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Employment Act No. 27

Legal depository - Country: Bahamas / Year: 2001

Act No. 207 of 2001 to provide for the fixing of wages of workers, the hours of work, their leave and generally for matters pertaining to the welfare of workers in the Bahamas....

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General Orders

Legal depository - Country: Bahamas / Year: 2006

Chapter 15 of the General Orders of the Bahamas describes the required conditions to obtain maternity and vacation in case of pregnancy....

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Basic Income as a Policy Option: technical background note illustrating costs and distributional implications for selected countries

Resources - Author: Herwig Immervoll, James Browne / Year: 2017

The concept of a Basic Income (BI), an unconditional transfer paid to each individual is not new. However, although many OECD countries have non-contributory, non-means tested benefits for certain groups (most commonly children or pensioners) no country has made a BI the central pillar of its social security system....

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Ley 22.431 De Protección Integral para los discapacitados.

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Year: 1981

Crea un sistema de protección integral de las personas discapacitadas, tendiente a asegurar a éstas su atención médica, su educación y su seguridad social, así como a concederles las franquicias y estímulos que permitan, en lo posible neutralizar la desventaja, que la discapacidad les provoca y les den oportunidad,...

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Ley 24.714 Ley de Asignaciones Familiares.

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Year: 1996

Se incorpora al régimen de asignaciones familiares la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH) para Protección Social que consiste en una prestación monetaria no retributiva que se abona a uno sólo de los padres/tutor/curador/pariente por consanguinidad hasta el tercer grado....

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Extending Social Security by Anchoring Rights in Law

Resources - Year: 2016

The South African social protection system is one of the most comprehensive within the region. Its statutory and effective coverage rates are above the region’s average and comparable or even beyond those of other BRICS countries. The comprehensive nature of the system lies in contributory and non-contributory cash and...

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Extending Social Protection by Anchoring Rights in Law

Resources - Year: 2016

The adoption of the 1988 constitution marked a landmark in the history of the Brazilian social security system by introducing a universal social security model grounded in citizenship rights. The Constitution sets out the State’s responsibility in organizing and legislating social security. This should be done according to principles...

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Ley 25.994

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Year: 2004

Crea un sistema de jubilación anticipada. El monto del haber que percibirán los beneficiarios de la Jubilación Anticipada es el equivalente al cincuenta por ciento (50%) del correspondiente al beneficio de jubilación al que tendrá derecho al cumplir la edad requerida de acuerdo a la ley 24.241, no pudiendo...

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Ley 26.873

Legal depository - Country: Argentina / Year: 2013

Establece acciones de promoción de la lactancia materna exclusiva y prácticas óptimas de alimentación en niños hasta los seis meses de edad, así como también la promoción de la lactancia materna continuada y alimentación complementaria oportuna para niños de hasta dos años de vida. Dentro de la ley se...

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Labour Code

Legal depository - Country: Antigua and Barbuda / Year: 1998

Section C20 of the Labour Code of Antigua and Barbuda states that “female employee with a minimum of twelve months unbroken service in her employment is entitled whenever she is pregnant to a maternity leave of at least six weeks.” In  paragraph (3) of the same section it reads...

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Labour Code

Legal depository - Country: Anguilla / Year: 2003

The Labour Code of Anguilla details laws about period of maternity, equal remuneration between men and women, and special conditions for pregnant women....

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General Orders (Anguilla)

Legal depository - Country: Anguilla / Year: 2004, 2010

General Orders, Chapter 7:   Paragraph 7.24 states that “Women officers will be eligible for the grant of thirteen weeks maternity leave with full salary of which not fewer than four (if officer is physically on the job) and not more than six weeks may be taken before the...

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Basic Income as a Policy Option: can it add up?

Resources - Year: 2017

Recent debates of basic income (BI) proposals shine a useful spotlight on the challenges that traditional forms of income support are facing, and highlight gaps in social provisions that largely depend on income or employment status. A universal “no questions asked” public transfer would be simple and have the...

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Investing in the Care Economy: Simulating employment effects by gender in countries in emerging economies

Resources - Author: Diane Perrons, Jerome De Henau, Susan Himmelweit / Year: 2017

Increasing public investment in emerging economies would boost employment and contribute to economic growth and, depending on the form and location of the investment, contribute to enhancing human development and realizing some of the Sustainable Development Goals. This report makes a case for public investment in social as well...

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Investing in the Care Economy:  A gender analysis of employment stimulus in seven OECD countries

Resources - Author: Diane Perrons, Jerome De Henau, Susan Himmelweit, Zofia Łapniewska / Year: 2016

Increasing public investment would stimulate employment and economic growth and provide a more effective means of moving out of recession than current austerity policies. This report makes such a case for public investment that is in social as well as physical infrastructure. By social infrastructure we mean education, care...

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HIV and Social Protection Assessment Tool

Resources - Year: 2017

The HIV and social protection assessment tool is used for a quick scan of existing social protection programmes and their sensitivity (or lack of) to the HIV response in a given country and location. Additional follow-up and research that engages the different critical actors, including HIV programme managers, social...

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Social Protection and Human Rights