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Equality Act 2010

Legal depository - Country: United Kingdom / Year: 2010

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat...

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Improving the Safety and Health of Young Workers

Resources - Year: 2018

The ILO has prepared this brief for the 2018 World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which aims to promote a safe and healthy generation. The goals of the brief are to describe the OSH risks faced by young workers and to encourage a global conversation on the...

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Overview of Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Through a Child and Equity Lens

Resources - Author: Anna Carolina Machado, Charlotte Bilo, Fabio Veras Soares, Rafael Guerreiro Osorio / Year: 2018

Through the definition of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries have acknowledged the importance of social protection for poverty reduction. Namely, target 1.3 of SDG 1, “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”, calls for the implementation of nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for...

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National Policy on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work

Legal depository - Country: India / Year: 2009

This policy, based on principles of human rights, aims to guide the national response to HIV/AIDS in reducing and managing the impact of the epidemic in the world of work. Specifically the policy aims to: Prevent transmission of HIV infection amongst workers and their families; Protect rights of those...

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Reproductive Health Policy

Legal depository - Country: Fiji /

The purpose of this Policy & Strategy document is to outline policy statements of the Ministry of Health in support of Reproductive Health including maternal and neonatal health, demonstrating its contribution to the achievement of improved health and wellbeing in Fiji. It maps out a framework of key strategic...

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Social Protection for Indigenous Peoples

Resources - Year: 2018

Men, women and children from indigenous peoples are estimated to represent 4.5 per cent of the world’s population. They constitute more than 5,000 different groups with distinct cultures, forms of social organization, livelihood strategies, practices, notions of poverty and wellbeing, values, and beliefs profoundly embedded in their collective relationship with...

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The Need for Transparency: Designing Rights-Based and Accountable Social Protection Systems

Expert commentaries - Date: 12 April 2018 / Author: Rasmus Jensen Schjødt

A human rights-based approach to social protection requires transparency, accountability and accessibility to be an integral part of the design of policies and programmes. However, policy makers often do not consider whether social protection programmes enable or hinder human rights; focusing instead on issues such as cost effectiveness, distributional...

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Why We Need Social Protection

Resources - Author: Chad Anderson, Stephen Kidd, Thérèse Björk / Year: 2018

This policy guide, developed by ESCAP together with Development Pathways, explains the basic principles of social protection and the impact it can have on poverty reduction, social cohesion, economic growth and the environment. It shows how investing in inclusive social protection can accelerate progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development...

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State and Corporate Accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Legal depository - Country: Democratic Republic of Congo / Body: African Commission of Human and Peoples' Rights / Year: 2016

Summary:  In 2004, a small number of lightly armed rebels tried to take control of Kilwa, a remote fishing town in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Congo). About 50 km away from Kilwa there is a copper and silver mine, where Anvil Mining Company (Anvil Mining), a small Australian-Canadian...

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The Distribution of Gains from Globalization

Resources - Author: Marina Mendes Tavares, Valentin F. Lang / Year: 2018

We study economic globalization as a multidimensional process and investigate its effect on incomes. In a panel of 147 countries during 1970-2014, we apply a new instrumental variable, exploiting globalization’s geographically diffusive character, and find differential gains from globalization both across and within countries: Income gains are substantial for...

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An Economy for the 99%

Resources - Author: Deborah Hardoon / Year: 2017

New estimates show that just eight men own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world. As growth benefits the richest, the rest of society – especially the poorest – suffers. The very design of our economies and the principles of our economics have taken us to...

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Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A Framework for Action

Resources - Author: Heinz Schandl, Lewis Akenji / Year: 2018

ASEAN countries have committed themselves to the implementation of two parallel but interrelated processes: the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 (ASEAN Vision 2025) and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). From the outset ASEAN Member States underlined the complementarity of these two agendas in their efforts...

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Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific

Resources - Author: Arun Jacob, Bishwa Nath Tiwari, Hitomi Rankine, Smita Nakhooda / Year: 2018

This report takes stock of the changing nature of increasingly complex risks in Asia and the Pacific, and the stresses and shocks that are affecting a diverse region’s prospects for achieving the SDGs. It highlights the effects of selected natural hazards, commodity shocks and pollution shocks on the region’s...

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Women at work: addressing the gaps

Resources - Author: Carolina Robino, Raquel Tebaldi / Year: 2018

Despite progress in education and health worldwide, women still face significant barriers to engage as full economic citizens. There are significant gender gaps in wages and labour market participation. In many cases, women also face barriers and lack the assets needed to become entrepreneurs. These inequalities remain large, persistent...

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Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya

Resources - Author: Bjorn Gelders /

The definition of child vulnerability used in Kenya’s social protection sector was shaped in the early 2000s, when policymakers noted an increasing number of orphans as a consequence of the AIDS pandemic and developed the National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). Kenya’s Cash Transfer for...

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Social Protection and Human Rights