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Mainstreaming Graduation into Social Protection Floors (One Pager 324)

Resources - Author: Harshani Dharmadasa, Ian Orton, Lauren Whitehead / Year: 2016

With the recent adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), eradicating extreme poverty presents a major challenge for governments worldwide. Despite recent progress, 902 million people remain in extreme poverty. To attain the right to social protection for people living in extreme poverty and, simultaneously, Goal 1,...

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The Social Dimensions of Saudi Vision 2030: a paradigm shift (One Pager 361)

Resources - Author: Abdel-Hameed Nawar, Amina Saeed Elsayyad / Year: 2017

This One Pager explains that to address internal development issues in Saudi Arabia such as poverty, vulnerability and inequality, the Vision 2030 plan and its programmes have, inter alia, pointed to a number of specific goals, targets and policy measures to reduce social vulnerability, address labour market issues for women and promote...

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Brazilian Fiscal Policy in Perspective: from expansion to austerity

Resources - Author: Rodrigo Octávio Orair, Sergio Wulff Gobetti / Year: 2017

This paper analyses the changes in orientation and composition of Brazilian fiscal policy, focusing on three recent periods and seeking to explore their relationship with economic performance. The first period (2005–2010) was characterised by fiscal expansion, with public investment and redistributive transfers as its main drivers. Economic performance was...

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Children of Austerity: impact of the great recession on child poverty in rich countries

Resources - Author: András Gábos, Aya K. Abe, Bea Cantillon, Bertrand Maître, Brian Nolan, Carina Mood, Chiara Saraceno, Christopher Wimer, Gill Main, István György Tóth, Jan O. Jonsson, Jonathan Bradshaw, Julie Vinck, Luisa Natali, Manos Matsaganis, Peter Krause, Sara Ayllón, Sudhanshu Handa, Thomas Bahle, Timothy Smeeding, Wim Van Lancker, Yekaterina Chzhen / Year: 2017

The 2008 financial crisis triggered the worst global recession since the Great Depression. Many OECD countries responded to the crisis by reducing social spending. Through 11 diverse country case studies (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States), this volume describes the...

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Social Return on Investment: accounting for value in the context of implementing Health 2020 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Year: 2017

Social return on investment (SROI) is a concept to account for social value when evaluating investments. It goes beyond traditional economic evaluation tools, by considering value produced for multiple stakeholders in all three dimensions of development: economic, social and environmental. This discussion paper reviews the main features of SROI...

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Playing with Fire: deepened financial integration and changing vulnerabilities of the Global South

Resources - Author: Yilmaz Akyüz / Year: 2017

From the early 1990s many emerging and developing economies (EDEs) liberalized their capital accounts, allowing greater freedom for international lenders and investors to enter their markets, as well as for their residents to operate in international financial markets. Despite recurrent crises, liberalization has accelerated in the new millennium. Global...

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Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2017: governance and fiscal management

Resources - Author: Hamza Ali Malik, Hongjoo Hahm, Shamshad Akhtar / Year: 2017

Economic growth in Asia-Pacific economies, although steady, is modest compared with its recent historical trend amid prolonged weak external demand and its ramifications, such as subdued investment and rising trade protectionism. While robust economic growth is not a sufficient condition for achieving broader development goals, the lack of it...

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The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index

Resources - Author: Matthew Martin, Max Lawson / Year: 2017

In 2015, the leaders of 193 governments promised to reduce inequality as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Without reducing inequality, meeting the SDG to eliminate poverty will be impossible. Now Development Finance International and Oxfam have produced the first index to measure the commitment of governments to...

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Report on extreme poverty and human rights (A/HRC/35/26), submitted by the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Resources - Author: Philip Alston / Year: 2017

The focus of the present report is on the idea of replacing or supplementing existing social protection systems with a universal basic income (“basic income”). In recent months, this proposal has drawn increased attention from governments, scholars, and practitioners in a range of different fields, and four major books...

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Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Coverage and investment trends

Resources - Author: Bernardo Atuesta, Simone Cecchini / Year: 2017

This document analyses the evolution of the population coverage and investment of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes, which are poverty reduction initiatives, in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 20 years. The analysis is based on up-to-date, detailed information from the database on non-contributory...

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Partnership Schools for Liberia: a critical review

Resources - Author: Tyler Hook / Year: 2017

This report reviews and analyses documents related to the Partnership Schools for Liberia (PSL) pilot. It particularly highlights the Baseline Report conducted by Innovations for Poverty Actions (IPA) (2017), and the Coalition for Transparency and Accountability in Education (COTAE) monitoring report (2017). The analysis focuses on three key areas:...

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Gender and Cash Transfers: A human rights-based approach

Resources - Year: 2017

This Issue Brief explores some key gender dimensions of conditional cash transfers through the lens of the human rights-based approach to social protection. In many cash transfer programmes around the world, women are the principal beneficiaries on the assumption that this not only improves the nutrition, health and education...

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Implementation of International Labour Standards for Domestic Workers

Resources - Year: 2017

There are approximately 67 million domestic workers worldwide, the clear majority of whom (80 per cent) are women. Many domestic workers, if not most, come from disadvantaged social groups, making them particularly vulnerable to discrimination and abuse at work.1 In 2011, to address these concerns, the International Labour Organization...

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Roma Students’ Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination in the Czech Republic

Legal depository - Country: Czech Republic / Body: European Court of Human Rights / Year: 2007

Participatory implementation of D.H. case promotes inclusion of Roma children in Czech schools In this case, applicants challenged the disproportionate classification of Roma school children in the Czech Republic as having special education needs as well as their segregation into schools for children with “Light Mental Disabilities”. The European...

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Equitable Education Funding in the United States

Legal depository - Country: United States of America / Body: Supreme Court of the State of Kansas / Year: 2017

This case focused on whether school funding by the State of Kansas was equitable and adequate, as required under the relevant state constitutional provisions regulating the provision of education. Upon finding violations in connection with the equitable distribution of funds and the adequacy of such funds to ensure constitutionally...

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A Political Economy Analysis of Domestic Resource Mobilization in Uganda

Resources - Author: Anne Mette Kjær, Jalia Kangave, Marianne S. Ulriksen, Mesharch Katusiimeh / Year: 2017

This synthesis paper brings together the research findings from four papers prepared by the Uganda team as a part of the UNRISD Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development project, which addresses three broad themes: bargaining and contestation, key relations, and institution building with regard to mobilizing resources...

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Reformas Estatales, Fortalecimiento Institucional y Políticas de Movilización de Recursos en Nicaragua: El Caso del Sector de la Salud

Resources - Author: Guy Delmelle, René Mendoza / Year: 2017

En el presente estudio sobre la movilización de recursos domésticos para el desarrollo social se analiza el sector de la salud en Nicaragua desde 1972 hasta 2015. Se examinan las variaciones en las políticas que afectan el sector salud y su financiamiento, el papel de las instituciones, la fuerza...

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Social Protection and Human Rights