Financial institutions, markets and globalization

The globalization of international trade, investments and financial markets has had profound implications for national economies, labour markets and employment, as well as social protection systems. High rates of economic growth in some countries have benefited some, yet poverty and inequality still remain high in many parts of the world, and many people are left unprotected against economic volatilities and new global challenges. In this context social protection systems play a vital role in mitigating the impact of the structural transformation on people’s lives.
Photo credit: “Old man and the market” by Satyadeep Karnati (CCBY 2.0 via Flickr)
Social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization
This report, prepared under the guidance of Ms Michelle Bachelet and members of the Advisory Group, shows that the extension of social protection, drawing on social protection floors, can play a pivotal role in relieving people of poverty and deprivation. It can in addition help people adapt their skills to overcome the constraints that block […]
Financing social protection
Designing social protection systems that are effective and equitable as well as fiscally, financially and economically efficient has been a challenge for many countries. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the many financing options available while also provides a thorough analysis of their advantages and disadvantages and their financial and economic implications. The most […]
Fiscal Space for Social Protection: Options to Expand Social Investments in 187 Countries
It is often argued that social protection is not affordable or that government expenditure cuts are inevitable during adjustment periods. But there are alternatives, even in the poorest countries. This working paper offers an array of options that can be explored to expand fiscal space and generate resources for social investments. These include: (i) re-allocating […]