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India’s Basic Income Experiment

Resources - Author: Rasmus Schjoedt / Year: 2016

This brief looks at the effects of a basic income pilot project conducted in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Despite a short implementation period and relatively low benefit levels, the effects were impressive: by the end of the project it was possible to see significant improvements in living...

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Social Protection for Child Rights and Well-Being in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (Advocacy Brief)

Resources - Year: 2015

Social protection can help guarantee adequate living standards for children and contribute to the realization of their rights. Investing in it helps States build more cohesive societies, more resilient communities and stronger economies. To fight child poverty and social and economic vulnerability, countries need to develop well-integrated social protection...

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Resources - Author: Karishma Huda, Stephen Kidd / Year: 2013

This short paper aims to answer this question by assessing the evidence on Brazil’s social security system. It will examine the beneficiary numbers, budgets, levels of benefits and, importantly, impacts and coverage of the main social security schemes in Brazil. This paper will reveal that the real hero driving...

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Summary Reflection Guide on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Health: Application to sexual and reproductive health, maternal health and under-5 child health

Resources -

This quick reference guide intended to contribute to the efforts of NHRIs/IHRICs to effectively and meaningfully implement a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to sexual and reproductive health, maternal health2 and under-5 child health. It complements other tools and builds on the two technical guidance documents of the Office of...

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Challenges and Perspectives for Rural Women in Brazil under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (One Pager 319)

Resources - Author: Amanda Barroso Lima, Beatriz Abreu dos Santos, Isadora Cardoso Vasconcelos / Year: 2016

This brief examines challenges facing rural women in Brazil under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development. Esse “brief” examina os desafios a serem enfrentados pelas mulheres de regiões rurais do Brasil no que diz respeito à Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento...

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Civil Society and Women’s Right to Social Protection

Resources - Year: 2015

How do conflict, disaster and employment all tie into social protection for women? In this video, Priti Darooka from the Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights discusses the need for intersectional analysis when talking about universal, rights-based social...

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Realizing the Right to Social Protection: The role of ILO social security standards

Resources - Year: 2015

How have the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) social security standards contributed to creating rights-based social protection systems? How does human rights and social protection law turn into substantive, country-level implementation? The ILO’s Christina Behrendt explains how the organization’s collaborative approach to reducing inequality and preventing poverty and helping states...

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Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities

Resources - Year: 2015

Persons with disabilities have faced exclusionpreventing them from fully enjoying their right to social protection under the previous welfarist model. In this video, Facundo Chavez Penillas from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) discusses states’ obligation to ensure that social protection systems are fully inclusive...

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Social Protection for LGBT People: Challenges and good practices

Resources - Year: 2015

How does social protection address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people? How can a rights-based approach be used to ensure that their needs are fully taken into account? In this video, Andrés Scagliola from the Social Development Department of the City of Montevideo discusses challenges and...

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Social Protection and Care in the Sustainable Development Goals

Resources - Year: 2015

Care and social protection are both explicitly mentioned in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the Goals fall short of addressing how gendered power relations can be an impediment to women being able to fully enjoy their human rights. Valeria Esquivel from UNRISD discusses how social protection can contribute...

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The Economic, Cultural and Social Dimensions of Social Protection

Resources - Year: 2015

How do economic, cultural and social rights fit in with social protection? How can duty bearers make sure that these rights are guaranteed for all, especially those excluded from the labour market? In this video, Christian Courtis from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) discusses...

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Extending Social Protection to Children (South Africa)

Resources - Year: 2016

Of the 23 million children under the age of 18 in South Africa, about 60 per cent lives in poverty. The Child Support Grant (CSG), introduced in 1998, initially covered only 10 per cent of poor children. Incremental changes in the eligibility criteria and successful awareness-raising campaigns increased the...

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Universal Old Age Pension (Lesotho)

Resources - Year: 2016

The Old Age Pension (OAP) is a tax-based scheme for all older persons. This non-contributory social pension also benefits other household members, particularly children. This brief explores Lesotho’s experience in extending the...

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Extending Health Coverage to All (China)

Resources - Year: 2016

Between 2003 and 2013, the number of people covered by the health insurance system in China increased by ten times and has now achieved universal coverage (96.9 per cent of the population). This brief explores China’s experience in extending health...

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Regional Perspective: Linking Social Protection and Human Rights

Resources - Year: 2016

What responsibilities exist at the regional level to provide rights-based social protection? The Organization of American States’ Alexandra Barrantes talks about the importance of shifting the focus to people as rights-holders rather than beneficiaries; the role of legal frameworks (such as the San Salvador Protocol) in creating comprehensive social...

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Social Protection and Human Rights