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The Rise of the ‘Just-in-Time Workforce’: On-Demand Work, Crowd Work and Labour Protection in the ‘Gig-Economy’

Resources - Author: Valerio De Stefano / Year: 2016

The so-called “gig-economy” has been growing exponentially in numbers and importance in recent years but its impact on labour rights has been largely overlooked. Forms of work in the “gig-economy” include “crowd work”, and “work-on-demand via apps”, under which the demand and supply of working activities is matched online...

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Introduction: Crowdsourcing, the Gig-Economy and the Law

Resources - Author: Valerio De Stefano / Year: 2016

The Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal is publishing a collection of papers on the gig-economy and labor law, edited by Valerio De Stefano (International Labour Office and Bocconi University). This collection, entitled “Crowdsourcing, the Gig-Economy and the Law”, gathers contributions from several labour lawyers and social scientists to...

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The Future of Work in the ‘Sharing Economy’. Market Efficiency and Equitable Opportunities or Unfair Precarisation?

Resources - Author: Cristiano Codagnone, Fabienne Abadie, Federico Biagi / Year: 2016

This critical and scoping review essay analyses digital labour markets where labour-intensive services are traded by matching requesters (employers and/or consumers) and providers (workers). It focuses on digital labour markets which allow the remote delivery of electronically transmittable services (i.e. Amazon Mechanical Turk, Upwork, Freelancers, etc.) and those where...

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Digital Labour and Development: impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods

Resources - Author: Isis Hjorth, Mark Graham, Vili Lehdonvirta / Year: 2017

As ever more policy-makers, governments and organisations turn to the gig economy and digital labour as an economic development strategy to bring jobs to places that need them, it becomes important to understand better how this might influence the livelihoods of workers. Drawing on a multi-year study with digital...

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Automation and Inequality: The changing world of work in the global South

Resources - Author: Andrew Norton / Year: 2017

This paper examines the relationship between rapid technological change, inequality and sustainable development. It asks how development processes can be shaped to provide decent, sustainable and inclusive work opportunities in low-income developing countries. In discussing this policy challenge, the paper seeks to stimulate thought and debate among a broad...

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Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context (A/HRC/37/53)

Resources - Author: Leilani Farha / Year: 2018

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context provides States and other actors with concrete guidance on implementing effective rights-based housing strategies. The report explains the...

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The Impact on Women of Recession and Austerity

Resources - Year: 2015

This report looks at how women have fared through recession and austerity. It finds that while progress on some headline measures of gender equality has continued – the employment and pay gap have continued to narrow, for example – some women are facing new hardships and barriers to...

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Impact of the economic crisis on the health of older persons in Spain: research clues based on an analysis of mortality. SESPAS report 2014

Resources - Author: Alicia Llácerb, Francois Béland, Maria-Victoria Zunzuneguia, Tarik Benmarhniaa / Year: 2014

Older adults are seldom considered in studies on the health impact of economic recessions or crises. However, they constitute a population group that is highly vulnerable to decreases in investment in health and social services and social security. Our aim is to examine the relationship between the economic crisis...

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How Technology Affects Jobs

Resources - Year: 2018

Developing Asia is forecast to expand by 6 percent in 2018, and by 5.9 percent in 2019. Excluding Asia’s high-income newly industrialized economies, growth should reach 6.5 percent in 2018 and 6.4 percent in 2019. With oil prices edging up and robust consumer demand continuing, inflation is poised to pick up...

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Exporting, Importing and Wages in Africa: Evidence from matched employer-employee data

Resources - Author: Christian Viegelahn, Marta Duda-Nyczak / Year: 2018

This paper studies wages in exporting and importing firms of the manufacturing sector in Africa, using firm-level data and employer-employee-level data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys. We find that exporters pay on average higher wages to their workers than non-exporters. Gains from economies of scale explain the positive...

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The Gendered Effects of Air Pollution on Labour Supply

Resources - Author: Guillermo Montt / Year: 2018

Air pollution affects workers’ ability to work by damaging their own health, but also by damaging the health of their dependents. This paper draws on 20 years of air pollution and employment data from Santiago, Chile, a highly polluted metropolis, particularly in fall and winter months. The paper finds...

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World Employment Social Outlook: Greening with Jobs (2018)

Resources - Year: 2018

While climate change mitigation measures may cause short-term job losses, the report shows that a just transition to a more sustainable economy offers much potential for job creation and the promotion of decent work. The report also looks at key issues linked with the path to a greener economy,...

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The Inefficiency of Inequality

Resources - Author: Esteban Pérez, Gabriel Porcile, Joseluis Samaniego, Martín Abeles, Martín Hopenhayn, Pablo Yanes, Simone Cecchini, Verónica Amarante, Wilson Peres / Year: 2018

Consistently with the emphasis that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has placed on equality since 2010, and in keeping with the purpose of leaving no one behind enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this document examines the mechanisms by which inequality erodes...

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The Inefficiency of Inequality (Summary)

Resources - Author: Esteban Pérez, Gabriel Porcile, Joseluis Samaniego, Martín Abeles, Martín Hopenhayn, Pablo Yanes, Simone Cecchini, Verónica Amarante, Wilson Peres / Year: 2018

Consistently with the emphasis that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has placed on equality since 2010, and in keeping with the purpose of leaving no one behind enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this document examines the mechanisms by which inequality erodes...

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Pension and Income Transfers for Old Age: Inter- and intra-generational distribution in comparative perspective

Resources - Author: Fernando Filgueira, Pilar Manzi / Year: 2017

This document provides a world comparative analysis regarding the design and reform of pension systems in order to improve coverage, equality and sustainability. It looks at how pension systems, rules and financing affect coverage, sufficiency, and distribution as well as fiscal and intergenerational sustainability and...

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Social Protection and Human Rights