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Gender-Transformative Divorce Legislation in India

Legal depository - Country: India / Body: Supreme Court of India / Year: 2017

Summary:  Shayara Bano was married for 15 years. In 2016, her husband divorced her through talaq–e-bidat (triple talaq). This is an Islamic practice that permits men to arbitrarily and unilaterally effect instant and irrevocable divorce by pronouncing the word “talaq” (Arabic for divorce) three times at once in oral, written or,...

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Accounting for Income Inequality: empirical evidence from India

Resources - Author: Jaya Krishnakumar, Maurizio Bigotta, Uma Rani / Year: 2017

This paper decomposes income inequality using the regression-based decomposition technique. The paper analyses the role of education, experience, employment status, industry and their interactions in accounting for differences in income and its inequality in India over the past three decades. The results clearly show that education is the most...

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World Employment Social Outlook: Trends (2018)

Resources - Year: 2018

This report analyses key job quality indicators, devoting particular attention to informality, underemployment and temporary employment. It also takes stock of structural sectoral shifts and ageing, two long-term trends likely to add further pressures on the labour...

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International Social Security Review Special Issue: Special Issue: The human right to social security

Resources - Author: Catalina Devandas, Christina Behrendt, Francie Lund, Gabriele Köhler, Katja Hujo, Laura Alfers, Magdalena Sepúlveda, Rachel Moussié, Roddy McKinnon, Valeria Esquivel / Year: 2017

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 asserts that social security is an inalienable human right. Realizing this human right is often considered, simply, as a matter of political will and of administrative aptitude. In these terms, the progressive realization of the human right to social...

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Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe

Resources - Author: Freek Spinnewijn, Manuel Domergue, Marc Uhry, Maria-José Aldanas, Ruth Owen, Sarah Coupechoux / Year: 2017

Since 2015, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre have released a yearly Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe. These annual reports look at the latest Eurostat data (EU-SILC) and assess EU countries’ capacity to adequately house their populations. The 2017 version reveals alarming evidence of rising homelessness across the majority of...

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Towards a Better Future for Women and Work: voices of women and men

Resources - Year: 2017

ILO, in collaboration with Gallup, surveyed men and women in 2016 to understand their perceptions about women and work. The results, based on interviews with nearly 149,000 adults in 142 countries and territories, suggest that women might find support in their quest for productive employment and decent work coming...

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Social Protection after the Arab Spring

Resources - Author: Abdel-Rahmen El Lahga, Alexis Lefèvre, Amina Said Alsayyad, Anna Carolina Machado, Arthur van Diesen, Atif Khurshid, Charlotte Bilo, Fabio Veras Soares, Flavia Lorenzon, Gabrielle Smith, Gisela Nauk, Kishan Khoday, Mahdi Halmi, Mario Gyori, Markus Loewe, Oscar Ekdahl, Rafael Guerreiro Osorio, Rana Jawad, Sarah Shahyar, Stephen Devereux, Verena Damerau / Year: 2017

When countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) achieved independence, formal social protection schemes established by former colonial powers were, to varying degrees, assimilated or mimicked by the State, particularly pension systems for government and formal-sector workers. These systems, however, have proven to be highly subsidized and...

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The Gender Gap in Employment: What’s Holding Women Back?

Resources - Year: 2017

Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. When women are employed, they tend to work in low-quality jobs in vulnerable conditions, and there is little improvement forecast in the near future. Explore this InfoStory to get the data behind the...

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Unimpeded Access to Accountability Mechanisms for Workers in the United Kingdom

Legal depository - Country: United Kingdom / Body: Supreme Court of the United Kingdom / Year: 2017

Summary:  Prior to the enactment of the Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal Fees Order 2013 (Fees Order) in the UK, a claimant could pursue and appeal employment proceedings without paying any fee. Fees were introduced under the Fees Order, with the amount varying depending on factors including...

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Jobs, FDI and Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from firm-level data

Resources - Author: Adnan Seric, Christian Viegelahn, Sotiris Blanas / Year: 2017

Using a unique sample of foreign-owned and domestic firms in Sub-Saharan Africa, we study the differences in the quantity and quality of jobs that they offer, and identify how these differences are determined by country-level institutional factors. After controlling for numerous firm-level characteristics, we find that foreign-owned firms offer...

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Robot-lución: The future of work in Latin American Integration 4.0

Resources - Author: Alan Krueger, Alejandro Zamponi, Andrés Cadena, Antoni Estevadeordal, Ariel Coremberg, Arun Sundararajan, Beatriz Nofal, Bianca Pacini, Carl Frey, Carmen Pagés, Cristina Calvo, Dani Rodrik, Daniel Korn, Daniel Susskind, Diego Aboal, Gaaitzen De Vries, Gonzalo Zunino, Guanzhi Zhang, Gustavo Beliz, Hua Zhang, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Irmgard Nübler, Jacques Bughin, James Manyika, Jianwen Huo, Jinyu Wu, Joe Gemma, John Van Reenen, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Laura Ripani, Luca Sartorio, Manuel Blum, Marcelo Cabrol, Martin Rhisiart, Mingming Guo, Noelia Romero, Robert Aumann, Robert Ivanschitz, Santiago Chelala, Senén Barro, Shuxi Yin, Susan Lund, Tang Jun, Walter Sosa Escudero / Year: 2017

This new edition contains the work of over 40 experts from different parts of the world, who analyze the risks that automation may pose to work and how this may affect integration and employment. More than 40 global experts imagine the future of work and integration of Latin America...

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Youth Labour Market Prospects and Recent Policy Developments

Resources - Author: Elva López Mourelo, Stefan Kühn, Steven Tobin, Verónica Escudero / Year: 2017

Youth continue to face important labour market challenges today, often significantly greater than their adult counterparts. While unemployment rates have fallen in recent years, long-term unemployment remains persistently high as does the share of youth neither in employment nor in education or training. This raises concerns about the consequences...

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On Your Own

Resources - Year: 2017

This short documentary film focuses on the extension of social protection coverage to workers in the informal economy in Mozambique. It is a useful advocacy tool to raise awareness about the importance of increasing the coverage levels of these...

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Social Protection Floors Calculator

Resources -

The ILO’s Social Protection Floors Calculator makes it possible to estimate the costs of child and orphan allowances, maternity benefits, public works programs for those without jobs, disability and old-age pensions. Link to...

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Social Panorama of Latin America 2017

Resources - Year: 2017

In this edition of Social Panorama of Latin America, ECLAC has addressed the questions posed by the countries of the region in three major areas: income inequality between individuals and households and how these relate to labour market dynamics; the evolution of poverty and its determinants; and the effects...

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Universal Periodic Review Sexual Rights Database

Resources - Year: 2017

The Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council is a process to review each of the 193 Member States of the UN on its entire human rights record every four and a half years. This database allows you to access and search all the sexual rights...

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Human Rights in Times of Austerity (Brazil)

Resources - Year: 2017

One year into Brazil’s 20-year constitutional cap on public spending, the Center for Social and Economic Rights, the Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos (INESC) and Oxfam Brazil have presented new empirical findings to the Brazilian Congress that illustrate austerity’s already severe impact on basic social and economic rights in the...

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Social Protection and Human Rights