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JICA Thematic Guide to Social Protection

Resources - Year: 2014

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thematic Guideline is a reference document targeting the wide ranging internal and external stakeholders in social protection. The purpose of the Guideline is to provide basic information and knowledge about social protection such as an overview of social protection around the world, trends...

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Social Protection in Austria

Resources - Year: 2014

This publication provides an up-to-date overview of Austria’s welfare services and benefits. It highlights the basic aspects and benefits of individual systems catering to families, old age, health, unemployment, social distress as well as the development of social spending and its funding....

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Rights-based approaches to social protection

Resources - Author: Laure-Hélène Piron / Year: 2004

This paper provides background information and analysis on the relevance of rights-based approaches (RBAs) to development for the provision of social protection (SP) in developing countries, supported through international development assistance. This background paper does not purport to serve as programmatic guidance; it only identifies key arguments and some...

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Inclusive Social Development

Resources - Year: 2015

The aim of this report is to provide these policy constituents with a comprehensive mapping and analysis of the key issues which can be used to identify the most important social and economic issues that need to be addressed and act as a guide for the development of social...

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Social Protection Policy and Research in the Arab States: from Shared Challenges to Coordinated Efforts

Resources - Author: Carlos Alviar, Chris Béné, Fabio Veras Soares, Hania Sholkamy, Kristina Hallez, Madani Safar Zitoun, Nandita Gupta, Rabeya Yasmin, Yuri Kazepov /

UNESCO strives through its intergovernmental programme on Management of Social Transformations (MOST) to make a stronger linkage between social science research and public policy making. Social science policy research fed by dialogues among policy makers, practitioners from civil society, beneficiaries and participants of specific policy and programme interventions and...

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Indigenous peoples’ access to decent work and social protection

Resources - Author: Inter-agency support group on indigenous' peoples' issues / Year: 2014

This paper was prepared in the context of the United Nations Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG) on Indigenous Issues, which aims to strengthen  cooperation and coordination among UN agencies, funds, entities and programmes on indigenous peoples’ issues and to support the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and to promote...

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Human Development Report 2014 – Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience

Resources - Author: UNDP / Year: 2014

The 2014 Human Development Report – Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience provides a fresh perspective on vulnerability and proposes ways to strengthen resilience. According to income-based measures of poverty, 1.2 billion people live with $1.25 or less a day. However, according to the UNDP Multidimensional Poverty Index,...

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Social Protection in Fragile States: Lessons learned

Resources - Author: Paul Harvey / Year: 2009

How can social protection best be achieved in situations of fragility? This paper argues that while the objectives for social protection in fragile states are essentially the same as in development contexts, social protection instruments, financing and delivery need to be adapted. In order to scale up social protection...

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Evaluating Outside the Box: Mixing Methods in Analysing Social Protection Programmes

Resources - Author: Keetie Roelen, Stephen Devereux / Year: 2014

This paper reflects on the methodological implications of operationalising an expanded framework for evaluating social protection programmes. It specifically discusses the combination and integration of methods as part of the expanded evaluation framework, and does so by using an ongoing evaluation of a cash transfer pilot programme in Tigray, Ethiopia as...

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Mapping existing international social protection statistics and indicators that would contribute to the monitoring of social protection extension through social protection floors

Resources - Author: Florence Bonnet, Lou Tessier / Year: 2013

This report summarises a workshop which brought together representatives from various organizations active in social protection. It presents a mapping of existing, comparable, internationally collected data and related indicators on social protection (and more specifically its contribution to ensuring basic income security throughout the life cycle) and a reflection...

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Fiscal Space and the Extension of Social Protection: Lessons learnt from developing countries (ESS Working Paper No. 33)

Resources - Author: Fabio Durán-Valverde, José Francisco Pacheco / Year: 2012

This paper focuses on the analysis of experience in creating fiscal space for the extension of social protection. It presents the results of studies conducted in eight developing countries (Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Costa Rica, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Thailand) that successfully extended social protection including floors for national...

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Namibia Social Protection Floor Assessment

Resources - Year: 2014

This report is the result of collaboration between the Government of Namibia and the ILO. Drawing on the Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review (SPER) and Social Budget methodologies, the objectives of the report are: 1) to improve the knowledge and information base on the coverage and performance of...

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Social Protection and Human Rights