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The State of the World’s Children: Children with Disabilities

Resources - Author: UNICEF / Year: 2013

The 2013 edition of The State of the World’s Children is dedicated to the situation of children with disabilities. The report examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and...

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Social Cash Transfer Programme in Malawi

Resources - Year: 2013

A programme run by the Government of Malawi is providing cash transfers to more than 26,000 of the country’s poorest households. FAO’s ‘From Protection to Production’ project (PtoP), run in collaboration with Unicef with funding from DFID and the EU, is evaluating the impact of these cash transfers on...

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The post-2015 sustainable development agenda

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2013

This paper is intended to provide background information and suggest issues for discussion between the Governing Body and the panel members, which can inform and deepen the ILO’s strategy for the adoption of full and productive employment and decent work as an explicit goal of the global development agenda...

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A new global partnership: eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development

Resources - Author: High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda / Year: 2013

As a continuity to the MDGs, this report presents a vision and a framework for the post-2015 Development Agenda. It first settles the priority transformations with five transformative shifts (leave no one behind, put sustainable development at the core, transform economies for jobs and inclusive growth, build peace and effective,...

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Sustainable development, decent work and green jobs

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2013

This report addresses two of the defining challenges of the twenty-first century: achieving environmental sustainability and turning the vision of decent work for all into a reality. It shows that not only are both challenges urgent, but they are also intimately linked and will have to be addressed together....

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Good Governance Guidelines for Social Security Institutions

Resources - Author: ISSA / Year: 2013

The good governance guidelines seek to provide ISSA member organizations with guiding principles and practical guidelines on good governance. The guidelines begin by defining, for the first time, what ISSA means by “good governance”. The governance framework that underpins the guidelines aims to give the user an overview of...

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Mapping existing international social protection statistics and indicators that would contribute to the monitoring of social protection extension through social protection floors

Resources - Author: Florence Bonnet, Lou Tessier / Year: 2013

This report summarises a workshop which brought together representatives from various organizations active in social protection. It presents a mapping of existing, comparable, internationally collected data and related indicators on social protection (and more specifically its contribution to ensuring basic income security throughout the life cycle) and a reflection...

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Employment and social protection in the new demographic context

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2013

The changing age structure of the population has potentially significant implications for economic development, labour markets and well-being in different development contexts. It raises issues of possible shortages in labour supply and skills, productivity and innovation and the provision of adequate social protection and other services for an increasingly...

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Report on participation of people living in poverty (A/HRC/23/36), submitted by the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Resources - Author: Magdalena Sepúlveda / Year: 2013

This report focuses on the right to participation of people living in poverty. Participation is a basic human right in itself, a precondition or catalyst for the realization and enjoyment of other human rights, and of fundamental importance in empowering people living in poverty to tackle inequalities and asymmetries of...

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Relevance of contractual terms to protections for employed women who are pregnant or breastfeeding in Colombia

Legal depository - Country: Colombia / Body: Constitutional Court of Colombia / Year: 2013

This case addressed the circumstances of thirty-three women who had been dismissed from various forms of employment on the basis of being pregnant. Article 53 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombia allows for the direct application of international law by domestic legal bodies. Ratified conventions and...

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Access to courts and the right to work for informal traders in South Africa

Legal depository - Country: South Africa / Body: Constitutional Court of South Africa / Year: 2013

Upon an urgent request, the Constitutional Court of South Africa intervened in a lower court affair to prevent the municipal government and Metropolitan Police Force from hindering what was asserted to be lawful activity by informal traders under the auspices of “Operation Clean Sweep”. Until the legality of the...

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Identification for Development: The Biometrics Revolution

Resources - Author: Alan Gelb, Julia Clark / Year: 2013

This paper surveys 160 cases where biometric identification has been used for economic, political, and social purposes in developing countries. About half of these cases have been supported by donors. Recognizing the need for more rigorous assessments and more open data on performance, the paper draws some conclusions about...

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ISSA Guidelines on Information and Communication Technology

Resources - Author: ISSA / Year: 2013

The ISSA Guidelines on Information and Communication Technology address the issues related to the management and implementation of ICT systems and provide guidance to support social security institutions in carrying out ICT-related activities. Its main goals are to promote the effectiveness and reliability of social security services, as well...

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ISSA Guidelines Contribution Collection and Compliance

Resources - Author: ISSA / Year: 2013

These guidelines are intended to cover all the key components of a contribution collection and compliance system. Some are necessarily general, such as those covering the mission, strategy, communication, etc., and could be applied to other social security contexts, but others are quite specific to contribution collection and compliance....

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Social security coverage extension in the BRICS: A comparative study on the extension of coverage in Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa

Resources - Author: ISSA / Year: 2013

This comparative study of the International Social Security Association ISSA presents the diverse approaches of the BRICS for the  extension of social security coverage. It shows how responses take into account the local realities and environment in each country, with a focus on innovations that measurabley extend and improve...

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The Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202): Completing the standards to close the coverage gap

Resources - Author: Emmanuelle Saint-Pierre Guilbault, Ursula Kulke / Year: 2013

Summary: In June 2012, the 101st session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted the Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection, 2012 (No. 202). This article explores the linkages between Recommendation No. 202 and the pre-existing International Labour Organization (ILO) social security standards and its complementarity with these....

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World Report on Child Labour: Economic vulnerability, social protection and the fight against child labour

Resources - Author: International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) / Year: 2013

This report focuses on the role of social protection in preventing and reducing child labour. It is the first in the series of World Reports on Child Labour called for in the outcome document, the Roadmap, emerging from The Hague Global Child Labour Conference of 2010. The World Report...

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Social protection floors and gender equality. A brief overview

Resources - Author: Christina Behrendt, Emmanuelle St-Pierre Guilbault, Florence Bonnet, Lou Tessier, Maya Stern Plaza / Year: 2013

This working paper summarizes some of the linkages between gender inequality and access to social protection, then discusses the contribution of national social protection floors as powerful tools in reducing gender inequalities and women’s poverty, and summarizes recent developments in the international legal framework relevant to gender equality and...

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Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on her Mission to Namibia (A /HRC/23/36/Add.1)

Resources - Author: Magdalena Sepúlveda / Year: 2013

While acknowledging the compounded challenges faced by Namibia – including limited institutional capacity, and the fact that Namibia has one of the world’s lowest population densities – this report concludes that progress has not been fast enough. There are still unacceptable levels of inequality along the lines of gender, race,...

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Social Protection and Human Rights