Mapping Just Transition(s) to a Low-Carbon World
Just Transition—the idea that justice and equity must form an integral part of the transition towards a low-carbon world—is increasingly being mobilized both to counter the idea that protecting the environment and protecting jobs are incompatible, and to broaden the debate to justice-related issues such as the kinds of...
Read MoreThe Political and Social Economy of Care in a Development Context: Conceptual Issues, Research Questions and Policy Options
Care (whether paid or unpaid) is crucial to human well-being and to the pattern of economic development. Some analysts emphasize the significance of care for economic dynamism and growth. Others see care in much larger terms, as part of the fabric of society and integral to social development. Citizenship...
Read MoreInnovations in Care: new concepts, new actors, new policies
The Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality marks an unprecedented advance in the care agenda in terms of the visibility of care as a central dimension of sustainable development. The new international commitment for recognizing, redistributing and reducing unpaid care and domestic work through care policies needs to...
Read MoreGender and Cash Transfers: A human rights-based approach
This Issue Brief explores some key gender dimensions of conditional cash transfers through the lens of the human rights-based approach to social protection. In many cash transfer programmes around the world, women are the principal beneficiaries on the assumption that this not only improves the nutrition, health and education...
Read MoreSanitation and Social Protection: a human rights-based approach
This Issue Brief introduces readers to the human rights-based approach to sanitation. Access to sanitation may reduce vulnerability, a key focus of social protection. This briefing paper makes the case for an increased focus on sanitation as a human right, explores current approaches to address this right, and provides...
Read MoreThe Rise of Homegrown Ideas and Grassroots Voices: new directions in social policy in Rwanda
At the core of Rwanda’s social policy renaissance is the emphasis on the home-grown and grassroots centred generation of intellectual and material resources, utilized with the aim of ensuring a local population familiar with and favourably disposed to government social policy. In the past decade and a half, Rwanda...
Read MoreThe Political Economy of Tax Reforms and the Implications for Social Development in Nicaragua
This paper examines the mobilization of domestic resources for social development in Nicaragua, analysing the fiscal system, its main tool. The main argument of the paper is that many tax reforms that have taken place in Nicaragua since the 1970s have been motivated mainly by the objective to increase...
Read MoreA Political Economy Analysis of Domestic Resource Mobilization in Uganda
This synthesis paper brings together the research findings from four papers prepared by the Uganda team as a part of the UNRISD Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development project, which addresses three broad themes: bargaining and contestation, key relations, and institution building with regard to mobilizing resources...
Read MoreReformas Estatales, Fortalecimiento Institucional y Políticas de Movilización de Recursos en Nicaragua: El Caso del Sector de la Salud
En el presente estudio sobre la movilización de recursos domésticos para el desarrollo social se analiza el sector de la salud en Nicaragua desde 1972 hasta 2015. Se examinan las variaciones en las políticas que afectan el sector salud y su financiamiento, el papel de las instituciones, la fuerza...
Read MoreHealth for All, All for Health: Lessons from the universalization of health care in emerging economies
India stands out among countries with comparable levels of economic development for its rights-based social policies. But rights on paper do not always translate into rights in reality. This case study investigates the genesis of India’s rights-based social policy legislation, its ramifications in the areas of primary education, public...
Read MoreTowards Universal Health Care in Emerging Economies: Opportunities and Challenges
This book explores how political, social, economic and institutional factors in eight emerging economies have combined to generate diverse outcomes in their move towards universal health care. Structured in three parts, the book begins by framing social policy as an integral system in its own right. The following two...
Read MoreLessons for the Universalization of Health Care in Emerging Economies
This webinar explores the opportunities and challenges facing developing countries as they seek to expand and universalize their health care systems. Universal health care was once a central pillar of the welfare state, but the rise of neoliberalism in international policy discourse and practice eroded the support for universal...
