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Global Social Protection: New impetus from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Markus Kaltenborn / Year: 2015

The issue of social protection has undergone something of a renaissance in the development policy debate in recent years and has lately become a particular focus of interest for several international organizations, first and foremost the International Labour Organization with its Social Protection Floor Initiative. What’s more, promoting social...

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Time for Equality: The role of social protection in reducing inequalities in Asia and the Pacific

Resources - Author: Manuel Mejido / Year: 2015

This report provides evidence that social protection is an effective instrument to reduce inequalities, and by so doing, contributes to the integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. It examines in particular the inequalities faced by children, persons of working-age, older persons and in relation...

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Why Macroeconomic Policy Matters for Gender Equality

Resources - Author: James Heintz / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on creating an alternative gender-responsive macroeconomic agenda. Macroeconomic policy, including fiscal and monetary policy, is often thought of as gender-neutral. But economic policy choices affect women and men differently because of their different positions in the economy, both market (paid)...

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Gender Equality, Child Development and Job Creation: How to reap the ‘triple dividend’ from early childhood education and care services

Resources - Author: Silke Staab / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations for realizing the triple dividend from early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. ECEC services have come to occupy an important place on the global policy agenda. While some developed countries have long invested in this area, a growing number...

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Making National Social Protection Floors Work for Women

Resources - Author: Silke Staab / Year: 2015

This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on making social protection floors work for women. The idea of a social protection floor (SPF) is now firmly established on the global development agenda. Defined as a set of minimum guarantees, including basic income security for children, working-age adults,...

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Social Protection Brief: Violence against Women and Girls

Resources - Year: 2014

The definition of social protection programmes varies widely, as do the types of interventions included and the specific outcomes sought. These programmes can be implemented through public and/or private sectors, with the involvement of single or multiple government sectors, or by some combination of these actors. This brief will...

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The Decade of Adjustment: A Review of Austerity Trends 2010-2020 in 187 Countries (Extension of Social Security Series)

Resources - Author: Isabel Ortiz, Jeronim Capaldo, Kalaivani Karunanethy, Matthew Cummins / Year: 2015

This paper: (i) examines the latest IMF government spending projections for 187 countries between 2005 and 2020; (ii) reviews 616 IMF country reports in 183 countries to identify the main adjustment measures considered by governments in both high-income and developing countries; (iii) applies the United Nations Global Policy Model...

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Social Protection Topic Guide

Resources - Author: Evie Brown / Year: 2015

This guide provides an overview of social protection concepts, approaches, issues, debates and the evidence. It primarily focuses on longer-term developmental social protection, rather than humanitarian responses, and on low-income countries, drawing on other contexts where appropriate. The aim is to provide an overview of issues, a selection of...

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Migration Governance and Migrant Rights in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): Attempts at Harmonization in a Disharmonious Region

Resources - Author: Belinda Dodson, Jonathan Crush / Year: 2015

This paper examines prospects for enhanced regional migration governance and protection of migrants’ rights in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Migration in this region is substantial in scale and diverse in nature, incorporating economic, political and mixed migration flows. In addition to movements between countries within the region,...

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Can Emergency Cash Transfers ‘Piggyback’ on Existing Social Protection Programmes?

Resources - Author: Paul Harvey, Rachel Slater, Sarah Bailey / Year: 2015

This background note focuses on the current discussion among actors in the humanitarian and social protection sectors regarding the use of existing social protection programmes to provide an emergency response. It outlines the overlaps between social protection and humanitarian responses, considers a range of recent examples from low- and...

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How Does Nepal’s Child Grant Work for Dalit Children and Their Families? A mixed-methods assessment of programme delivery and impact in Bajura and Saptari

Resources - Author: Anita Ghimire, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Richard Mallett / Year: 2015

This study examines the delivery and impact of Nepal’s Child Grant, so as to identify implementation barriers and recommend ways to improve effectiveness. The cash transfer is targeted at all households with children aged up to five years in the Karnali zone and at poor Dalit households in the...

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Nepal’s Child Grant – How is it Working for Dalit Families? (Briefing Paper)

Resources - Author: Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Richard Mallett / Year: 2015

Social protection has become an increasingly prominent public policy tool in Nepal over the past two decades. Since the insurgency’s end in 2006, the government, with the support of development partners, has explicitly integrated social protection programming into its broader post-conflict development and reconstruction agenda (Holmes and Uphadya, 2009;...

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HIV-Sensitive Social Protection: What does the evidence say?

Resources - Author: Miriam Temin / Year: 2010

Social protection increases the resilience of households to shock and reduces barriers to essential services. When done well, it is based on a comprehensive assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, including those related to HIV and AIDS. A social protection strategy and its constituent programmes are designed to reduce, mitigate...

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Social Protection and Human Rights