Shaping the future of social protection: access, financing and solidarity
The proposals put forward in this document are designed to build bridges between social rights and policy guidelines aimed at making them more enforceable through improved access, better financing and greater solidarity. To this end, the study devotes particular attention to some of the main issues relating to social protection, such as the reform and design of health and pension systems, taking into consideration both labour market dynamics and the countries’ fiscal capacities. Programmes aimed at providing support to society’s poorest groups are also examined. The analyses offered here are thus intended to delineate some of the issues that should be encompassed by a new social covenant founded upon the right to social protection.
Related Key Issues
Sustainable financing and sound delivery structures are key factors for the performance of the social protection system: The best policy design and legal framework become meaningless if not backed by sound structures for their financing and implementation. Ensuring a financially sustainable and equitable social protection system remains a challenge especially in developing countries with limited […]