Child Wellbeing and Social Security in Georgia: The case for moving to a more inclusive national social security system
Georgia’s introduction of a Child Benefit in 2015 was a significant step forward for children. Yet much more is needed. This paper shows that the vast majority of children in Georgia experience insecure lives and are in need of additional support from the State. The expansion of the Child Benefit to the majority of children would take the pressure off the pension system and bring significant benefits to many children. The introduction of a Child Benefit should be complemented by other reforms in the national social security system, including the introduction of maternity and unemployment insurance – as part of a broader social insurance pension system – as well as the extension of free childcare services. If these policies were introduced, they would significantly enhance the wellbeing of children while bringing further advantages to the nation as a whole, such as an increase in employment, a more productive labour force and an important stimulus to the economy.