eGov4women Online Toolkit – Unit 2: Incorporating a gender lens in e-service delivery
The eGov4women is a public resource on the design and implementation of gender-responsive e-government institutional ecosystems. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by UN Member States in 2015 affirms that “the spread of information and communication technology and global interconnectedness has great potential to accelerate human progress, to...
Read MoreElectronic payment for cash transfer programmes: Cutting costs and corruption or an idea ahead of its time?
There is growing interest in the use of electronic payment (e-payment) systems in cash transfer programmes. When cash is transferred to beneficiaries through e-payment technologies such as mobile phone accounts or smartcards, there is potential to cut costs and reduce corruption compared with physical payment methods. E-payment systems can...
Read MoreISSA Guidelines on Information and Communication Technology
The ISSA Guidelines on Information and Communication Technology address the issues related to the management and implementation of ICT systems and provide guidance to support social security institutions in carrying out ICT-related activities. Its main goals are to promote the effectiveness and reliability of social security services, as well...
Read MoreInformation and Communication Technology: Facilitating innovative social security
The objective of this issue is to highlight four sustainable and positive contributions that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is making to social security; to summarize the challenges of putting in place and managing effective ICT and to identify key elements to the successful implementation of ICT solutions. Link...
Read MoreElectronic methods of administration and payment
The use of information communication technology (ICT) in social security administration is increasing worldwide. E-services can facilitate access and the extension of coverage, the delivery of benefits, contribution collection and other administrative processes. At the same time, the introduction of electronic methods poses some challenges, especially in countries with...
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