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Compendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 1 – Universal schemes

Resources - Year: 2016

The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 1 showcases universal old-age and disability pensions as well as universal maternity and child protection schemes in developing...

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Social Security Programs Throughout the World

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This publication, published by the Social Security Administration of the United States of America and the International Social Security Association highlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries.   Link to...

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Promoting Youth Employment: policies and programmes

Resources - Author: Dharam Ghai / Year: 1988

This paper deals primarily with programmes for expansion of youth employment opportunities, paying special attention to generation of self-employment through youth enterprise. Since these programmes cannot be considered in isolation of the nature of youth unemployment and the overall policies for employment creation, the initial sections of the paper...

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World Employment Social Outlook (2016)

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2016

This report includes a forecast of global unemployment levels, looking at the situation in developed, emerging and developing economies, with detailed charts and numbers. The report also focusses on the share of vulnerable employment as well as on the scale of the informal economy. It provides policy guidance to...

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Social Protection Floor Index: Monitoring national social protection policy implementation

Resources - Author: Annalena Oppel, Michael Cichon, Mira Bierbaum, Sander Tromp / Year: 2016

At the 101st International Labour Conference in 2012, 184 members unanimously adopted the Social Protection Floors (SPFs) Recommendation No. 202, which provides guidance to members for establishing and maintaining SPFs as a core element of their national social security systems, guaranteeing access to essential health care and a basic...

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Women’s Right to Maternal Health Services in Uganda

Legal depository - Country: Uganda / Body: Supreme Court of Uganda at Kampala, Supreme Courts / Year: 2015

Nature of the Case Four petitioners—including the Center for Health, Human Rights & Development (CEHURD) and two family members of  women who died during childbirth—appeal the Constitutional Court’s dismissal of their petition in which they alleged that the government violated the Constitution by failing to provide basic maternal health...

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Global Social Protection: New impetus from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Markus Kaltenborn / Year: 2015

The issue of social protection has undergone something of a renaissance in the development policy debate in recent years and has lately become a particular focus of interest for several international organizations, first and foremost the International Labour Organization with its Social Protection Floor Initiative. What’s more, promoting social...

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The Right to Affordable Care in the United States of America

Legal depository - Country: United States of America / Body: Supreme Court of the United States / Year: 2015

Nature of the Case This case came before the Supreme Court on appeal, and constitutes a challenge to one aspect of the Affordable Care Act, specifically regarding whether subsidies can be provided to low-income people buying health insurance through federal exchanges. These subsidies are vital in enabling people to...

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Making National Social Protection Floors Work for Women

Resources - Author: Silke Staab / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on making social protection floors work for women. The idea of a social protection floor (SPF) is now firmly established on the global development agenda. Defined as a set of minimum guarantees, including basic income security for children, working-age adults,...

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Towards Universal Social Protection: Latin American pathways and policy tools

Resources - Author: Carla Bronzo, Carlos F. Maldonado Valera, Cecilia Rossel, Daniela Simioni, Fabián Repetto, Fernando Filgueira, Isabel Brain, Luis Hernán Vargas Faulbaum, María Nieves Rico, Nuria Cunill-Grau, Rodrigo Martínez, Simone Cecchini, Umberto Bonomo / Year: 2015

The book is aimed at international and national decision-makers at all levels, as well as academics and university students interested in learning more about the development of the region’s social protection policies and programmes. It is hoped that it will prove particularly useful to those responsible for designing, executing,...

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Realizing the Right to Social Security and the Right to Food (ESS Working Paper No. 51)

Resources - Author: Stephen Devereux / Year: 2015

This paper identifies conceptual synergies and dissonances between food security and income security. It considers the contribution of mainstream social protection instruments, such as cash transfers, to food security. The paper presents specific food security policies that would strengthen the ability of national social protection floors to address food...

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Establishing Comprehensive National Old Age Pension Systems

Resources - Author: Stephen Kidd /

This paper discusses the policy options available to developing countries committed to offering universal pension coverage and maximising the incomes of older people. It presents a basic model of a pension system comprising up to three tiers that can be adapted to the circumstances of all countries. The model...

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Policy Paper on Social Protection

Resources - Author: Andrew Shepherd, Armando Barrientos, Rachel Marcus / Year: 2004

Social protection is an important dimension in the reduction of poverty and multidimensional deprivation. It is an approach towards thinking about the processes, policies and interventions which respond to the economic, social, political and security risks and constraints poor and vulnerable people face, and which will make them less...

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Social Protection and Human Rights