Innovations to extend coverage
The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 2 presents innovative approaches to cover more people under social protection schemes such as Bolsa Verde in Brazil,...
Read MoreIberoamerican Convention on Rights of Youth
Article 28. Right to social protection. Youth have the right to social protection towards situations of illness, accident in the workplace, disability, widowhood or orphanage and any other situation meaning lack or decrease of means of subsistence or capacity to work. The States Parties shall adopt as many measures ...
Read MoreMultidimensional progress: well-being beyond income
The report focuses on the increasingly pressing challenges facing the region. In times of global economic fragility, eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities in all their dimensions require a twofold strategy: protecting the achievements of the last decade to prevent millions from falling back into poverty while promoting comprehensive policies...
Read MorePolicy Perspective: Linking Social Protection and Human Rights
How can governments fulfil their obligation to provide social protection and respect the rights of all? Andrés Scagliola from the Government of the City of Montevideo, Uruguay, describes his experience developing and implementing policy that safeguards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people’s right to social...
Read MoreSocial Security Provisions in the Constitution of Uruguay
Artículo 36 Toda persona puede dedicarse al trabajo, cultivo, industria, comercio, profesión o cualquier otra actividad lícita, salvo las limitaciones de interés general que establezcan las leyes Artículo 41 El cuidado y educación de los hijos para que éstos alcancen su plena capacidad corporal, intelectual y social, es un...
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