Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on her Mission to Namibia (A /HRC/23/36/Add.1)
While acknowledging the compounded challenges faced by Namibia – including limited institutional capacity, and the fact that Namibia has one of the world’s lowest population densities – this report concludes that progress has not been fast enough. There are still unacceptable levels of inequality along the lines of gender, race, region, ethnicity and class.
The report provides specific recommendations to ensure that policies and programmes reach the poorest of the poor, enabling them to enjoy their human rights on an equal basis with the rest of the population.
The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights carried out a mission to the Republic of Namibia from 1 to 8 October 2012, in accordance with Human Rights Council resolutions 8/11 and 17/13.