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OPERA in Practice: strengthening implementation of strategic litigation in South Africa

Resources - Author: Allison Corkery, Cameron McConnachie / Year: 2017

Opera in Practice: Strengthening Implementation of Strategic Litigation in South Africa is a case study reflecting the Center for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Legal Resources Center’s collaborative efforts to monitor, and hold the government accountable for, the implementation of court orders in the Madzodzo v Department...

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The Future of Work We Want: A global dialogue

Resources - Year: 2017

More than 700 people participated in the two-day event, “The Future of Work We Want: A Global Dialogue”, which took place at the International Labour Office in Geneva on 6–7 April 2017. In addition, more than 2,000 people throughout the world followed the event and contributed via live video...

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Pre-migration and post-migration factors associated with mental health in humanitarian migrants in Australia and the moderation eff ect of post-migration stressors: findings from the first wave data of the BNLA cohort study

Resources - Author: Andre Renzaho, Brian J. Hall, Li Ling, Wen Chen / Year: 2017

Background The process of becoming a humanitarian migrant is potentially damaging to mental health. We examined the association between pre-migration and post-migration potentially traumatic events and stressors and mental health, and assessed the moderating eff ect of post-migration stressors in humanitarian migrants in Australia. Methods In this study, we...

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An International Labour Organization Instrument on Violence against Women and Men at Work: the Australian influence

Resources - Author: Jane Aeberhard-Hodges, Ludo McFerran / Year: 2017

Violence in and out of work, both domestic violence and sexual harassment, are violations of human rights and impact heavily in the workplace. All forms of violence result in a high cost for workers, employers and society in general, in lost time, injuries, complaints, staff turnover, loss of skills,...

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World Employment Social Outlook (2017)

Resources - Year: 2017

The ILO’s World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2017  takes stock of the current global labour market situation, assessing the most recent employment developments and forecasting unemployment levels in developed, emerging and developing countries. It also focuses on trends in job quality, paying particular attention to working poverty and vulnerable...

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Mental Health in the Workplace

Resources - Author: Elsa M Roman, Fay Jackson, Jeffrey Moat, Joseph Rauch, Louise Bradley, Martin Knapp, Michael Burge, Sabine Bahrer-Kohler, Samantha Thornton, Sara Evans-Lacko, Serene Goh, Valentina Forastieri / Year: 2017

One in four adults will experience mental health difficulties, yet prejudice and discrimination are significant barriers that deprive people of their dignity. To make dignity in mental health a reality requires every member of society to work together. It requires action in the community and, importantly, in the workplace....

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Premier Rapport Mondial sur les Droits Economiques et Sociaux et Culturels

Resources - Year: 2016, 2017

Ce premier rapport 2016 sur la situation des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels de 42 pays est une initiative de L’Observatoire international sur les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (ObIDESC). Créé par le Collège Universitaire Henry Dunant, en collaboration avec l’OIDEL et la chaire UNESCO de l’Université de La...

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Assessing Fiscal Policies from a Human Rights Perspective: Methodological case study on the use of available resources to realize economic, social and cultural rights in Guatemala

Resources - Year: 2017

In 2009 the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) and the Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI) produced a report titled Rights or Privileges? Fiscal commitment to the rights to health, education and food in Guatemala. A collaboration between an international human rights organization and a Central American...

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The Gendered Costs of Austerity: assessing the IMF’s role in budget cuts which threaten women’s rights

Resources - Author: Kate Donald, Nicholas Lusiani / Year: 2017

This briefing paper provides a brief assessment of the changing role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF or the Fund) with regards to one key fiscal consolidation measure: contractions in public expenditure. The briefing explores the Fund’s positive and negative influence over public expenditure decisions, and further explains how...

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Mental Health in the Workplace (Executive Summary and Introduction)

Resources - Year: 2000

Everyone has the right to decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity. For people with mental health problems, achieving this right is particularly challenging. The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) mandate on disability issues is laid down in the ILO Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation...

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IMF Monitor

Resources - Year: 2017

The website makes the first comprehensive and transparent database of IMF-mandated policy reforms  freely available to interested researchers and civil society organizations. The database systematizes the 58,406 conditions applicable to IMF programmes over the 1980-2014 period. The data was extracted from countries’ loan agreements with the IMF. This resource enables...

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Adolescents’ Mental Health: Out of the shadows: Evidence on psychological well-being of 11-15-year-olds from 31 industrialized countries

Resources - Author: Zlata Bruckauf / Year: 2017

It is the right time to channel more public investment for comprehensive support of children’s and adolescents’ mental health and well-being. Target 3.4 under Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Agenda explicitly aims to ‘promote mental health and well-being’, while the WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan for 2013-2020...

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The Human Rights-Based Approach to Social Protection for Migrants: tensions and contradictions in practice

Expert commentaries - Date: 29 September 2017 / Author: Bozena Sojka, Emma Carmel

The principle of social protection may be to meet universal needs. However, social protection is defined, organized and provided in specific contexts. The right to social protection is defined by social norms, economic choices and political contestation. This generates contradictions between universal human rights and particularist rights to social...

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From Protection to Production (PtoP)

Resources -

The From Protection to Production (PtoP) project is a multi-country impact evaluation of cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa. The project is a collaborative effort between the FAO, the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office and the governments of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. PtoP activities are mainly...

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Building a Favourable Environment for Institutional Food Procurement Programmes: contributions from Mozambique

Resources - Author: Israel Klug, Luana F. J. Swensson / Year: 2017

The efficiency of institutional food procurement programmes (IFPPs) depends on a series of interconnected conditions to reach their stated goal of linking smallholders with institutional markets and demand (e.g. school meals). These programmes rely on governmental will and the availability of public demand. Furthermore, they require institutional changes and...

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Implementation of Decentralized Food Procurement Programmes and the Impact of the Policy, Institutional and Legal Enabling Environment: the case of PRONAE and PAA Africa in Mozambique

Resources - Author: Israel Klug, Luana F. J. Swensson / Year: 2017

The development and implementation of an efficient institutional food procurement programme (IFPP —which aims to link smallholder producers to institutional markets and promote development of food supply systems—is not a simple or straightforward task. It requires a series of conditions that must be coordinated and matched together. These conditions...

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Adapting Fomento to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

Resources - Author: Alan de Brauw, Kate Ambler / Year: 2016

Although one of the hallmarks of an effective development intervention is its successful implementation across a variety of contexts, programme replication is often overlooked. In a recent project, the International Food Policy Research Institute adapted a well-regarded Brazilian agricultural intervention, Fomento, for implementation and evaluation in two African countries,...

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Social Protection and Human Rights