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Report on autonomy and care (A/HRC/30/43), submitted by the Independent Expert on on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons

Resources - Author: Rosa Kornfeld-Matte / Year: 2015

In this report, the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons addresses the right to autonomy and care, which she considers to be priority areas. The report provides an overview of the existing international and regional human rights standards and analyses in depth these...

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Disability and Social Protection Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A systematic review

Resources - Author: Hannah Kuper, Islay Mactaggart, Karl Blanchet, Lena Morgan Banks, Matthew Walsham, Rachel Mearkle / Year: 2016

This paper systematically reviews the evidence on whether persons with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries are adequately included in social protection programmes, and assesses the financial and non-financial impacts of participation. Overall, we found that access to social protection appears to fall far below need. Benefits from participation...

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Cash Transfer Programmes, Poverty Reduction and Empowerment of Women in South Africa (GED Working Paper no. 4/2015)

Resources - Author: Marianne S. Ulriksen, Sophie Plagerson / Year: 2015

This working paper is one of the five country studies on cash transfer programmes and women’s empowerment. The review of the South African experience in this study is complemented by country studies on Brazil, Chile, India and Mexico. Its results have also informed a comparative study, authored by Elaine...

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Making Human Rights Work for People Living in Poverty: A handbook for implementing the UN guiding principles on extreme poverty and human rights

Resources - Author: Alison Graham, Francesca Restifo, Janet Nelson / Year: 2015

The purpose of this handbook is to assist those working directly with people living in extreme poverty to understand the latter’s situation from a human rights perspective, and to suggest actions that can be taken with local governments and other sectors of society to ensure that their rights are...

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Women’s Right to Maternal Health Services in Uganda

Legal depository - Country: Uganda / Body: Supreme Court of Uganda at Kampala, Supreme Courts / Year: 2015

Nature of the Case Four petitioners—including the Center for Health, Human Rights & Development (CEHURD) and two family members of  women who died during childbirth—appeal the Constitutional Court’s dismissal of their petition in which they alleged that the government violated the Constitution by failing to provide basic maternal health...

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Global Social Protection: New impetus from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Markus Kaltenborn / Year: 2015

The issue of social protection has undergone something of a renaissance in the development policy debate in recent years and has lately become a particular focus of interest for several international organizations, first and foremost the International Labour Organization with its Social Protection Floor Initiative. What’s more, promoting social...

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Time for Equality: The role of social protection in reducing inequalities in Asia and the Pacific

Resources - Author: Manuel Mejido / Year: 2015

This report provides evidence that social protection is an effective instrument to reduce inequalities, and by so doing, contributes to the integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. It examines in particular the inequalities faced by children, persons of working-age, older persons and in relation...

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The Right to Affordable Care in the United States of America

Legal depository - Country: United States of America / Body: Supreme Court of the United States / Year: 2015

Nature of the Case This case came before the Supreme Court on appeal, and constitutes a challenge to one aspect of the Affordable Care Act, specifically regarding whether subsidies can be provided to low-income people buying health insurance through federal exchanges. These subsidies are vital in enabling people to...

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Why Macroeconomic Policy Matters for Gender Equality

Resources - Author: James Heintz / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on creating an alternative gender-responsive macroeconomic agenda. Macroeconomic policy, including fiscal and monetary policy, is often thought of as gender-neutral. But economic policy choices affect women and men differently because of their different positions in the economy, both market (paid)...

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Gender Equality, Child Development and Job Creation: How to reap the ‘triple dividend’ from early childhood education and care services

Resources - Author: Silke Staab / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations for realizing the triple dividend from early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. ECEC services have come to occupy an important place on the global policy agenda. While some developed countries have long invested in this area, a growing number...

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Making National Social Protection Floors Work for Women

Resources - Author: Silke Staab / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on making social protection floors work for women. The idea of a social protection floor (SPF) is now firmly established on the global development agenda. Defined as a set of minimum guarantees, including basic income security for children, working-age adults,...

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UN Women Policy Brief Series

Resources - Year: 2015

The UN Women policy brief series synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on key policy areas around gender equality and women’s rights in an accessible format. The series aims to bridge the research and policy divide by identifying issues that require urgent policy attention and propose a set...

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Towards Universal Social Protection: Latin American pathways and policy tools

Resources - Author: Carla Bronzo, Carlos F. Maldonado Valera, Cecilia Rossel, Daniela Simioni, Fabián Repetto, Fernando Filgueira, Isabel Brain, Luis Hernán Vargas Faulbaum, María Nieves Rico, Nuria Cunill-Grau, Rodrigo Martínez, Simone Cecchini, Umberto Bonomo / Year: 2015

The book is aimed at international and national decision-makers at all levels, as well as academics and university students interested in learning more about the development of the region’s social protection policies and programmes. It is hoped that it will prove particularly useful to those responsible for designing, executing,...

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Report on extreme poverty and human rights (A /70/274), submitted by the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Resources - Author: Philip Alston / Year: 2015

The present report begins with an analysis of the confusing approaches to human rights taken by the World Bank in its legal policy, public relations, policy analysis, operations and safeguards. The Special Rapporteur then seeks to explain why the Bank has historically been averse to acknowledging and taking account...

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Social Protection Brief: Violence against Women and Girls

Resources - Year: 2014

The definition of social protection programmes varies widely, as do the types of interventions included and the specific outcomes sought. These programmes can be implemented through public and/or private sectors, with the involvement of single or multiple government sectors, or by some combination of these actors. This brief will...

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Social Protection and Human Rights