Social Protection for Child Rights and Well-Being in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia
The theme of the 2015 Social Monitor, Social Protection for Child Rights and Well-being in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, aims to focus the attention of policy makers on the successes as well as the gaps in delivering on their commitments to protect children’s rights....
Read MoreMaking Social Protection Work for Children in Central and Eastern Europe, The Caucasus and Central Asia: Findings and Recommendations
This brief, which is based on the UNICEF report Social Monitor: Social Protection for Child Rights and Well-Being in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, provides key findings and recommendations related to social protection for children in the...
Read MoreChild Wellbeing and Social Security in Georgia: The case for moving to a more inclusive national social security system
Georgia’s introduction of a Child Benefit in 2015 was a significant step forward for children. Yet much more is needed. This paper shows that the vast majority of children in Georgia experience insecure lives and are in need of additional support from the State. The expansion of the Child...
Read MoreHow Does Nepal’s Child Grant Work for Dalit Children and Their Families? A mixed-methods assessment of programme delivery and impact in Bajura and Saptari
This study examines the delivery and impact of Nepal’s Child Grant, so as to identify implementation barriers and recommend ways to improve effectiveness. The cash transfer is targeted at all households with children aged up to five years in the Karnali zone and at poor Dalit households in the...
Read MoreNepal’s Child Grant – How is it Working for Dalit Families? (Briefing Paper)
Social protection has become an increasingly prominent public policy tool in Nepal over the past two decades. Since the insurgency’s end in 2006, the government, with the support of development partners, has explicitly integrated social protection programming into its broader post-conflict development and reconstruction agenda (Holmes and Uphadya, 2009;...
Read MoreHIV-Sensitive Social Protection: What does the evidence say?
Social protection increases the resilience of households to shock and reduces barriers to essential services. When done well, it is based on a comprehensive assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, including those related to HIV and AIDS. A social protection strategy and its constituent programmes are designed to reduce, mitigate...
Read MoreWater Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene: Human Rights That Are Crucial to Health and Development
This brief explains the importance of water supply, sanitation and hygiene in post-2015 sustainable development...
Read MoreProgress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2015 Update and MDG Assessment
In 2000 the Member States of the United Nations signed the Millennium Declaration, which later gave rise to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Goal 7, to ensure environmental sustainability, included a target that challenged the global community to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to...
Read MoreYemen National Social Protection Monitoring Survey (NSPMS): 2012-2013 Final Report
The Yemen National Social Protection Monitoring Survey (NSPMS) is a household longitudinal survey with a nationally representative balanced sample of 6,397 households (of an initial sample of 7,152). Each household in the balanced sample was visited on a quarterly basis over a 12-month period between October 2012 and September...
Read MoreChild-Sensitive Social Protection in Fiji: Assessment of the Care and Protection Allowance
Despite Fiji’s status as a middle-income country, a high proportion of children live in poor and income-insecure families. The Department of Social Welfare administers several social transfer schemes for low-income and vulnerable individuals and families, including the Care and Protection Allowance for children. This report examines levels of child...
Read MoreDesign Options, Cost and Impacts of a Cash Transfer Programme in Senegal: Simulation Results
Children represent over half of the Senegalese population and a large portion of them remains poor and vulnerable. Health, education and poverty indicators suggest that many children are in critical situations, in urgent need of social protection and that significant disparities are found across location and wealth. Nationwide, 5%...
Read MoreSupporting workers with family responsibilities: Connecting child development and the decent work agenda
This working paper presents a series of solutions to the challenging social issues. It builds on the conclusions of “Investing in Child Development and Learning: Ensuring Equity in Decent Work and Sustainable Development,” a forum convened by UNICEF and ILO on 28 February 2012. This paper was used to...
Read MoreThe State of the World’s Children: Children with Disabilities
The 2013 edition of The State of the World’s Children is dedicated to the situation of children with disabilities. The report examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and...
Read MoreChildren of the Recession: The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries
As the data in this new edition of the Innocenti Report Card series show, in the past five years, rising numbers of children and their families have experienced difficulty in satisfying their most basic material and educational needs. Most importantly, the Great Recession is about to trap a generation...
Read MoreJoint statement on advancing child-sensitive social protection
The joint statement aims to build greater consensus on the importance of child-sensitive social protection. It lays out the particular vulnerabilities that children and families face, the ways that social protection can impact children even when not focused on them, and outlines principles and approaches for undertaking child-sensitive social...
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