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Joint statement: Towards inclusive social protection systems supporting the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities

Resources - Author: IDA, ILO, UNICEF / Year: 2019

This joint statement reflects our shared commitment to inclusive social protection systems for persons with disabilities. The statement emerged from meetings and discussions between international partners working on the issues of disability and social protection. These meetings also contributed to the first report of the United Nations (UN) Special...

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Making apprenticeships and workplace learning inclusive of persons with disabilities

Resources - Year: 2018

Governments, skills development institutions, employers and other stakeholders – including workers’ organizations and those of persons with disabilities – have a role in promoting a positive environment that allows persons with disabilities to be fully productive in the workplace. Examples from around the world demonstrate how disability-inclusive apprenticeships and...

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Adolescents with disabilities: Enhancing resilience and delivering inclusive development

Resources - Author: Bassam Abu Hamad, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Jennifer Muz, Joan Hamory Hicks, Kassahun Tilahun, Kifah Bani Odeh, Letisha Lunin, Maria Stavropoulou, Nicola Jones, Paola Pereznieto, Sarah Baird, Workneh Yadete / Year: 2018

Around the world, there are between 93 million and 150 million children and adolescents living with disabilities. Most of those children (80%) live in the global South, where 80% of persons with disabilities live below the poverty line. Children and adolescents with disabilities are far more likely than their...

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Care Act 2014

Legal depository - Country: United Kingdom / Year: 2014

An Act to make provision to reform the law relating to care and support for adults and the law relating to support for carers; to make provision about safeguarding adults from abuse or neglect; to make provision about care standards; to establish and make provision about Health Education England;...

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Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities

Resources - Author: Catalina Devandas / Year: 2017

Social protection is an essential condition for social and economic development for all, but particularly for those who experience poverty and social exclusion. Social protection programmes can play a crucial role in alleviating and preventing poverty and vulnerability to secure people’s well-being. They can also enhance the productivity, employability...

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Mental Health in the Workplace (Executive Summary and Introduction)

Resources - Year: 2000

Everyone has the right to decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity. For people with mental health problems, achieving this right is particularly challenging. The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) mandate on disability issues is laid down in the ILO Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation...

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Universal Old Age and Disability Pensions

Resources - Author: André F. Bongestabs / Year: 2016

Despite being one of the youngest and poorest countries of the region, Timor-Leste has offered a universal social pension to its senior citizens and persons with disabilities since 2008. Almost all persons above 60 years and about one in five persons with disabilities participate in the scheme. The pensions...

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Making Public Works Inclusive

Resources - Year: 2017

The video provides insight into the pilot project “Making Public Works Inclusive” implemented in 2016 in Dedza District in Malawi´s Central Region. The video explains the approach the pilot has taken on including persons with disabilities in Malawi´s national Public Works Programme. Central and district level stakeholders as well...

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Ley 180 sobre las discapacidades.

Legal depository - Country: Ecuador / Year: 1992

Protege a las personas con discapacidad; establece un sistema de prevención de discapacidades, atención e integración de personas con discapacidad que garantice su desarrollo y evite que sufran toda clase de discriminación, incluida la de género. Establece la creación y funcionamiento del Consejo Nacional de Discapacidades...

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Ley Orgánica de Discapacidades

Legal depository - Country: Ecuador / Year: 2012

Establece la protección y reconocimiento de los cuidadores y cuidadoras de personas con alguna discapacidad (art. 5; 16). Los cuidadores pueden gozar de beneficios de inclusión laboral como “sustitutos” de la persona discapacitada (art. 48). Se amplía el permiso de maternidad por 3 meses adicionales, en el caso del...

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Ley 7.600

Legal depository - Country: Costa Rica / Year: 1996

La Ley tiene como objetivos, servir como instrumento a las personas con discapacidad para que alcancen su máximo desarrollo, su plena participación social, así como el ejercicio de los derechos y deberes establecidos en nuestro sistema jurídico; garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades para la población en todo ámbito; eliminar...

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Ley 1.145

Legal depository - Country: Colombia / Year: 2007

Crea el Sistema Nacional de Discapacidad (SND), entendido como el conjunto de orientaciones, normas, actividades, recursos, programas e instituciones que permiten la puesta en marcha de los principios generales de la...

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Ley 20.422 establece normas sobre igualdad de oportunidades e inclusión social de personas con discapacidad.

Legal depository - Country: Chile / Year: 2010

Garantiza la igualdad de oportunidades de las personas con discapacidad (Título I, pár.1).Promueve la autonomía personal y la atención a las personas en situación de dependencia a través de prestaciones o servicios de apoyo. La atención de las personas con discapacidad en situación de dependencia, deberá facilitar una existencia...

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Ley 20.535

Legal depository - Country: Chile /

Extiende el permiso a los padres contemplado en el artículo 199 bis, la persona que tenga a su cuidado personal, o sea cuidador de un menor con discapacidad debidamente inscrito en el Registro Nacional de la Discapacidad, o menor de 6 años, con el diagnóstico del médico tratante. También...

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Ley 7.853

Legal depository - Country: Brazil / Year: 1989

Proporciona apoyo para las personas con discapacidad, su integración social a través del CORDE (Coordinación Nacional para la Integración de Personas con...

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Ley 22.431 De Protección Integral para los discapacitados.

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Year: 1981

Crea un sistema de protección integral de las personas discapacitadas, tendiente a asegurar a éstas su atención médica, su educación y su seguridad social, así como a concederles las franquicias y estímulos que permitan, en lo posible neutralizar la desventaja, que la discapacidad les provoca y les den oportunidad,...

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Are Cash Transfers a Means to Promote “Meaningful” Independent Living for Persons with Disabilities?

Expert commentaries - Date: 31 March 2017 / Author: Ola Abu Al Ghaib

Despite progress made around disability and social policy in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), there are still concerns that cash transfers in developing contexts may reinforce perceptions that persons with disabilities are dependent and incapable of work, rather than being a mechanism for meeting their needs and facilitating their...

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WWDA Human Rights Toolkit for Women and Girls with Disability

Resources - Year: 2016

Over two million women and girls with disability live in Australia – that’s approximately 20 percent of all women and girls. Like everyone else, we all have different lives and experiences. We also have different personal experiences of disability. As a group, however, women and girls with disability experience...

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World Report on Disability

Resources - Year: 2011

This report focuses on measures to improve accessibility and equality of opportunity; promoting participation and inclusion; and increasing respect for the autonomy and dignity of persons with disabilities. Chapter 1 defines terms such as disability, discusses prevention and its ethical considerations, introduces the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and...

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Social Protection and Human Rights