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Children of Austerity: impact of the great recession on child poverty in rich countries

Resources - Author: András Gábos, Aya K. Abe, Bea Cantillon, Bertrand Maître, Brian Nolan, Carina Mood, Chiara Saraceno, Christopher Wimer, Gill Main, István György Tóth, Jan O. Jonsson, Jonathan Bradshaw, Julie Vinck, Luisa Natali, Manos Matsaganis, Peter Krause, Sara Ayllón, Sudhanshu Handa, Thomas Bahle, Timothy Smeeding, Wim Van Lancker, Yekaterina Chzhen / Year: 2017

The 2008 financial crisis triggered the worst global recession since the Great Depression. Many OECD countries responded to the crisis by reducing social spending. Through 11 diverse country case studies (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States), this volume describes the...

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Implementation of International Labour Standards for Domestic Workers

Resources - Year: 2017

There are approximately 67 million domestic workers worldwide, the clear majority of whom (80 per cent) are women. Many domestic workers, if not most, come from disadvantaged social groups, making them particularly vulnerable to discrimination and abuse at work.1 In 2011, to address these concerns, the International Labour Organization...

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Universal Old Age and Disability Pensions

Resources - Author: André F. Bongestabs / Year: 2016

Despite being one of the youngest and poorest countries of the region, Timor-Leste has offered a universal social pension to its senior citizens and persons with disabilities since 2008. Almost all persons above 60 years and about one in five persons with disabilities participate in the scheme. The pensions...

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Making Public Works Inclusive

Resources - Year: 2017

The video provides insight into the pilot project “Making Public Works Inclusive” implemented in 2016 in Dedza District in Malawi´s Central Region. The video explains the approach the pilot has taken on including persons with disabilities in Malawi´s national Public Works Programme. Central and district level stakeholders as well...

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Targeting Farmers in Institutional Procurement Programmes: case study of the PAA Africa Programme in Senegal

Resources - Author: Abdoulaye Thiam, Israel Klug, Rosana Pereira de Miranda / Year: 2017

In general terms, this case study aims to analyse the system used by the PAA Africa programme in Senegal to target family farms producing rice in the Kédougou region. More specifically, it aims to highlight the way the targeting process influenced the results and constraints observed during the programme’s...

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Fostering Food Purchase Programmes in Widespread Poverty Contexts: targeting smallholders within the PAA Africa Programme in Niger

Resources - Author: Amadou Diop, Israel Klug, Rosana Pereira de Miranda / Year: 2017

The overall objective of this case study is to present the approach adopted by the PAA Africa programme in the Nigerien context, the programmatic decisions taken to adapt the local purchases to the local context, and the associated challenges Its specific objective is to provide a detailed description of...

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Social Protection, Migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Elisa Mosler Vidal, Georgina Sturge, Jessica Hagen-Zanker / Year: 2017

This briefing considers the extent to which international labour migrants are covered by social protection, and the implications this has for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). More specifically, this brief shows that social protection coverage of international labour migrants varies considerably, and outlines how this has...

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Migrant access to social protection under Bilateral Labour Agreements: A review of 120 countries and nine bilateral arrangements (ESS Working Paper No. 57)

Resources - Author: Clara van Panhuys, Geneviève Binette, Samia Kazi-Aoul / Year: 2017

This working paper: (i) examines migrants access to social protection under Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs) with a view to providing policy makers with guidelines for extending social protection to migrants and designing better migration policies; (ii) presents the results of a mapping of bilateral and multilateral social security agreements...

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Thirsting for a Future: Water and children in a changing climate

Resources - Year: 2017

Climate change is one of many forces contributing to an unfolding water crisis. In the coming years, the demand for water will increase as food production grows, populations grow and move, industries develop and consumption increases. This can lead to water stress, as increasing demand and use of water...

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Debating Graduation

Resources - Year: 2017

Since its inception in Bangladesh in 2002, the Graduation Approach has received much attention, including in mainstream media outlets. Beyond this positive media acclaim, momentum has gathered behind graduation as an important social policy instrument. There has been a proliferation in the implementation of new graduation-inspired programmes. Primarily, graduation...

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FAO Social Protection Framework

Resources - Year: 2017

FAO Social Protection Framework presents the Organization’s vision and approach to social protection. FAO recognizes the critical role social protection plays in furthering and accelerating progress around food security and nutrition, agriculture development, rural poverty and resilience building. Link to French version Link to Spanish...

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Ley 180 sobre las discapacidades.

Legal depository - Country: Ecuador / Year: 1992

Protege a las personas con discapacidad; establece un sistema de prevención de discapacidades, atención e integración de personas con discapacidad que garantice su desarrollo y evite que sufran toda clase de discriminación, incluida la de género. Establece la creación y funcionamiento del Consejo Nacional de Discapacidades...

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Ley Orgánica de Discapacidades

Legal depository - Country: Ecuador / Year: 2012

Establece la protección y reconocimiento de los cuidadores y cuidadoras de personas con alguna discapacidad (art. 5; 16). Los cuidadores pueden gozar de beneficios de inclusión laboral como “sustitutos” de la persona discapacitada (art. 48). Se amplía el permiso de maternidad por 3 meses adicionales, en el caso del...

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Decreto Ley 278

Legal depository - Country: Cuba / Year: 2011

Ofrece protección al trabajador y trabajadora ante la vejez, la invalidez total temporal o permanente, y en caso de muerte a su familia. Se protege especialmente a las mujeres, ya que pueden beneficiarse de la licencia de maternidad, pueden acreditar el tiempo de trabajo en otros sectores y se...

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Ley 7.430

Legal depository - Country: Costa Rica / Year: 1994

El objetivo de la presente Ley es fomentar la nutrición segura y suficiente para los lactantes, mediante la educación de la familia y la protección de la lactancia materna. Para ello se dará el apoyo específico a los programas y las actividades que la promuevan y se regulará la...

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Ley 7.600

Legal depository - Country: Costa Rica / Year: 1996

La Ley tiene como objetivos, servir como instrumento a las personas con discapacidad para que alcancen su máximo desarrollo, su plena participación social, así como el ejercicio de los derechos y deberes establecidos en nuestro sistema jurídico; garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades para la población en todo ámbito; eliminar...

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Ley 8.726

Legal depository - Country: Costa Rica / Year: 2009

Reforma del capítulo octavo del título segundo del Código del Trabajo, Ley 2. Ley del trabajo doméstico remunerado. Define a las trabajadoras domésticas como aquellas que brindan asistencia y bienestar a una familia o persona, en forma remunerada, y que se dedican a las labores de limpieza, cocina, lavado,...

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Social Protection and Human Rights