Administration and delivery of benefits and services
The efficient governance and administration of social protection schemes is one of the preconditions for the effective realization of human rights. In order to realize their rights, people need to be well informed about the availability of social protection benefits and of qualifying conditions, under which they can access the benefits in case of need. People need to have the possibility to interact with the administration close to their homes and workplaces, ensuring that geographical, language or other barriers do not prevent people, including vulnerable groups, from realizing their rights. Effective and efficient administration also includes financial management, benefit delivery, contribution collection (where applicable), information management, data protection and privacy, as well as complaint and appeal procedures.
Further reading:
- Administration of contributory schemes
- Administration of non-contributory schemes
- Electronic methods of administration and payment
- Information and management systems
- Identification and biometric technology
- One stop shops/single window services
- Privatization of delivery mechanisms