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A Case for Institutional Demand as Effective Social Protection: supporting smallholders through procurement and food assistance programmes

Resources - Author: Ana Carla Miranda, Andrew Howe, Ryan Nehring / Year: 2017

This paper focuses on the rationale for state-based market interventions to support smallholder production along with some case studies that follow the evolution and impact of what we call “institutional demand” policies. Institutional demand is an intervention that aims to improve regional markets by establishing coordinated purchases for regional...

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WHO QualityRights Guidance and Training Tools

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As part of the QualityRights Initiative, WHO has developed a comprehensive package of training and guidance modules. The modules can be used to build capacity among mental health practitioners, people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, people using mental health services, families, care partners and other supporters, NGOs, DPOs...

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Universal Old Age and Disability Pensions

Resources - Author: André F. Bongestabs / Year: 2016

Despite being one of the youngest and poorest countries of the region, Timor-Leste has offered a universal social pension to its senior citizens and persons with disabilities since 2008. Almost all persons above 60 years and about one in five persons with disabilities participate in the scheme. The pensions...

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Making Public Works Inclusive

Resources - Year: 2017

The video provides insight into the pilot project “Making Public Works Inclusive” implemented in 2016 in Dedza District in Malawi´s Central Region. The video explains the approach the pilot has taken on including persons with disabilities in Malawi´s national Public Works Programme. Central and district level stakeholders as well...

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Towards Universal Health Care in Emerging Economies: Opportunities and Challenges

Resources - Author: Ana Luiza d’Ávila Viana, Ankita Gandhi, Armando de Negri Filho, Asep Suryahadi, Athia Yumna, Ben Fine, Elizabeth Koechlein, Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Hudson Pacífico da Silva, Ilcheong Yi, Julia Buxton, Kinglun Ngok, Linda J. Cook, Marcus André Melo, Mingqiang Li, Neha Kumra, Piya Hanvoravongchai, Prapaporn Tivayanond Mongkhonvanit, Rebecca Surender, Santosh Mehrotra, Shufang Zhang, Stein Ringen, Susanne MacGregor, Vita Febriany, William Hsiao / Year: 2017

This book explores how political, social, economic and institutional factors in eight emerging economies have combined to generate diverse outcomes in their move towards universal health care. Structured in three parts, the book begins by framing social policy as an integral system in its own right. The following two...

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Lessons for the Universalization of Health Care in Emerging Economies

Resources - Year: 2017

This webinar explores the opportunities and challenges facing developing countries as they seek to expand and universalize their health care systems. Universal health care was once a central pillar of the welfare state, but the rise of neoliberalism in international policy discourse and practice eroded the support for universal...

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Targeting Farmers in Institutional Procurement Programmes: case study of the PAA Africa Programme in Senegal

Resources - Author: Abdoulaye Thiam, Israel Klug, Rosana Pereira de Miranda / Year: 2017

In general terms, this case study aims to analyse the system used by the PAA Africa programme in Senegal to target family farms producing rice in the Kédougou region. More specifically, it aims to highlight the way the targeting process influenced the results and constraints observed during the programme’s...

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Fostering Food Purchase Programmes in Widespread Poverty Contexts: targeting smallholders within the PAA Africa Programme in Niger

Resources - Author: Amadou Diop, Israel Klug, Rosana Pereira de Miranda / Year: 2017

The overall objective of this case study is to present the approach adopted by the PAA Africa programme in the Nigerien context, the programmatic decisions taken to adapt the local purchases to the local context, and the associated challenges Its specific objective is to provide a detailed description of...

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Social Protection and Climate Change: How did the Philippines combine emergency relief with lasting protection after Haiyan?

Resources - Year: 2017

In the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines’ Integrated Livelihood and Emergency Employment Program (DILEEP) provided emergency employment opportunities to affected populations, and affiliated participants to several social insurance schemes. Nearly 80,000 programme participants received immediate relief after the typhoon struck in 2013, and were enrolled in the national...

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Social Protection, Migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Elisa Mosler Vidal, Georgina Sturge, Jessica Hagen-Zanker / Year: 2017

This briefing considers the extent to which international labour migrants are covered by social protection, and the implications this has for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). More specifically, this brief shows that social protection coverage of international labour migrants varies considerably, and outlines how this has...

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The Right to Land and Livelihoods in India

Legal depository - Country: India / Body: Supreme Court of India / Year: 2016

This case focuses on the compulsory acquisition of land by the State of West Bengal for a car manufacturing unit under the auspices of “public purpose”. The Supreme Court of India determined that the acquisition had not been for a public purpose, but for the benefit of a company,...

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Health for All, All for Health: lessons from the universalization of health care in emerging economies 

Resources - Author: Ilcheong Yi, Kelly Stetter / Year: 2017

Achieving universal health coverage is integral to the central pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to “leave no one behind”. Meeting this target is about more than just having enough resources to incrementally expand health coverage to the entire population. This Brief provides policy makers with evidence-based...

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Social Protection and Human Rights