Activist to Entrepreneur: The role of social enterprise in supporting women’s empowerment in the US
This report examines the role that social enterprise is playing in addressing gender inequality and women’s empowerment in the US, where women earn 65 cents for every dollar earned by a man and are chronically under-represented in positions of leadership. It is one of a series of reports on...
Read MoreWomen’s ILO: Transnational networks, global labour standards and gender equity, 1919 to Present
This edited volume asks: what was the role of women’s networks in shaping ILO policies and what were the gendered meanings of international labour law in a world of uneven and unequal development? Women’s ILO explores issues like equal remuneration, home-based labour and social welfare internationally and in places...
Read MoreAn International Labour Organization Instrument on Violence against Women and Men at Work: the Australian influence
Violence in and out of work, both domestic violence and sexual harassment, are violations of human rights and impact heavily in the workplace. All forms of violence result in a high cost for workers, employers and society in general, in lost time, injuries, complaints, staff turnover, loss of skills,...
Read MoreCash Transfer Programmes, Poverty Reduction and Women’s Economic Empowerment: Experience from Mexico
This working paper on cash transfer in Mexico reviews over 150 publications on cash transfer programmes in the country since the end of the 1990s and presents the impact of these on health, education, income, poverty, labour force participation, time use and bargaining power of women at the household...
Read MoreLey 82, por la cual se expiden normas para apoyar de manera especial a la mujer cabeza de familia.
Es mujer cabeza de familia, quien siendo soltera o casada, ejerce la jefatura femenina de hogar y tiene bajo su cargo, afectiva, económica o socialmente, en forma permanente, hijos menores propios u otras personas incapaces o incapacitadas para trabajar, ya sea por ausencia permanente o incapacidad física, sensorial, síquica...
Read MoreLey 20.255
Para las mujeres la reforma significa un avance respecto de las injusticias establecidas por el sistema anterior. La creación del bono por hijo, la separación por género del seguro de invalidez y sobrevivencia y la división del saldo acumulado en la cuenta individual en caso de divorcio o nulidad...
Read MoreSocial Protection: towards gender equality
Social protection has become prominent in the global development agenda over recent decades, with social protection systems now being included as a target under Sustainable Development Goal 1: “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”. In developing countries, these policies have played an important role in alleviating extreme poverty,...
Read MoreWomen at Work: Trends 2016
This report provides the latest ILO data on women’s position in labour markets, examines the factors behind these trends and explores the policy drivers for transformative change. The report provides a picture of where women stand today in the world of work and how they have progressed over the...
Read MoreActivist Perspective: Linking Social Protection and Human Rights
How does a rights-based approach support civil society organizations in their advocacy for universal access to social protection? In this video, Priti Darooka, founder and executive director of the Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (India) talks about the role of human rights frameworks in supporting the...
Read MoreDelivering Development Justice? Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The “supremely ambitious and transformative vision” embodied in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes a goal to achieve gender equality for all women and girls and a re-commitment to governments’ human rights obligations. At the same time, governments have agreed to a range of strategies for financing the...
Read MoreCash Transfer Programmes, Poverty Reduction and Empowerment of Women in South Africa (GED Working Paper no. 4/2015)
This working paper is one of the five country studies on cash transfer programmes and women’s empowerment. The review of the South African experience in this study is complemented by country studies on Brazil, Chile, India and Mexico. Its results have also informed a comparative study, authored by Elaine...
Read MoreUN Women Policy Brief Series
The UN Women policy brief series synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on key policy areas around gender equality and women’s rights in an accessible format. The series aims to bridge the research and policy divide by identifying issues that require urgent policy attention and propose a set...
Read MoreCash transfer programmes, poverty reduction and empowerment of women in South Africa
Cash transfer programmes have been implemented in many countries as a key component of their national social protection floors and because these programmes provide a modest but regular income to poor households, they have the potential to reduce poverty and to enhance women’s economic empowerment. However, there have been...
Read MoreSocial Protection Brief: Violence against Women and Girls
The definition of social protection programmes varies widely, as do the types of interventions included and the specific outcomes sought. These programmes can be implemented through public and/or private sectors, with the involvement of single or multiple government sectors, or by some combination of these actors. This brief will...
Read MoreWomen Workers and the Politics of Claims-Making in a Globalizing Economy
The paper analyses the evolving politics of claims-making by women workers in the Global South in the context of a globalized economy. It addresses the following questions. What kinds of claims are prioritized in relation to women workers? Who is making these claims? To whom are they addressed? What...
Read MoreProgress of the World’s Women: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights
Twenty years after the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, and at a time when the global community is defining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the post-2015 era, the international consensus on the need to achieve gender equality seems stronger than ever before. Empowering women and...
Read MoreDiscussion Papers Series
The UN Women discussion paper series is a new initiative led by the Research and Data section of UN Women, to provide grounded, fresh and robust perspectives on some of the contemporary challenges to achieving gender equality and women’s rights, and offer insights into policy innovations that are making...
Read MoreHow can Social Protection Provide Social Justice for Women?
A feminist social protection programme recognises and enhances women’s identity as citizens and enables them to assume the roles they choose and fulfil the obligations they value. It is an approach that defines, targets and alleviates poverty in accordance with the views, priorities and experiences of the women beneficiaries...
Read MoreCash transfer programmes, poverty reduction and empowerment of women: A comparative analysis
This publication summarizes existing knowledge on the impact of cash transfers on women. These transfers are of relevance for gender equality, first, because as a group, women spend fewer years in paid employment than men, receive lower wages, and live longer. All three differences increase women’s risks of poverty....
Read MoreWomen’s Rights to Social Security and Social Protection (First Edition)
This collection examines the human rights to social security and social protection from a women’s rights perspective. The contributors stress the need to address women’s poverty and exclusion within a human rights framework that takes account of gender. The chapters unpack the rights to social security and protection and...
Read MoreWomen’s sexual and reproductive rights in the Philippines
Summary In 1991, the Philippines delegated responsibility for “people’s health and safety” to the local level. In exercise of this power, an executive order 003 (“EO 003”) was issued in Manila, in 2000 which declared that the city would take an “affirmative stand on pro-life issues”. In response to...
Read MoreProgress of The World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights
A comprehensive approach to social policy that combines universal access to social services with social protection through contributory and noncontributory transfer systems is the best way to realize economic and social rights for all without discrimination. Currently, only 27 per cent of the world’s population enjoys full access to...
Read MoreReport on the importance of gender sensitive social protection systems in achieving the MDGs (A/65/259) submitted by the independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty
Summary The present report highlights the importance of social protection measures in the Millennium Development Goals agenda. It also stresses that social protection measures designed, implemented and evaluated within the framework of a rights-based approach are more likely to ensure the achievement of the Goals and to result in...
Read MoreWomen’s empowerment
Social protection policies play important roles in giving women access to labour markets, addressing economic risks faced by working families and helping poor households meet their basic needs. Photo credit: “Visit to Western Kenya discussing changes in the climate and weather with men and women farmers” by Climate Change,...
Read MoreDo Social Protection Programmes That Impose Conditionalities on Women Fail to Confront Patriarchy as a Root Cause of Inequality?
The good and the bad: summarizing the evidence on social protection and gender equality Social protection programmes with conditionalities have undoubtedly connected with issues of women’s rights to equality. Indeed, the achievements of conditional cash transfers are proven and tangible, especially for women and girls, who are disproportionately at...
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