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Duty to prevent discrimination by private health providers on grounds of gender, race or economic status in Brazil

Legal depository - Country: Brazil / Body: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / Year: 2011

The communication represented the first instance of maternal mortality to be addressed by the international system of human rights, and examined accountability of health provision, in relation to compounding forms of discrimination. The victim was a poor woman of Afro-Brazilian ethnicity. The ethnic, socio-economic and gender factors were widely...

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Application of international provisions concerning maternal health in the Netherlands

Legal depository - Country: Netherlands / Body: Administrative High Court / Year: 1996

In force until 1996, Article 3(a) of “Besluit ziekenhuisverpleging ziekenfondsverzekering” (Decree  on health insurance and hospital care) required personal contributions from women towards the cost of postnatal care. Moreover, according to the explanatory note (“toelichting”) accompanying this Decree, personal contributions would also include postnatal care in hospitals regardless of...

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Coherent Constitutions and the Right to Social Protection for Adopted Children in Taiwan

Legal depository - Country: China, Taiwan / Body: Judicial Yuan (Constitutional Interpretation Agency) (China) / Year: 2002

The Judicial Yuan, a body responsible for interpreting the Constitution, examined the constitutionality of provisions in the Statute for Labor Insurance preventing children adopted within less than six months of the death of their adoptive parents from collecting social insurance benefits as survivors. The Court held that despite the...

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Unfair dismissal during protected maternity period in Benin

Legal depository - Country: Benin / Body: Cotonou Court of First Instance (Benin) / Year: 2009

Consequences of childbirth led to a medical condition that would temporarily prevent rigorous physical activities, and subsequently have implications for the complainant’s work duties upon returning to Plan International Benin after maternity leave, due to the necessity of daily motorcycle travel. During extended maternity leave, she was dismissed on...

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Relevance of contractual terms to protections for employed women who are pregnant or breastfeeding in Colombia

Legal depository - Country: Colombia / Body: Constitutional Court of Colombia / Year: 2013

This case addressed the circumstances of thirty-three women who had been dismissed from various forms of employment on the basis of being pregnant. Article 53 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombia allows for the direct application of international law by domestic legal bodies. Ratified conventions and...

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Namibia Social Protection Floor Assessment

Resources - Year: 2014

This report is the result of collaboration between the Government of Namibia and the ILO. Drawing on the Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review (SPER) and Social Budget methodologies, the objectives of the report are: 1) to improve the knowledge and information base on the coverage and performance of...

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Social security coverage extension in the BRICS: A comparative study on the extension of coverage in Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa

Resources - Author: ISSA / Year: 2013

This comparative study of the International Social Security Association ISSA presents the diverse approaches of the BRICS for the  extension of social security coverage. It shows how responses take into account the local realities and environment in each country, with a focus on innovations that measurabley extend and improve...

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Handbook on the extension of social security coverage to the self-employed

Resources - Author: ISSA / Year: 2012

In many countries, a large proportion of the working-age population can be considered as self-employed – in both the formal and informal sectors. Given the challenges in covering the self-employed, this development means that a relatively small proportion of the total population may be covered for social security benefits. Targeted measures...

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Global evidence on inequities in rural health protection: New data on rural deficits in health coverage for 174 countries

Resources - Author: Xenia Scheil-Adlung / Year: 2015

This paper presents global estimates on rural/urban disparities in access to health-care services. The report uses proxy indicators to assess key dimensions of coverage and access involving the core principles of universality and equity. Based on the results of the estimates, policy options are discussed to close the gaps...

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The Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202): Completing the standards to close the coverage gap

Resources - Author: Emmanuelle Saint-Pierre Guilbault, Ursula Kulke / Year: 2013

Summary: In June 2012, the 101st session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted the Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection, 2012 (No. 202). This article explores the linkages between Recommendation No. 202 and the pre-existing International Labour Organization (ILO) social security standards and its complementarity with these....

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World Report on Child Labour: Economic vulnerability, social protection and the fight against child labour

Resources - Author: International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) / Year: 2013

This report focuses on the role of social protection in preventing and reducing child labour. It is the first in the series of World Reports on Child Labour called for in the outcome document, the Roadmap, emerging from The Hague Global Child Labour Conference of 2010. The World Report...

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Social Security for All: Building social protection floors and comprehensive social security systems. The strategy of the International Labour Organization

Resources - Author: Social Security Department / Year: 2012

This document lays out the social security strategy of the International Labour Organization on the extension of social security. The ILO’s two-dimensional strategy provides clear guidance on the future development of social security in countries at all levels of development. Its horizontal dimension aims at establishing and maintaining social...

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Social Security and the Rule of Law: General Survey concerning social security instruments in the light of the 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2011

In March 2009, at its 304th Session, the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization decided that the recurrent item on the agenda of the 100th Session (2011) of the International Labour Conference should address the ILO strategic objective of enhancing the coverage and effectiveness of social protection, and...

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Maternity and paternity at work: Law and practice across the world

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2014

This report reviews national legislative provisions on maternity protection at work in 185 countries and territories (including leave, benefits, employment protection, health protection, breastfeeding arrangements at work and childcare), statistical coverage in law and in practice of paid maternity leave as well as statutory provision of paternity, parental and adoption leaves....

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Medical Care Recommendation, 1944 (No. 69)

Legal depository - Year: 1944

Together with Recommendation No. 67 and Recommendation No. 69 is at the origin of the development of social security in ILO instruments and can be considered the blueprint for comprehensive social security systems. Together, they establish a comprehensive system of income security and medical care protection for each of...

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Semi-conditional cash transfers in the form of family allowances for children and adolescents in the informal economy in Argentina

Resources - Author: Fabio Bertranou, Roxana Maurizio / Year: 2011

In 2009, Argentina introduced a new transfer programme for children and adolescents younger than age 18 (Universal Child Allowance) that extended coverage under the contributory programme for family allowances to include families in the informal economy and families of unemployed persons. This article describes this innovative programme, compares it...

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Social Protection and Human Rights