Read MoreHealth for All, All for Health: lessons from the universalization of health care in emerging economies
Achieving universal health coverage is integral to the central pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to “leave no one behind”. Meeting this target is about more than just having enough resources to incrementally expand health coverage to the entire population. This Brief provides policy makers with evidence-based...
Read MoreUniversal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Realizing Health and Human Rights
How can people’s sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHRs) around the world be better protected and promoted? Watch panellists at this event present perspectives on: Challenges and good practices in ensuring full access to SRHRs Environmental dimensions of family planning The linkages between a human rights-based social protection framework...
Read MoreEl Financiamiento del Desarrollo en Bolivia: Cambios y Continuidades en la Relación Estado-Cooperación Internacional (2006–2013)
Este document analiza los cambios en la relación entre el estado y la cooperación internacional en Bolivia a partir de 2006. La hipótesis de inicio sostiene que Bolivia logró una autonomía económica tal con la bonanza económica registrada desde 2006 que modificó el marco de las relaciones entre el ...
Read MoreThe Political Economy of Mineral Resource Governance and Children’s Rights in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea has had a diverse history of contestation over resource revenues during its past forty years since independence. The major actors have been the national and provincial level governments and politicians, international development agencies, resources companies and local landowners in project development areas. This paper explores the...
Read MoreMovilización de Recursos Domésticos, Desarrollo Social y Cambio Institucional: Descentralización y Autonomías Municipales en Bolivia
El presente documento analiza la movilización de recursos domésticos para el desarrollo social desde la perspectiva de los gobiernos municipales en Bolivia. Luego de dos décadas de descentralización y seis años de autonomías, las brechas sociales entre municipios siguen siendo profundas y se explican, en parte, por la debilidad ...
Read MorePromoting Youth Employment: policies and programmes
This paper deals primarily with programmes for expansion of youth employment opportunities, paying special attention to generation of self-employment through youth enterprise. Since these programmes cannot be considered in isolation of the nature of youth unemployment and the overall policies for employment creation, the initial sections of the paper...
Read MorePolicy Innovations for Transformative Change: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
World leaders have committed to transform our world and to leave no one behind in the quest for sustainable development. What needs to happen now to enable the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to deliver on its transformative promise? Which policies and practices will lead to social, economic and...
Read MoreThe Human Rights-Based Approach to Social Protection
This Issue Brief introduces readers to the human rights-based approach to social protection. It highlights the fundamental principles of this approach, which are explored in detail on the platform, and directs readers to the key human rights instruments and other tools that are available to help policy makers and...
Read MoreInformality and Income Insecurity: Is Basic Income a Universal Solution?
Is a universal (or unconditional) basic income (UBI) an effective way for states to meet their social protection commitments in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Is it a utopian vision within reach of only the richest countries, or as several pilot schemes have shown, a realistic option for...
Read MoreBuilding Livelihoods and Promoting Rights? The Graduation Approach to Social Protection
What is “graduation” in the context of sustainable development? Not just a ceremony to celebrate finishing school, graduation is when rights-holders leave a social protection programme after reaching certain pre-determined indicators. This UNRISD Seminar examined whether graduation, in the context of social protection schemes, is a viable way to...
Read MoreCivil Society and Women’s Right to Social Protection
How do conflict, disaster and employment all tie into social protection for women? In this video, Priti Darooka from the Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights discusses the need for intersectional analysis when talking about universal, rights-based social...
Read MoreRealizing the Right to Social Protection: The role of ILO social security standards
How have the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) social security standards contributed to creating rights-based social protection systems? How does human rights and social protection law turn into substantive, country-level implementation? The ILO’s Christina Behrendt explains how the organization’s collaborative approach to reducing inequality and preventing poverty and helping states...
Read MoreSocial Protection for Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities have faced exclusionpreventing them from fully enjoying their right to social protection under the previous welfarist model. In this video, Facundo Chavez Penillas from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) discusses states’ obligation to ensure that social protection systems are fully inclusive...
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