The Rise of Homegrown Ideas and Grassroots Voices: new directions in social policy in Rwanda

Organization(s): UNRISD
Author: Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu
Regions: East Africa
Country: Rwanda
Year: 2017
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At the core of Rwanda’s social policy renaissance is the emphasis on the home-grown and grassroots centred generation of intellectual and material resources, utilized with the aim of ensuring a local population familiar with and favourably disposed to government social policy. In the past decade and a half, Rwanda has gradually but consistently charted this path in social policy action through the establishment of systems and processes that focus on ensuring that citizens—and not government or donors—are held accountable for development prioritization and the achievement of set goals. Indigenous knowledge, endogenous thinking patterns, grassroots based participation and cultural considerations have—as much as feasibly possible within the Rwandan polity—characterized efforts aimed at social policy action.

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