Social Protection for Child Rights and Well-Being in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia
The theme of the 2015 Social Monitor, Social Protection for Child Rights and Well-being in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, aims to focus the attention of policy makers on the successes as well as the gaps in delivering on their commitments to protect children’s rights. The specific
objective of the analysis undertaken in this Social Monitor is to consolidate recent evidence generated
within and outside of UNICEF on trends and patterns of change in child poverty and well-being, and as far as possible link results achieved for children with specific policy interventions in social protection.
The key contribution of the 2015 Social Monitor lies in providing a comprehensive cross-country reference document for policy makers and practitioners, consolidating and synthesizing in one resource the key issues and available evidence about child rights and the impact of social protection on children.
Based on available experiences, the Social Monitor explores the potential of social protection policies
and integrated social protection systems to improve the living standards of children and adolescents. In
the context of the newly adopted SDGs, the report sets the stage for the implementation and monitoring
of the targets under Goal 1, related to the eradication of child poverty and the strengthening of social
protection systems and measures for children and their families.
The report draws substantially on a body of recent research commissioned and conducted by UNICEF
and other organizations and academic institutions on social protection and child poverty in the region. It tries to include the most updated statistical information available from a variety of sources. Limitations in data availability, access to survey micro-data and disclosure of information on policies are discussed in detail in the Methodology section. Unlike most of the sources consulted, this report also attempts to address policy issues related to the realization of child rights with equity in an integrated and comprehensive way.