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Social Protection for Indigenous Peoples

Resources - Year: 2018

Men, women and children from indigenous peoples are estimated to represent 4.5 per cent of the world’s population. They constitute more than 5,000 different groups with distinct cultures, forms of social organization, livelihood strategies, practices, notions of poverty and wellbeing, values, and beliefs profoundly embedded in their collective relationship with...

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The Distribution of Gains from Globalization

Resources - Author: Marina Mendes Tavares, Valentin F. Lang / Year: 2018

We study economic globalization as a multidimensional process and investigate its effect on incomes. In a panel of 147 countries during 1970-2014, we apply a new instrumental variable, exploiting globalization’s geographically diffusive character, and find differential gains from globalization both across and within countries: Income gains are substantial for...

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An Economy for the 99%

Resources - Author: Deborah Hardoon / Year: 2017

New estimates show that just eight men own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world. As growth benefits the richest, the rest of society – especially the poorest – suffers. The very design of our economies and the principles of our economics have taken us to...

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Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific

Resources - Author: Arun Jacob, Bishwa Nath Tiwari, Hitomi Rankine, Smita Nakhooda / Year: 2018

This report takes stock of the changing nature of increasingly complex risks in Asia and the Pacific, and the stresses and shocks that are affecting a diverse region’s prospects for achieving the SDGs. It highlights the effects of selected natural hazards, commodity shocks and pollution shocks on the region’s...

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Women at work: addressing the gaps

Resources - Author: Carolina Robino, Raquel Tebaldi / Year: 2018

Despite progress in education and health worldwide, women still face significant barriers to engage as full economic citizens. There are significant gender gaps in wages and labour market participation. In many cases, women also face barriers and lack the assets needed to become entrepreneurs. These inequalities remain large, persistent...

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Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya

Resources - Author: Bjorn Gelders /

The definition of child vulnerability used in Kenya’s social protection sector was shaped in the early 2000s, when policymakers noted an increasing number of orphans as a consequence of the AIDS pandemic and developed the National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). Kenya’s Cash Transfer for...

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India Inequality Report 2018: Widening Gaps

Resources - Author: Himanshu / Year: 2018

In spite of the rising global interest in inequality, emerging economies have not been studied enough, due to the lack of sufficient data and differences in economic and social structures. It is important to measure the extent of inequality to understand the growth trajectories of these economies and the...

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The Inclusive Development Index 2018

Resources - Year: 2018

The Inclusive Development Index (IDI) is an annual assessment of 103 countries’ economic performance that measures how countries perform on eleven dimensions of economic progress in addition to GDP. It has 3 pillars; growth and development; inclusion and; intergenerational equity – sustainable stewardship of natural and financial resources. The...

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Turning Promises into Action: gender equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Asad Zaman, Ginette Azcona, Jessamyn Encarnacion, Juncal Plazaola Castaño, Norberto Rodrigues, Papa Seck, Sara Duerto Valero, Shahra Razavi, Silke Staab / Year: 2018

This report provides a comprehensive and authoritative assessment of progress, gaps and challenges in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals from a gender perspective. It monitors global and regional trends in achieving the SDGs for women and girls based on available data, and provides practical guidance for the implementation of...

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Girls’ Rights are Human Rights: An in-depth study of the status of girls in the international human rights framework

Resources - Author: Anne-Claire Blok, Hannah Pehle / Year: 2017

Girls’ rights are human rights. Yet, millions of girls continue to struggle to claim their rights. Girls are disproportionally disadvantaged in education, health, work and family life – particularly in the world’s poorest countries. When factors like poverty, ethnicity or disability intersect and where gender stereotyping and unequal power...

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Arab Horizon 2030: Prospects for Enhancing Food Security in the Arab Region

Resources - Author: David Sedik, Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed al-Hamdi, Panos Konandreas, Reem Nejdawi, Susan Razzaz / Year: 2017

Food security is universally recognized as paramount to human well-being. But what exactly does it mean, and what is required to achieve food security? A comprehensive definition put forward by the World Food Summit in 1996 holds that “food security [is] a situation that exists when all people, at...

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World Employment Social Outlook: Trends (2018)

Resources - Year: 2018

This report analyses key job quality indicators, devoting particular attention to informality, underemployment and temporary employment. It also takes stock of structural sectoral shifts and ageing, two long-term trends likely to add further pressures on the labour...

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Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe

Resources - Author: Freek Spinnewijn, Manuel Domergue, Marc Uhry, Maria-José Aldanas, Ruth Owen, Sarah Coupechoux / Year: 2017

Since 2015, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre have released a yearly Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe. These annual reports look at the latest Eurostat data (EU-SILC) and assess EU countries’ capacity to adequately house their populations. The 2017 version reveals alarming evidence of rising homelessness across the majority of...

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Towards a Better Future for Women and Work: voices of women and men

Resources - Year: 2017

ILO, in collaboration with Gallup, surveyed men and women in 2016 to understand their perceptions about women and work. The results, based on interviews with nearly 149,000 adults in 142 countries and territories, suggest that women might find support in their quest for productive employment and decent work coming...

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Social Protection and Human Rights