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Adolescents with disabilities: Enhancing resilience and delivering inclusive development

Resources - Author: Bassam Abu Hamad, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Jennifer Muz, Joan Hamory Hicks, Kassahun Tilahun, Kifah Bani Odeh, Letisha Lunin, Maria Stavropoulou, Nicola Jones, Paola Pereznieto, Sarah Baird, Workneh Yadete / Year: 2018

Around the world, there are between 93 million and 150 million children and adolescents living with disabilities. Most of those children (80%) live in the global South, where 80% of persons with disabilities live below the poverty line. Children and adolescents with disabilities are far more likely than their...

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Engaging Employers in Apprenticeship Opportunities: Making it Happen Locally

Resources - Author: Angela Attrey, Jonathan Barr, Paul Comyn / Year: 2017

This joint OECD-ILO publication provides guidance on how local and regional governments can foster business-education partnerships in apprenticeship programmes and other types of work-based learning, drawing on case studies across nine countries. There has been increasing interest in apprenticeships which combine on the job training with classroom-based study, providing...

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The role and vulnerabilities of older people in drought in East Africa Progress, challenges and opportunities for a more inclusive humanitarian response

Resources - Author: Fiona Samuels, Georgia Plank, Veronique Barbelet / Year: 2018

Whilst older people have special needs, they also have unique skills, experiences and roles within their families, communities and societies. These roles continue to a certain extent during droughts, though household burdens may increase as younger adults have migrated or are grazing livestock further away. At the same time, droughts...

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‘Leaving no one behind’ through enabling climate-resilient economic development in dryland regions

Resources - Author: Eva Ludi, Guy Jobbins, Margherita Calderone, Moizza B. Sarwar, Rajeshree Sisodia / Year: 2018

‘Leave no one behind’ is a principle central to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This policy briefing, based on five years’ research by the PRISE project, puts forward the view that governments, development partners and investors must prioritise investments to tackle poverty and climate vulnerability in dryland...

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Water and sanitation, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Giselle Bernard, Guy Jobbins, Ian Langdown / Year: 2018

Key Messages Migration isn’t driven by a lack of water and sanitation services, but providing services can support successful migration. The barriers faced by migrants make achieving the SDGs’ ambitions of universal access more challenging. Challenges stem from failures in governance, not the amount of water available, numbers of...

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The local economy impacts of social cash transfers: a comparative analysis of seven sub-Saharan countries

Resources - Author: Benjamin Davis, J. Edward Taylor, Karen Thome, Mateusz Filipski, Sudhanshu Handa / Year: 2016

Africa has taken centre stage in the use of social cash transfer (SCT) programmes to combat extreme poverty and vulnerability. Between 2000 and 2009, over 120 cash transfer programmes were implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, by both governmental and non-governmental institutions (Garcia and Moore, 2012). These programmes increasingly form part...

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Impact of the economic crisis on the health of older persons in Spain: research clues based on an analysis of mortality. SESPAS report 2014

Resources - Author: Alicia Llácerb, Francois Béland, Maria-Victoria Zunzuneguia, Tarik Benmarhniaa / Year: 2014

Older adults are seldom considered in studies on the health impact of economic recessions or crises. However, they constitute a population group that is highly vulnerable to decreases in investment in health and social services and social security. Our aim is to examine the relationship between the economic crisis...

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Pension and Income Transfers for Old Age: Inter- and intra-generational distribution in comparative perspective

Resources - Author: Fernando Filgueira, Pilar Manzi / Year: 2017

This document provides a world comparative analysis regarding the design and reform of pension systems in order to improve coverage, equality and sustainability. It looks at how pension systems, rules and financing affect coverage, sufficiency, and distribution as well as fiscal and intergenerational sustainability and...

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Improving the Safety and Health of Young Workers

Resources - Year: 2018

The ILO has prepared this brief for the 2018 World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which aims to promote a safe and healthy generation. The goals of the brief are to describe the OSH risks faced by young workers and to encourage a global conversation on the...

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Overview of Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Through a Child and Equity Lens

Resources - Author: Anna Carolina Machado, Charlotte Bilo, Fabio Veras Soares, Rafael Guerreiro Osorio / Year: 2018

Through the definition of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries have acknowledged the importance of social protection for poverty reduction. Namely, target 1.3 of SDG 1, “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”, calls for the implementation of nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for...

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Social Protection for Indigenous Peoples

Resources - Year: 2018

Men, women and children from indigenous peoples are estimated to represent 4.5 per cent of the world’s population. They constitute more than 5,000 different groups with distinct cultures, forms of social organization, livelihood strategies, practices, notions of poverty and wellbeing, values, and beliefs profoundly embedded in their collective relationship with...

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Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya

Resources - Author: Bjorn Gelders /

The definition of child vulnerability used in Kenya’s social protection sector was shaped in the early 2000s, when policymakers noted an increasing number of orphans as a consequence of the AIDS pandemic and developed the National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). Kenya’s Cash Transfer for...

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Are active labour market policies effectivein activating and integrating low-skilledindividuals? An international comparison

Resources - Author: Verónica Escudero / Year: 2018

This paper examines the effectiveness of active labour market policies (ALMPs) in improving labour market outcomes, especially of low-skilled individuals, by means of a pooled cross-country and time series database for 31 advanced countries during the period 1985 – 2010. The analysis includes aspects of the delivery system to see how the performance of ALMPs...

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Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities

Resources - Author: Catalina Devandas / Year: 2017

Social protection is an essential condition for social and economic development for all, but particularly for those who experience poverty and social exclusion. Social protection programmes can play a crucial role in alleviating and preventing poverty and vulnerability to secure people’s well-being. They can also enhance the productivity, employability...

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Accounting for Income Inequality: empirical evidence from India

Resources - Author: Jaya Krishnakumar, Maurizio Bigotta, Uma Rani / Year: 2017

This paper decomposes income inequality using the regression-based decomposition technique. The paper analyses the role of education, experience, employment status, industry and their interactions in accounting for differences in income and its inequality in India over the past three decades. The results clearly show that education is the most...

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Unimpeded Access to Accountability Mechanisms for Workers in the United Kingdom

Legal depository - Country: United Kingdom / Body: Supreme Court of the United Kingdom / Year: 2017

Summary:  Prior to the enactment of the Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal Fees Order 2013 (Fees Order) in the UK, a claimant could pursue and appeal employment proceedings without paying any fee. Fees were introduced under the Fees Order, with the amount varying depending on factors including...

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Youth Labour Market Prospects and Recent Policy Developments

Resources - Author: Elva López Mourelo, Stefan Kühn, Steven Tobin, Verónica Escudero / Year: 2017

Youth continue to face important labour market challenges today, often significantly greater than their adult counterparts. While unemployment rates have fallen in recent years, long-term unemployment remains persistently high as does the share of youth neither in employment nor in education or training. This raises concerns about the consequences...

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How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: linking cash transfers to services and sectors

Resources - Author: Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Bruno Martorano, Keetie Roelen, Luigi Peter Ragno, Stephen Devereux, Tia Palermo / Year: 2017

The broad-ranging benefits of cash transfers are now widely recognized. However, the evidence base highlights that they often fall short in achieving longer-term and second-order impacts related to nutrition, learning outcomes and morbidity. In recognition of these limitations, several ‘cash plus’ initiatives have been introduced, whereby cash transfers are...

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Social Protection and Human Rights