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Menstrual Hygiene Practices, WASH Access and the Risk of Urogenital Infection in Women from Odisha, India

Resources - Author: Ambarish Dutta, Arati Nayak, Belen Torondel, Bhabani Sankar Das, Bibiana Bilung, Bijay Panda, Kelly K. Baker, Mary Bara, Padma Das, Pinaki Panigrahi, Pravas Ranjan Mishra, Sandy Cairncross, Sunita Sahoo, Tapoja Swain / Year: 2015

Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) practices vary worldwide and depend on the individual’s socioeconomic status, personal preferences, local traditions and beliefs, and access to water and sanitation resources. MHM practices can be particularly unhygienic and inconvenient for girls and women in poorer settings. Little is known about whether unhygienic MHM...

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Psychosocial Stress Associated with Sanitation Practices: Experiences of women in a rural community in India

Resources - Author: Ambarish Dutta, Bhabani S. Das, Bijaya K. Padhi, Kelly K. Baker, Matthew C. Freeman, Oliver Cumming, Pinaki Panigrahi, Radhanatha Satpathy / Year: 2015

This study examined sources of psychosocial stress related to the use of toilet facilities or open defecation by women and adolescent girls at home, public places, workplaces and in schools in a rural community in Pune, India. The mixed methods approach included focus group discussions among women, key informant...

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Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Practicing Poor Sanitation in Rural India: A population-based prospective cohort study

Resources - Author: Ambarish Dutta, Bhabani S. Das, Bijaya K. Padhi, Kelly K. Baker, Matthew C. Freeman, Oliver Cumming, Pinaki Panigrahi, Radhanatha Satpathy / Year: 2015

The importance of maternal sanitation behaviour during pregnancy for birth outcomes remains unclear. Poor sanitation practices can promote infection and induce stress during pregnancy and may contribute to adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). We aimed to assess whether poor sanitation practices were associated with increased risk of APOs such as...

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Sanitation-Related Psychosocial Stress: A grounded theory study of women across the life-course in Odisha, India

Resources - Author: Bethany A. Carusoc, Kristyna R.S. Hullandb, Krushna Chandra Sahooa, Matthew C. Freemand, Pinaki Panigrahie, Robert Dreibelbisf, Rojalin Swaina / Year: 2015

While sanitation interventions have focused primarily on child health, women’s unique health risks from inadequate sanitation are gaining recognition as a priority issue. This study examines the range of sanitation-related psychosocial stressors during routine sanitation practices in Odisha, India. Between August 2013 and March 2014, we conducted in-depth interviews...

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Towards Universal Social Protection: Latin American pathways and policy tools

Resources - Author: Carla Bronzo, Carlos F. Maldonado Valera, Cecilia Rossel, Daniela Simioni, Fabián Repetto, Fernando Filgueira, Isabel Brain, Luis Hernán Vargas Faulbaum, María Nieves Rico, Nuria Cunill-Grau, Rodrigo Martínez, Simone Cecchini, Umberto Bonomo / Year: 2015

The book is aimed at international and national decision-makers at all levels, as well as academics and university students interested in learning more about the development of the region’s social protection policies and programmes. It is hoped that it will prove particularly useful to those responsible for designing, executing,...

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Tackling Social Exclusion

Resources - Author: Jessica Hagen-Zanker / Year: 2015

It is argued that social protection can reduce the extent to which marginalized people and groups are socially excluded. This paper investigates this thesis by considering what causes marginalization in the first place and what is needed to change the dynamics of exclusion. Using examples from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India...

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Rights to Water and Sanitation: A Handbook for Activists

Resources - Year: 2010

The purpose of this handbook is to help civil society and those working on water and sanitation issues to adopt a human rights-based approach to advocacy, so that they can improve water and sanitation service regulation and provision at international, national and local levels. Directed primarily at community groups,...

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WaterAid Governance Transparency Fund programme handbooks

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This series of handbooks focuses on the challenges of creating strong community-based organizations, power analysis the role of networks in delivering better governance how to engage successfully with stakeholders and how to improve governance and make it sustainable.   Link to...

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Instrumentos de protección social: caminos latinoamericanos hacia la universalización

Resources - Author: Cecilia Rossel, Fernando Filgueira, Rodrigo Martínez, Simone Cecchini / Year: 2015

El objetivo de este libro es discutir y difundir conocimiento sobre aquellas políticas públicas, programas y marcos regulatorios que, desde un enfoque de derechos, están permitiendo ampliar la cobertura y las prestaciones de la protección social en América Latina. Por un lado, se procura brindar al lector un panorama...

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Women’s Rights to Social Security and Social Protection (First Edition)

Resources - Year: 2014

This collection examines the human rights to social security and social protection from a women’s rights perspective. The contributors stress the need to address women’s poverty and exclusion within a human rights framework that takes account of gender. The chapters unpack the rights to social security and protection and...

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Gendered Impacts of Globalization: Employment and Social Protection

Resources - Author: Camila Arza, Elissa Braunstein, Kristine Goulding, Sarah Cook, Shahra Razavi / Year: 2012

The last three decades have seen remarkable changes in economic structures and policies both within and across countries, loosely captured by the term globalization. This paper reviews evidence on how key aspects of globalization processes have impacted the real economy, in terms of employment and social conditions of work...

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Work-related social protection for informal workers

Resources - Author: Frances Lund / Year: 2012

The informal workforce is growing worldwide, and changes in the global structure of employment and in places of employment mean that work is a source of hazard and ill-health for many poorer workers. Yet informal workers do not have access to work-related social security. They face high work-related risks,...

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Equity in financing and use of health care in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania: implications for paths to universal coverage

Resources - Author: Anne Mills, Bertha Garshong, Bronwyn Harris, Filip Meheus, Gemini Mtei, James Akazili, Jane Macha, Jo Borghi, John E Ataguba, Prof Di McIntyre, Suzan Makawia / Year: 2012

Universal coverage of health care is now receiving substantial worldwide and national attention, but debate continues on the best mix of financing mechanisms, especially to protect people outside the formal employment sector. Crucial issues are the equity implications of different financing mechanisms, and patterns of service use. This report provides...

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Poverty and shame: global experiences

Resources - Author: Elaine Chase, Grace Bantebya-Kyomuhendo / Year: 2014

Poverty and Shame: Global Experiences, edited by Elaine Chase and Grace Bantebya-Kyomuhendo,  explores Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s contention that shame lies at the absolutist core of poverty. It draws on a wealth of empirical evidence to demonstrate how paying greater attention to the psychological and social consequences of poverty...

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The shame of poverty: global perspectives

Resources - Author: Robert Walker / Year: 2014

The Shame of Poverty, edited by Robert Walker, presents comparable evidence from the seven countries, challenges the conventional thinking that separates discussion of poverty found in the Global North from that prevalent in the Global South. It demonstrates that the emotional experience of poverty, with its attendant social and...

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Social Protection and Human Rights