Repeal of the Privatization of the Pension System in Nicaragua (ESS Working Paper No. 70)
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Nicaragua. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new pension system, including laws enacted, governance and social security administration, social dialogue,...
Read MoreReversing Pension Privatizations: Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America
From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions. Fourteen countries were in Latin America (by chronological order, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Panama), another fourteen countries in Eastern Europe and the...
Read MoreThe Political Economy of Tax Reforms and the Implications for Social Development in Nicaragua
This paper examines the mobilization of domestic resources for social development in Nicaragua, analysing the fiscal system, its main tool. The main argument of the paper is that many tax reforms that have taken place in Nicaragua since the 1970s have been motivated mainly by the objective to increase...
Read MoreReformas Estatales, Fortalecimiento Institucional y Políticas de Movilización de Recursos en Nicaragua: El Caso del Sector de la Salud
En el presente estudio sobre la movilización de recursos domésticos para el desarrollo social se analiza el sector de la salud en Nicaragua desde 1972 hasta 2015. Se examinan las variaciones en las políticas que afectan el sector salud y su financiamiento, el papel de las instituciones, la fuerza...
Read MoreMultidimensional progress: well-being beyond income
The report focuses on the increasingly pressing challenges facing the region. In times of global economic fragility, eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities in all their dimensions require a twofold strategy: protecting the achievements of the last decade to prevent millions from falling back into poverty while promoting comprehensive policies...
Read MoreSocial Security Provisions in the Constitution of Nicaragua
Artículo 4 El Estado promoverá y garantizará los avances de carácter social y político para asegurar el bien común, asumiendo la tarea de promover el desarrollo humano de todos y cada uno de los nicaragüenses, protegiéndolos contra toda forma de explotación, discriminación y exclusión. Artículo 39 En Nicaragua, el...
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