Introduction: Crowdsourcing, the Gig-Economy and the Law

Author: Valerio De Stefano
Year: 2016
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The Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal is publishing a collection of papers on the gig-economy and labor law, edited by Valerio De Stefano (International Labour Office and Bocconi University). This collection, entitled “Crowdsourcing, the Gig-Economy and the Law”, gathers contributions from several labour lawyers and social scientists to provide a comprehensive analytical overview of work in the gig-economy, testing the validity of several assumptions underlying the general debate on platform-based work, and advancing policy options for labour and social protection of this work. Contributing authors are Antonio Aloisi, Janine Berg, Miriam Cherry, Valerio De Stefano, Matt Finkin, Lili Irani, Jeremias Prassl, Martin Risak, and Six Silberman. This article introduces this collection and gives an overview of the issues discussed by the authors.

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