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Social transfers and poverty in middle- and high- income countries – A global perspective

Resources - Author: Joakim Palme, Kenneth Nelson, Tommy Ferrarini / Year: 2015

This study investigates an old question that has re-emerged in social policy making and in analyses of global social development: to what extent does targeting and size of social transfers matter for poverty? Using multilevel logistic regression and Cross- National Data Center in Luxembourg (LIS) income data for 40...

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Indigenous peoples’ access to decent work and social protection

Resources - Author: Inter-agency support group on indigenous' peoples' issues / Year: 2014

This paper was prepared in the context of the United Nations Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG) on Indigenous Issues, which aims to strengthen  cooperation and coordination among UN agencies, funds, entities and programmes on indigenous peoples’ issues and to support the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and to promote...

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Report on extreme poverty and human rights (A/HRC/29/31), submitted by the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Resources - Author: Philip Alston / Year: 2015

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights focuses on the relationship between extreme poverty and extreme inequality and argues that a human rights framework is critical in addressing extreme inequality. In the report, the Special Rapporteur provides an overview of the widening economic...

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Women’s Rights to Social Security and Social Protection (First Edition)

Resources - Year: 2014

This collection examines the human rights to social security and social protection from a women’s rights perspective. The contributors stress the need to address women’s poverty and exclusion within a human rights framework that takes account of gender. The chapters unpack the rights to social security and protection and...

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Tracing Shadows: how gendered power relations shape the impacts of maternal death on living children in sub-Saharan Africa

Resources - Author: Alicia Ely Yamin, Emily Maistrellis, Jennifer Leaning, Junior Bazile, Lucia Knight, Mitike Molla / Year: 2015

Driven by the need to better understand the full and intergenerational toll of maternal mortality (MM), a mixed-methods study was conducted in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa to investigate the impacts of maternal death on families and children. The present analysis identifies gender as a fundamental driver not only...

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Women’s sexual and reproductive rights in the Philippines

Legal depository - Country: Philippines / Body: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / Year: 2015

Summary In 1991, the Philippines delegated responsibility for “people’s health and safety” to the local level. In exercise of this power, an executive order 003 (“EO 003”) was issued in Manila, in 2000 which declared that the city would take an “affirmative stand on pro-life issues”. In response to...

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Social Cash Transfer Programme in Malawi

Resources - Year: 2013

A programme run by the Government of Malawi is providing cash transfers to more than 26,000 of the country’s poorest households. FAO’s ‘From Protection to Production’ project (PtoP), run in collaboration with Unicef with funding from DFID and the EU, is evaluating the impact of these cash transfers on...

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Human Development Report 2014 – Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience

Resources - Author: UNDP / Year: 2014

The 2014 Human Development Report – Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience provides a fresh perspective on vulnerability and proposes ways to strengthen resilience. According to income-based measures of poverty, 1.2 billion people live with $1.25 or less a day. However, according to the UNDP Multidimensional Poverty Index,...

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Social Protection in Fragile States: Lessons learned

Resources - Author: Paul Harvey / Year: 2009

How can social protection best be achieved in situations of fragility? This paper argues that while the objectives for social protection in fragile states are essentially the same as in development contexts, social protection instruments, financing and delivery need to be adapted. In order to scale up social protection...

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Evaluating Outside the Box: Mixing Methods in Analysing Social Protection Programmes

Resources - Author: Keetie Roelen, Stephen Devereux / Year: 2014

This paper reflects on the methodological implications of operationalising an expanded framework for evaluating social protection programmes. It specifically discusses the combination and integration of methods as part of the expanded evaluation framework, and does so by using an ongoing evaluation of a cash transfer pilot programme in Tigray, Ethiopia as...

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Equity in financing and use of health care in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania: implications for paths to universal coverage

Resources - Author: Anne Mills, Bertha Garshong, Bronwyn Harris, Filip Meheus, Gemini Mtei, James Akazili, Jane Macha, Jo Borghi, John E Ataguba, Prof Di McIntyre, Suzan Makawia / Year: 2012

Universal coverage of health care is now receiving substantial worldwide and national attention, but debate continues on the best mix of financing mechanisms, especially to protect people outside the formal employment sector. Crucial issues are the equity implications of different financing mechanisms, and patterns of service use. This report provides...

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Equal access to health and family planning information for all women in Hungary

Legal depository - Country: Hungary / Body: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / Year: 2006

The communication was filed with regards to the alleged forced sterilization of an ethnic Roma woman by medical staff pursuant to an emergency caesarian section that was required to remove a deceased fetus. The Committee found that previous medical care, the poor medical condition of the victim, A.S., upon...

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Poverty and shame: global experiences

Resources - Author: Elaine Chase, Grace Bantebya-Kyomuhendo / Year: 2014

Poverty and Shame: Global Experiences, edited by Elaine Chase and Grace Bantebya-Kyomuhendo,  explores Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s contention that shame lies at the absolutist core of poverty. It draws on a wealth of empirical evidence to demonstrate how paying greater attention to the psychological and social consequences of poverty...

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Access to abortion for poor, disabled woman amid conscientious objection in Argentina

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Body: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / Year: 2011, 28 April 2011

Summary: The communication was filed by the mother of a woman with a mental impairment amounting to a legal age of a child, concerning the response of public health and judicial institutions to her pregnancy resulting from rape.  After being refused by one hospital, a second hospital scheduled an...

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The shame of poverty: global perspectives

Resources - Author: Robert Walker / Year: 2014

The Shame of Poverty, edited by Robert Walker, presents comparable evidence from the seven countries, challenges the conventional thinking that separates discussion of poverty found in the Global North from that prevalent in the Global South. It demonstrates that the emotional experience of poverty, with its attendant social and...

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Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups

As a human right that is intrinsic to all, the international community recognizes the need to design and implement social protection systems according to the principle of social inclusion, underlying the particular need to include persons in the informal economy (Recommendation No. 202, para 3e). Delivery systems should therefore...

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Report on taxation and human rights (A/HRC/26/28), submitted by the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Resources - Author: Magdalena Sepúlveda / Year: 2014

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights presents fiscal policy, and particularly taxation policies, as a major determinant in the enjoyment of human rights. Taxation is a key tool when tackling inequality and for generating the resources necessary for poverty reduction and the...

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Social Protection and Human Rights